This is most definately NOT one of good days :/ The only good news I really have is that I found my French textbook. As for my Socials textbook, someone else still has it. I lent it to someone last week and they haven't returned it yet... I forgot who I gave it to cause of my horrible memory and I was in a huge rush that day. I tried asking everyone who might've borrowed it but every single person said NO. QQ Now I have absolutely no possible idea where my book may be... Maybe the person thought it was their own or returned it. All I know is that the person isnt't in Synergy since I remember being quite shocked that another class is using the same textbook. But now I asked everyone I could think of but NOTHING! Doesn't help that my mom is now extremely mad at me and is no way willing to pay for it if I don't find it... I don't have the money to pay for it either. Since the book isn't published anymore is cost is easily over $100... QQ Any ideas on what I should do? QQ
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Shocking news I have heard today. A friend of my mom's assistant is now in the hospital because of a hit and run.... QQ Apparently her legs now broken into 3 pieces and the skin of her left arm is GONE. OMG that must've been torture.... She's getting surgery now.. And to think that I was worried about my 2 shots for tomorrow. Omg..... And to think I never thought too much about road safety. I'm really freaked now. Which doesn't help with the fact that IMMUNIZATION IS TOMORROW. RAWRS RAWRS RAWR IM GONNA DIE. Yeah, I really hate shots. :/ Having no friends with the same first letter of their last name doesn't help much either. I'm going to have to go through this terrible journey all alone. QQ With no one to help me get over the "seering" pain of a needle penetrating the skin and letting little medicine, weakened version of diseases put in you and I am really just making it worse for myself. QQ No.... relax. Deep breath, wiggly toes. Whew..... Not working. >.< I need Simon's Cat more than ever now. Yes, I'm watching them again. The same videos that made me stay up to 12 to watch them repeatedly. They're back. WHOOO~ There's more now tho. :D This is one of the older ones not to mention the first one I ever watched. <3
Monday, November 28, 2011
A New Start?
IT IS A SO CALLED BRAND NEW TERM~~~ *Insert little party whoop here* So yea, a brand new start some would say. :) Or to people like me who are not doing so well right now and need to quickly bump up their mark, you can also say that it's the end of the world!!!! NUUUUU- Yeah I really need more time. :/ So I am not going to worry about it right now. Lalalalalalala BAM out of sight out of mind. >:) Well, technically its not out of sight since the binders like right there beside me so it cant be out of mind. DARN YOU LOGIC. So anyways let me tell you another amazing discovery I made about my new phone~ Mimi told you about it oui? I do believe so lol kk. turns out I can access and work with Google Docs with my phone from ANYWHERE. OMG YESH ITS TRUE. So while my mom was using the main computer for her marketing and money making techniques to make us rich (oui its true XD), I somewhat cleverly found a Google Docs app on my phone while I was looking for games. I know, I found something rather different. :D So after the AMAZING discovery, I went OMG and started working with that. Hehehehe and yes I do go OMG when I find something amazing. I gasp in amazement after. :) If there's chocolate, skip all other steps and go straight to eating. So yes, Term 2 is a new beginning I guess. :) Hopefully it will be much better than the last. XD
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms ^-^
Normal Day 2 morning, English then Science. :) We finished watching the movie Galataca (did I spell that right?) in Science but it kept pausing at times. XD Probably something wrong with the disc. I had a photography field trip in the afternoon at the YVR airport. We had a little scavenger hunt where we got a list of items we had to take pictures of . :) I almost got all the pictures but we didn't make it since the elevator door closed. It was pouring on the way back. I didn't have to go back to my classes since it was field trip time so I went to the library and borrowed DEATH NOTE. It was goooood. :) I'm writing an email right now and I have to hold the phone between my shoulder and my ear. It keeps dropping. >.> Sooooo now I am tres tres tired and will therefore go to sleep. >:)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms C:
