Tuesday, May 31, 2011

French Oral Exams...

Today I am worrying about something I usually don't worry about. French. I usually do quite good in the class, not much studying is required. Then BAM. I find out that there are ORAL EXAMS. To tell you the truth, I'd much rather just hand-write it. I can't think of the correct phrase to answer with on the spot. I require time and I need to write it out then read. T^T I can't think properly when I'm put on the spot. I need TIME. And a lot of it. I'm also having a little bit of trouble understanding some of the harder questions... :'( Sigh, sigh, sigh. I think that they're next week on Wednesday. Maybe earlier... :O AHHHHHHH worry worry... I'm going to have to do a lot of studying this week...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Resting With a Twist

Yes, technically I was resting all day today. Here's the twist, that doesn't mean i didn't do any homework. ;D It's just that the homework I did isn't exactly "sit down and do work" work. It's more like the kind that is relaxing. Example, most of my day today was used up by reading. Not just reading, reading as in just doing it for fun. Yes, indeed it is fun but it's also my English homework. AHhhhhhh, see what I did there?? Actually that's my best example other than knitting. :D That's right, I didn't forget about that. I've been working on my scarves everytime I watch TV or read. :D Oh yeah another piece of news that I'm very, berry happy about. I FINALLY GOT SOME DONATIONS FOR BUSKERFEST. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! Hahahaha celebrate~~~ 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Group Test

Yes, apparentally a "group test" is possible. The traditional only work with yourself rule of tests have been thrown right out the window and now the brand new age of group tests are emerging. A time to share ideas, work together, and SYNERGIZE. :DDDDDDDDDDD Hahahaha, it's also a lot easier than taking a regular written test. Not to mention more fun as well. XD So I guess you can say that I've become quite fond of them. :P Seriously, I never would've thought that taking a test in a group is ALLOWED at school. 8D This only proves how less I know of Churchill laws. Ahhhh, I'm just glad that the "test" is over with and I have less things to do. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sorrys with a Chance of Test Grief

Soooooo very sorry for not writing my blogs for a little while... SOOOOO VERY SORRY for that. I sincerely apologize. In my defense, I had many things to do and I wanted to slack off. I mean, rest. :D Hahahahaha, you did NOT just hear that ok? >.> All righty then. :D you probably already heard of the complaints of the tests and quizzes and all of that other work that's just piled on us poor students, right? Well, I'm going to complain more! >:D JUST KIDDING! I'm just too evil for my own good. 8D But seriously, these tests and work has given me a TON of grief. I spent almost 5 hours studying and I feel like I didn't remember anything. And that's just for ONE of my MANY tests. T^T Ughhhhh... I just want to go to sleep. And forget all about the tests... Too bad that's just a far away dream huh? Ughhhhh... I'm going to go get a snack to eat now. Preferably something sugary. Like CANDY. OR CHOCOLATE... Mmmmmm, I love chocolate... So yummy. :D

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Days of Peaceful Resting

Lalalalalallllalaa. My absolute favourite thing to do in the whole wide world, nothing. Yay!!! :DDDD So peaceful, so easy to do. And more importantly, so RELAXING. So how I spent this long weekend? Why, none other thaan plopping down on my nice,coooomfy couch to watch TV and SLEEP!!! OHOOHOHOHHOHOHOHO~~~So yea... Story of my life huh? That and the obvious PROCRASTINATION. Oh, that reminds me... I still have to finish all of my school homework due Tuesday. All of that I'll have to do tomorrow... T^T I'm sad now. Oh weeellll, I might as well just enjoy the rest of today. Tehn put off the work till tomorrow. :DDDD NOOOO!!! Bad Pepe, I shouldn't be putting it off anymore!!! But I'm really tired.=.='' Then again, sleep always comes first. :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Poem Book.... FINI!

Yes. That is very well correct. My little poem book that has been giving soooooo very much grief is FINI. FINISHED!!! Yes what seemed like DAYS of hard (somewhat un-concentrated) work, it is finally completed and ready to be handed in the very next day. I have no idea why I'm using the word "very" so many times today. I guess I'm just that happy. :D At least there's one less thing on my to do list now. What's the other things on that list? Well, let's see... IT'S CONFIDETIAL!! MWAHAHAHAHAH >:D Yep, I'm that evil!! >:D I'm a evil little weevil. hahahhaha. Anyways, I'm going to go celebrate by sleeping now. So good bye!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Public Transit!

So yes, I'm writing about Friday's events the day after only because... Nah, no reason. Just felt like it I guess. :D Well, what is there to say except, me taking public transit without a map or someone telling me when to get off equals getting glost. Yes, not just lost, GLOST. I actually have no idea what the letter G stands for. It was just a typo that sorta sounded like a real word. Hahahahahahaha. Anyways, ahem. The Seabus, didn't actually smell like SEA!!! I got very inaccurate information from a friend that "always" takes public transit. Info = WRONG, INCORRECT. Hahahah for once I'm right about something. Let us remember this fateful day. So me and public transit is ok now. WE aren't enemies anymore YaY!! But now my memory is failing me. I watched a series of EXTREMELY funny clips about this cat, and yes it's animated, and I FORGOT the NAME of the SERIES. Now I'm off to go find it. As soon as I find it I will start posting up the website and videos. So funny. I guarrantee it. Ok, maybe not. But if you're anything like me, even just a teeny bit, it will be pure gold. :3

