Shocking news I have heard today. A friend of my mom's assistant is now in the hospital because of a hit and run.... QQ Apparently her legs now broken into 3 pieces and the skin of her left arm is GONE. OMG that must've been torture.... She's getting surgery now.. And to think that I was worried about my 2 shots for tomorrow. Omg..... And to think I never thought too much about road safety. I'm really freaked now. Which doesn't help with the fact that IMMUNIZATION IS TOMORROW. RAWRS RAWRS RAWR IM GONNA DIE. Yeah, I really hate shots. :/ Having no friends with the same first letter of their last name doesn't help much either. I'm going to have to go through this terrible journey all alone. QQ With no one to help me get over the "seering" pain of a needle penetrating the skin and letting little medicine, weakened version of diseases put in you and I am really just making it worse for myself. QQ No.... relax. Deep breath, wiggly toes. Whew..... Not working. >.< I need Simon's Cat more than ever now. Yes, I'm watching them again. The same videos that made me stay up to 12 to watch them repeatedly. They're back. WHOOO~ There's more now tho. :D This is one of the older ones not to mention the first one I ever watched. <3
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