I slept very late around 1:30 because I had to finish the socials project with le petite Vivian. Turns out we didnt even have to hand it in. >:| Now I am extremely sleep deprived and extremely tired. QQ It was a pretty normal day. Breakfast, Math, French. There wasn't a quiz this class in French so we just did WORK. Oh and I made ANOTHER GREEN MUSHROOM~ Because mushrooms rule the world. When i got home I ate lots of yummies like yogurt and CANDIDE HAW~~~~ Now I have to do finish reading the English book and do the character development "assignment". Boo. Too many characters. :/ I also want to finish reading the Last Hero which is basically a continuation of Percy Jackson. It's a new book but there's connections. :O Yesh, pretty awesome. Now I will wash grapes and eat them. 8D You know cuz i like them. 8| Rawrs, well English time. Hopefully I'll finish. :)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms $.$
So a very busy day today and therefore I am VERY tired. I cannot say what since some things are TOP SECRET. As for right now I am desperately trying to finish homework. Not to mention find Vivian who is NOT picking up her cell phone so I am forced to do the unthinkable and phone that's right her dad. >:O You know, cause we need to finish a top secret socials project. I also have to finish my math homework. :/ Im eating Candied Haw right now. >:) It's also really sticky cause it's candy? Yeah, that makes sense.Here's a picture of just regular haw. :D I also showed Jessie another video about NOPE. That's the title. :) Pay attention to the guy's neck kk? http://www.yout n-zI14&hl=en_US &feature=player _embedded&versi on=3
I'm now showing Jessie all sorts of different tropical fruit. To sum it up, I am very busy now, I hate Math, I hate everything but I will forever love fruit. <3 Oh and yesterday my dad made bread using a bread maker. It was better than mine. >:( His actually tasted soft while mine was.... a rock. That was my day and now I must go spam Carina!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms ^^
Now a journey into the world of Mimi freetime :D This is basically what I find on youtube when I have nothing else to do. Please enjoy this collection of videos. :) If you have a weak heart, watch anyways.
http://ww .com/watc h?v=QEYUd 0rtXpM&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=BYW6C 44zo24&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=B6grE Z-X4nc
http://ww .com/watc h?v=WQO-a OdJLiw&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=dZfmP REbTd8&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=j3S3T xsl2vs&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=hKeJD x-a8JA
http://ww .com/watc h?v=NyiEa SzpdMk
http://ww .com/watc h?v=FmTz8 ahxH0o&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=OZBWf yYtYQY&fe ature=rel ated
http://ww .com/watc h?v=DLmHg VuGx70
http://ww .com/watc h?v=5AeJq yECyiw
http://ww .com/watc h?v=RAQPQ uGGJhM
http://ww .com/watc h?v=AnKys ErG4hA&fe ature=rel ated
I sent all of these to Jessie who wasn't having the most fun Saturday. It was nice tho oui? >:)
I sent all of these to Jessie who wasn't having the most fun Saturday. It was nice tho oui? >:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms >:D
I had a great lunch today, raisin bread and grape juice!!! >:D Now in the morning I had math! The graphing calculator was really fun but sadly we had to draw the graphs. For French we had a test but thankfully it wasn't really hard. :) The sentence I made in French the other day got me PERFECT~ After lunch in Socials, we had to find the 25 worst off countries in the world. I worked with Vivi, we finished most of it such as the criteria. I headed to Applied Skills where I made yes, a PURPLE MUSHROOM!!!!! >:D I tried to make a hamburger but it failed. QQ Hmmm let's see what else? Oh and on the way home I shared the tiny umbrella with Carina. We talked about bunny, turns out she has five fish. Before she had 10 but the big fish ate the small ones. XD So now she's left with 5 big ones. Carina then gave me divine punishment. That was horrible because of the rain. QQ That's basically it. Oui oui. >:)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mimi's Mushrooms :D
