Thursday, December 15, 2011

Almost Break Time~

I am now silently waiting for my Winter Break to come~ I did all the work I can for the project, I studied hard for the science test I am bound to fail since I already did fail the multiple choice part (I checked the answers for the questions I remembered), and now I will silently sit in the corner and reflect on my poor grades. :) I have epically asian failed the first term of Gr 9. QQ AHHHHH SNIFFLES.... I tried my best, I guess that's what counts right? Bla. I don't even want to think about the work I have to fit in during the break either. It's mainly just the Science Fair. Bla. I'm very very VERY tired now. Mainly from skating. ;) OH and I finally somewhat taught April how to skate. At least in the end she let go of the cone. :D YAY~~~ A lot of people didn't come though... Some people I saw on the way over to the skating rink but I guess they went somewhere else when they got off the bus. :/ Oh wells. I'm going to go worry about the science test again. :D BOO. Oh and turns out April was my secret santa~~~ She got me these 2 pairs of earrings, one of which is a pair of PENGUINS. HAHAHAHAHAHA PENGUINS. >:D Yeaup, that means I can't chicken out of my ear piercing this weekend. Wish me luck. QQ

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Concert~

So very sorry about not writing yesterday's blog. >.< I got home pretty late because of the concert so bla. >:| Yeah, I didn't have enough time to study for science and I'm quite sure that I failed today's test since I had no idea what most of those words were. All throughout the test I was going WHAT IS THIS???? Anyways DEPRESSION T^T On the other hand let me tell you this awesome thing that happened yesterday. You know that Ding Fries Are Done song right? You know, the awesomely awesome song that I posted a while ago? Yea well the choir sang the actual version of that song (since it was a parody :D). So as soon as they began the nanananana part I started to giggle. Then as the song progressed I had to work very berry hard just to make my laughing unnoticeable. You see, the Ding Fries Are Done Song is very special to me. I always dreamed of someone playing the real version and then we can just sing along with the fries lyrics. OMG IT CAME TRUE~~~~ LALALAA I did quietly sing along with Grace although it was hard cause of the laughing XD

Monday, December 12, 2011

Work Complete?

I'm going to have to write a very short blog today since my head is pounding, my eyes are red and my entire body is frozen. I don't feel the best and I think I may have caught a cold due to the fact that there is NO HEATING in my apartment building. I m freezing cold right now and the fact that I have to stay up to do homework because I have to be at a concert tomorrow does not improve my mood. In fact I kinda want to tear something in two right now. I don't usually act this way unless in great anger. Well I wont say anger but irritated. RAWR RAWR RAWR RAR I'm jut hoping that everthings finally done. If you saw the non spelling corrected version of this you would find that everything is spelt wrong lol I'm sorry. I will go work and sleep. RAWR I WANT TO SLEEEEEEEEEEP.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Working But Not Much Was Done QQ

Today I sat down in front of the computer ready to do work. Wait just a sec before I go on, you see how I said computer instead of desk? Technology these days.... Anyways so I sat down and I worked and worked and worked. But I look back on it now and it seems like nothing was done! That is some scary stuff..... It's like there's this magical force that made it so minimal.... YES I BELIEVE IN MYSTERIOUS FORCES. It's how penguins got to Antarctica after all. ;D Well other than that, I now know what I will be doing during the Winter break. When I am not slaving over the stove, I will be complaining about how much my ears hurt. :) Confused? Let me explain the wonders of my mind~ First my ears would be hurting because I'm getting them pierced. Yeaup. I'm getting second thoughts already to be honest... NON COMMITMENT DEAR PENGUINI. Lol and I would be slaving over the stove since I have many cooking adventures ahead of me. First the many desserts and beverages for the festive parties and then pizza. Yes pizza. I made it once before and it turned out quite nicely. :) But now I have a better technique for making the dough extra nice and soft~ :D Well I should go finish more work. I bid you adieu C:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Slacked Off...