Friday, May 13, 2011


This was written in YESTERDAY's point of view
So yes, Blogger's not working and I'm very mad. That does not mean I'll just wait. NOOOO. I will just send it without Blogger. Yeah, TAKE THAT BLOGGER!!!! >:) Uhhhh.... I don't want to wait. I want to play tic tac toe on my blog website... T^T I am finally able to beat the computer 2 times in a row. I can usually win only if I go first though. :DDDD Well, not much to say today. I'm going to leave all of the field trip info blogging for when Blogger gets back online. So yes, you have to wait too!!! >:D Am I not evil? :D Just one quick question. Is it ok if I just hand in the field trip form tomorrow right before the field trip??? I looked into the classroom on today and NO ONE. Except some other teacher. I'll attach a scanned version to this email. Just in case. :D By the way, I uploaded it using Paint. I dunno anything else. :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Slowpoke and The Waiting Person

Somewhat obviously, the slowpoke is my INCREDIBLY slow computer and I am the somewhat patient waiting person. BUT I CAN'T BE PATIENT FOR VERY LONG. The most is around like... a minute. :D Yes, yes I see how some people might just lump me in with the "impatient" people. I like to classify myself as the dignified somewhat patient people. :DDDDD Anyways, my computer is driving me CRAZY. At the moment I'm forced to use my classified and "emergency" netbook. So yes, waiting. and waiting. Occasionaly slapping the computer as "punishment". Right now it's getting a time-out. :D

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Extra Extra! Breaking news! Lost agenda since ummmm... Friday! Yes, what you have just heard id true. I... have... lost... my... one...and... only... AGENDA!!!! T^T All of my master genius plans, EXPOSED!!!! fsgssdgssdgfsndgofd THIS IS TRAGIC!!!!! And yes, I have looked for it. After I found out I went to check my Math class (I had it in that class, I remember writing a schedule for when I get home), then my Socials class and finally I went to ask the office. NOTHING. ZIP! The poor thing disappeared into thin air! Although, my best guess is that I dropped it during lunch when I went to get my things. My backpack was really well um PACKED and full so I guess I took it out, put it onto the floor and then forgot to put little agenda back in! Hmmm yes, that seems quite logic. Well, I guess I'll just ask a few of my friends of they seen it tomorrow on Monday. :) But until then, I got myself a replacement agenda. :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Faux Fire?

BLINGGGGRINGIRINGIRNGIRNGINRING. In case you haven't figured it out, that's my imitation of a fire alarm going on typed. This is the exact (well, maybe not my imitation is not that good) same sound i heard approximately for 20 minutes. Why? Well, what other reason than the fire alarm going off??? Exactly. this wasn't the first time that happened. This is honestly I think around the 3rd time it happened in this exact same building within the time that I lived here. Whoa, the sentence sounds so weird... Sorry off topic. Anyways, it's not fun standing around outside watching the firemen look everywhere. Here's a sneak peek in my mind. I REALLY do think that someone just accidentally pulled the alarm. one of the three times, that's what happened. The other was an actual real fire. Well, maybe not fire. Just a whole lot of smoke. Luckily, everything's fine and there's nothing for me to worry about in my dreams about the building burning down. :) Althought I might dream of my socials test coming to life and eating me. O.O We'll see what happens. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I fell pretty "lucky" today even though that today might've not been the absolute best day ever. I'm just glad that the TEST giving me all that grief and stress is indeed POSTPONED. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love how that sounds. BIG TEST POSTPONED!!!!!!! This is the time for a nice celebration SONG~~~~ Yes!!! I don't have a test tomorrow~~~ I don't have to die tomorrow~~~ I... DONT HAVE TO GIVE UP SLEEP~~!~!~ The end. Anyways, this is basically just me ranting on and on about how glad I am that the test is POSTPONED. Although there is always that bit of doubt... But this is my one and only hope so I'm hanging on to it. :) @}~  Yes, I have just figured out how to make a little rose. C: Ok, that's about it. All that's left to say is GOOD NIGHT.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This is the email I just got from Stress: "Heyy Pepe!!! I just realized that you're due for this week's stress. SO here I am. I think I was supposed to come by yesterday but I was on vacation so I'm here to give you 100 times more stress than I intended to. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! >:) From your friend, STRESS.
I'M NOT HAPPY THAT STRESS CAME. Now I am sSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO incredibly STRESSED. What to stress about you might as well ask. Let-eth me list-eth the ways. NUMBA ONE. This is the very central and main point of stress. MIDDLE AGES TEST ON WEDNESDAY. Let me just say that I'm not good at test preparation. Not good at it at all. But I usually get by. This time I don't count on that happening. I took a peek at the text bok today. TOO MUCH INFO, TOO MUCH INFO. That's what my brain started to shout after maybe 2 pages. RAWR. I am sad. I am mad. I am a tad sad and mad. Teehee. Rhyming relieves stress for me, ok? Now that I feel relaxed, I don't want to think about the things that make me stressed. So I'll give you a few hints and you can figure it our you're self. Presentation in a foreign language that has not been memorized (due TOMORROW) and MUCH MORE HOMEWORK.