Monday, November 22, 2010

Totally Confused

I'm so confused on many things today. Mostly on the Go Workbook and the brain project. Also confused on other stuff but they're not that big. I'll figure those out by tomorrow. Few questions today, I think you saw this one coming when you read the title. First thing, I still don't know what to do for the family reflections part of the Go Program so I didn't do any of them. I also don't know how we're supposed to post the Get Go either. I just wrote that stuff in my agenda or sometimes in a notebook. Second, are we supposed to finish the worksheet we got today for next time? I also don't really know how I'm going to narrow the topic down. I'm doing phobias and I can find lots of info for that but when I narrow it down to a specific type of phobia like apiphobia (a fear of bees which I have) I can't find anything. That's pretty much all the questions. Not many if you think about it. I guess it really depends on how you look at it. Bla... I'm so tired right now. Oh well... BEDTIME! :)

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