I get it now.... The irony, yeah since usually I'm the one that's so busy. OHHHH. Sorry I'm kind of slow at this. >.< So is my working speed on just everyday things. I feel really guilty though. First about complaining that my mom is so busy now, when it's usually me and second I had a whole quarter of Saturday to do work and I did MUCH less than I expected... So I'm going to have to work EXTRA EXTRA hard tomorrow to finish everything,. Yeaups. I'm really looking forward to the terrific Winter Break that is almost upon us. <3 I'm gonna learn how to cook much more than just desserts, pasta and pizza. That's pretty much all I can make at the moment. QQ I'm not sure why but I have taken up a great interest in the culinary arts~ I will practice my kitchen skills during the break when I'm not at parties. XD Hey, I can bring some of my goods to them. Heheheheh let's hope no one gets food poisoning. XD As for right now I'm mentally making a plan of how my day is going to go tomorrow. Then I will LIVE by that schedule and FINISH everything!!!!!! I'm tired now... My eyes are getting swollen too. QQ I will go to sleep so tomorrow my brain will be energized enough to do lots and lots of work so I won't have to stay up late during those school nights. XD

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Working Away

Sigh, I can't ever seem to find a time for my mom to sit down and do the empathy blogs with me.... The times I remember to ask she is very berry busy and when she is not ( which is quite rare actually) I FORGET. Ever since she took up the online marketing thing as more than just a place for some personal shopping but as an extra income, her life has become busy busy busy. She had to cancel one of her "convention" study trips since I have a concert next Tuesday. XD Anyways, I respect her hard work. Oui. So I must schedule a time. Bla. Anyways, today I have been very berry busy as well. QQ I didn't even get to take my little break I usually do when I first get home. The tradition for Winter is the minute I get home I make myself a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, plop myself on the couch, and watch the educational show Spongebob. Today I had to SKIP my ritual... It is a sad day when my ritual is skipped. At least I finished more things on my to do list. I do have to do a little shopping for supplies since I now have 3 projects to work on. I'm not even including Science Fair . I should but it seems more like part of my school life.... I do not enjoy it though. I really don't. If it wasn't for marks I probably would but you know, THE PRESSURE. I tend to crack under pressure. QQ I must return to my hive to work now, au revoir ~~ :D

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More Work To Do

Big sigh, my little time of break has ended. Once again I must go work instead of sit on my couch. I really want to finish all my project work all in this week so I can SLEEP during the weekend. :) Here's my plan so far. Tomorrow I will first type out a few things that I need to finish my French project since we have to do the work at class but we can type the stuff at home. It is somewhat complicated. :) It shouldn't take too long since it's just typing right? Lol okies XD After that I will work hard on umm ENGLISH PROJECT. I almost forgot about that... Yeaup so my group would have figured out what to do by then so I can start le work~ If there's time I'll squeeze in some time to work on my notes for the new Socials project that was assigned. :) I gotta start my science fair experiments too... Meh, I'll do that during the break. :D Lol I procrastinate. :/

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Little Day For Relaxing

I am quite comfortable at the moment sitting on my couch writing to you using the magnificent penguin technology of telpathy. Oui us penguins are just that much more "advanced" than the humans. >:) Mwahahahaha!!!! Rawrs. Yes so as I was saying, I am very berry comfortable and to be honest, not that worried about too much. Just quietly waiting for Winter Break to come along~ Me and my friends are thinking of going to downtown to this nice little Italian restaurant to eat what other than PASTAAAAA~~~ Yeah.... I REALLY LOVE PASTA. Please don't run away. QQ I am a lonely penguin at heart... Oh which reminds me, I MUST watch Happy Feet 2 one way or the other since it is my lawful duty as a penguin to do so. *Insert nod to add importance here* I'm trying my best not to think of school tooooo much since I am trying to get into the holiday spirit and start baking green cookies that will probably kill who ever that eats them. :) It's sad that most of the hats will have to finished this week though... That's gonna be hard and tiring to do... Oh and as for the parent empathy blogs, I will have to find a time when both of me and my mom is free. I was plannin to start today but she said she was busy. It's too bad.... QQ