First off in the day was English! We started off with the story circle! Shared all the things we did the day before. After the stories was Science! We had to draw the male reproductive system. I coloured mine stripey. >:) I also looked at some of the others, one had a unicorn on the bladder. o.o During lunch, I went over to the old dogpound to get some pizza. Turns out they had AMERICAN QUARTERS. The pepperoni was really good and so was the grape juice. >:D We had PE after lunch and did a 10 minute run in the gym which gave me a big cramp. >.< But basketball made up for it since it was really fun. I was the TALLEST! I rammed into people. >:) Vivian got scared cuz of that~ Photography was really relaxed, we didn't really do much. :) I walked home with Vivian and others. It started pouring after a bit though. >.<
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
EB: Mimi's Mushrooms :D
The life of Mimi Mushroom!!!! First off I encountered a plum. A tasty plum, being me I ATE IT! I also encountered the penguin hat Jennica ordered. The beak looked a LOT like nose. I mean a LOT like it nose. But is wasn't. :) We also had to make some sentences in French using future proche. Here's a sample of the ones I made translated into English "The cat ate the little boy between Vivian and the paper" Nice oui? >:) Jessie showed me the Musical Doodle video today. Let me just say that Gary looked dead to me ok? Yeah, ok he was converted from snail to record player. Look for your self and see the dead Gary Looks like it right? I also walked over Carina today. :D Not to mention becoming statues!!!! People were a bit freaked out but bla. Carina and I also broke a whole bunch of STICKS! They turned into twigs. >:)
Monday, November 14, 2011
So my brilliant adventure that I have so "cleverly" planned is COMPLETE! And I did it with a minimal number of times that I got lost. XD Yeah so I actually missed bowling since I took the bus in the wrong direction.... In my defense I just got off the skytrain and I did not know which way was West. @.@ Hahhahahaha yeahhh. Good times. XD I took a picture of where I got off and turned around :D There was like a group of shops there lols XD I considered eating there but no... Yeaup so after I realized I took the bus in the other direction and ended back where I started so ITS ALL GOOD. :D After that there was no more getting lost since I knew pretty much the rest of the way. Downtown, Metrotown, yeaup. I almost forgot to get off the Skytrain when going to Metro tho. Thankfully my good friend who is also my metaphorical mom at school, Yunyi was there to drag me off with another lecture about why I always get lost. C: Yes and I wasted all my money on food and other stuff that I probably don't need but IT WAS FUN. XD Watching Puss In Boots was also an incredibly good choice. Let me just say that I will NEVER look at Humpty Alexander Dumpty in the same way ever again. o.o
Saturday, November 12, 2011
YESHHHHHH, I HAVE PREVAILED! I have found the elusive MUSHROOM! Turns out she was just away for a while huh. Huh. LAWLS well, at least I know now. :DDDDDD This time I am at fault since I did not get to chat with her while she was online. Bla. Anyways that it for my Missing: Mushroom reports. :D Now I will release one of the songs that I have been memorizing for the past few days. Ladies and gentlemen the one, the ONLY, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS feat. THE SONARS!!!!!! *le sound of clapping*
Friday, November 11, 2011
Looking for friend Mimi, codename Mushroom, Day 2. No sign can be seen according to both Gmail and Facebook messages. Since I have no other way of contacting Mushroom even in these modern times, that would conclude my search report. DOOP. Needless to say, I have seen absolute no sign of Mushroom... I sent her messages but ALAS, no reply. ZIP, ZINCHO. ABSOLUTELY NONE. I feel lonely now... Sniffles. But I will never stop spamming her until she FINALLY replies. Maybe it's just because she's busy and didn't check but still.... Being Mushroom, never a blog missed right? I dunno, I'm guessing. SIGH. RAWR. Ok, I should go back to spamming with the hope of a reply. :/ Oh the other hand, I had a VERY big accomplishment today. I memorized 2 more Spongebob songs. :D First is the BEST DAY EVER~~ and the MUSICAL DOODLE~~ They're pretty awesome. I'll put a link up someday. Or Mushroom can after she goes on. :) LOLS I'm going to go spam her since I apparently think that'll help. :D Kk bye. :)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Question Marks?
Hai hai. :) So I know I'm very inconsistent with blogging, I'm sorry. I forget more than occasionally these days. Today I am mainly confused, I'm not sure what to do exactly for the Empathy blogs. I was hoping to figure it out with my partner the loved mushroom, BUT ALAS. I can't find her. :| I waited on Gmail for HOURS, checking once every few minutes. NO SIGN OF HER. I don't have her phone number, or should I say I had it but then I lost it. Since it was on a piece of paper. Yay. Low tech. :) I have a story on that actually and I'll will tell you it after this important message. So I'm going to start the Empathy blogs tomorrow then, after I try my best to track mushroom down. >:) Okies so low tech vs high tech. Let me just say that it started in French pretty much the first week of school. And yes, I'm telling you this now. :D Okies, so my friend had our presentation script on her iPod while I had mine on good old PAPER. That's right, fancy non? ;) Anyways, my friend accidentally DELETED her script and we had to "share" the script that I thankfully wrote down. I ended up having to try to recite my lines from memory. :/ LOL turned out ok though. XD But after that I have proven that PAPER is one of the best things in the world since of you have it anywhere else, you will eventually delete it by accident. Please ignore what I said in the beginning about losing my friend mushroom's phone number which I wrote on paper. :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Random Singing
I've noticed that recently I have been singing quite a lot. It might be normal if the songs were real legit songs but sadly, at least in most people's eyes, they are unfortunately not. QQ I believe that the songs are just under appreciated. >.< Let's see there's the ever so awesome Ducky Momo and Spongebob. :) And yes I do happen to like the colour yellow. :D I just so happened to grab the newest song to add to the big song marathon that I will hopefully do if not cancelled due to various reasons such as a mysterious disappearance. ANYWAYS, enjoy the song and I will give a complete list of all the songs that I sing. >:)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Plans For Monday
I am FINALLY getting a chance to go bowling. I've been wanting to during the summer but nuuuuu. It didn't happen since I got lazy and everyone was also busy bla bla bla, many more complicated reasons. BUT NOW, the moment I have been waiting for has come and I AM GOING BOWLING. On Monday. :) For the adventure using public transit. :D I never went to the bowling place like that, I usually just have someone drive me there. :D That also means that whoever's driving me will have money and will be able to buy me food! I get hungry. :) It doesn't happen too often so it's fine. Really. :D After bowling and PIZZA or something else at downtown. I know this terrific Italian restaurant on Robson. There was another one somewhere else but sadly I forgot since I fell asleep in the car. Sorry. XD After bowling and LUNCH~~~ We're going to head on over to Metrotown, the closest place with a decent movie theatre. :) What movie you say? I was hoping for Happy Feet 2 since you know PENGUINS. But I'll see what happens. XD
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Late Nights
You know, I just noticed that I missed a lot of blogs. It's getting less and less consistant every day... Is that a bad sign? Sure hope not, I'm asian failing enough subjects already. :P That also explains why I'm staying up so late now. Well that and the fact I don't want to go early to meet the floor as my bed. Ughhh, not exactly helping me sleep either. My back ends up hurting in the morning. Blah. I'm not sure I want to do that last step. I might sleep by the open window but plz oh please not outside. Who knows, I have high sleep standards so I might turn into a zombie and eat other people's brains during the night! It's possible!!!! :O So other than that I am desperately to bump up all my B's that I am currently getting this term. So far it is not going too well. Sighh... I try. I study a lot and not just on one day now. It's more like 2. But I try!! That's the main idea right? RAWR. I'm going to go back to taking notes now. I bid you farewell until tomorrow since I will, and I WILL, remember to blog and spaz about my life once again. Au revoir :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Preparing For the Night
For once I'm not exactly looking forward to going to bed. I'm used to my hotel quality mattress with my comfy pillows and warm blankets. QQ Not to mention the warm stream of air coming from the heater beside my bed too. I am NOT ready to give it up. Noonononononono. Sadly, I must. It is a somewhat noble deed that I must accomplish to feel the empathy. RAWRS. When I get older, I am seriously getting each and every homeless person I meet a heater and a nice warm sleeping bag with comfy pillows. That is if I have the money. :) And I WILL. I WILL. RAWRS ok, people are counting on me to get them heaters and pillows, gotta start working harder now. Ughhh, nuuuu I don't even want to start thinking about day 6. No bed, no heater, outside ( well, I dun have a balcony so Imma just sleep by the window :D) and COLD. COLD!!! I hope my cold doesn't get worse. My head hurts... RAWRS. I just noticed I'm saying that a lot today. Rawr. Teehee, ok, my bed with no blanket is waiting. QQ
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Working Day
As you know, today was Take Your Kids To Work Day. This famous day is also known as an opportunity to see what it is like in a working environment or to the students a day to miss school and it won't even count. :D As for me, I got to go with my mom to the hotel she works at, Holiday Inn Vancouver Airport. I think that's the full name, anyways so I got to go sit around in the office with her as well as her assistant in the morning. Now my mom is an accountant so you can expect working with spreadsheets, doing ton of math ( bleh), and or course COUNTING MONEY!!! WOOOT. That is like one of my hobbies, since I went there more than once. XD No really, the bills that the hotel has are so crisp. And new~~ So nice.... Anyways, so the inside story? Well, I carefully observed some other things my mom did today. First she opened Firefox and checked her stocks, then her e-mail, then the news. After being satisfied with that, work can begin. Make sure to repeat this process every 10 - 20 minutes. :) You know I might not mind that being my job. Actually no, I can't stand doing math all day. :/
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