Monday, December 5, 2011


I don't know why, but for the past few days I have been extremely sleepy. Not just a little doze kind of sleepy either. It's more of a sits down somewhere and fall asleep sleepy. :) RAWR. I think I'm getting enough.... I make up for it on the weekends so it should work right? Or is there a rule against that? I don't know but I DO know I need sleep. Yes I said this a lot but it's really starting to show now (apparently). My eyes are red, I have huge bags under my eyes and I get headaches a lot now. QQ I might have a cold too but I don't have any other symptoms. XD Well, I should be able to get TONS of sleep after tomorrow. :D At least that's what I hope to do....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Regular Sunday Time

Today was just a regular Sunday. :) Not much happened other than relaxation and some time to catch up my sleepy time hours which are WAY behind by the way. I'm thinking of making like a sleep chart so I make sure I get enough sleep... Am I too concerned over the amount of sleep I get? Yeah, I probably am but that's fine~~~ Think of it as a hobby? Yeah alrighty makes me sound more normal owo' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just laugh off the awkwardness. o.o Oh my friend and "daughter" (in the penguin royal family of course, it's messed so please don't ask about it since it may take forever just to explain the generation that is happening right now and no one is actually related in anyway, the penguin may be father and a mother to another penguin it's messed I'm sorry and I will stop this run-on sentence now) made this sign to relieve awkwardness in daily life. It's just the quotation marks but when you use your hands to do it. I'm not the best at explaining... I'm sorry. QQ On a completely different topic, I'm thinking of taking up cooking during the Winter Break. You know since I do need something to do between my daily naps and what better than FOOD. Of course my mom won't make THAT much for me so I guess I'll just do it myself. >.< I'm just hoping I don't poison anyone. LOL JUST KIDDING. Actually no I am quite serious... I don't cook often. I'll tell you about my experience with kitchen fires after I cook once. :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Creative Juices Gone, Can't Think Of A Title

My brain is quite dead right now. I had a perfect idea of what i was going to write this morning. I rememer that something quite awesome happened but now POOF. All gone... Everything, my "perfectly" planned out blog GONE. i guess that it happens. XD Well , I will talk about random stuff that I remember then. First off I'm getting more used to using my phone for blogging. :D My mom's using my main computer so yea... Oh and we're supposed to do the next empathy blogs with our parents, oui? I also managed to get wifi in school somehow on my phone~~~~~ Sadly it doesn't work in the new wing... Too bad QQ My shoulder's hurting a lot right now. I think it's cuz I was sitting in this weird pose for a long time on the couch lol. Good news that I almost forgot~ I have a very relaxed weekend today~~~~ I don't even have homework other than some math as well as some math tutoring from my mom. XD Yeah, I'm not doing too well in the class. I have officially asian failed... Actually Im not sure yet... Hahahaha theres still hope! I love how this blog has no topic. XD Just a long rambling on my day from the brain of a penguin ~ I'm going to stop now and find a way to fix my hurting shoulder. :) Whoa that makes me sound like a robot... o.o

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Record Time~

Today was not that bad a day other than the fact that I have a fever from my shots. QQ To start, I FOUND MY DEADLY EXPENSIVE SOCIALS BOOK~~~~ Lalalalalala WOOOOO. Well, my good friend April found it for me then recognized my chicken scratches (my writing is really bad especially when i use a thin pen lol) and was like I FOUND YOUR BOOK! YOU OWE ME A COOKIE! Tough life. But a now wonderful~ Lol i just realized how much my mood changed. Heh. It's very like me actually. Not too good for other people considering they're the ones who has to deal with it. XD Well, another good thing that happened. Was that I managed to finish my English project all in ONE day, that's right ONE! Hahahahaha, no idea how my group managed to pull it off. But it happened! I am extremely happy about that since this is the fastest I have ever worked. EVER. Phew. My head's starting to hurt now. QQ Well, I'm gonna go head off to bed as soon as I finish the Science homework I forgot about. Hopefully by tomorrow my fever's gone. :)