To all those wonderful people who made Monopoly and the Game of Life, you are simply geniuses... How do you come up with all of these events?! My brain has sadly dried up and all those ideas I had yesterday are gone. POOF all gone... I decided to make a game for the English project along with my dear friend Celinna :D It turned out to be a lot more difficult than expected... QQ If only I can just go find one of those designers to help us. XD How fabulous would that be??? :) Welllllll I don't really have that ability. :/ Hehehehe how i wish I did. =w = Oh that makes me want to talk about the French movie I watched today. XD So jealous of that kid... LOL I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. :) As for now I must go back to mass producing cards. I will see you tomorrow~
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Today was quite meh. Nothing extremely good happened while nothing extremely bad happened. :/ It was just very meh. I managed to get everything done and somewhat ready for tomorrow and that's pretty much it. Didn't even procrastinate today. for some strange reason I just went straight to work when I got home... I think I may be sick. Anyways~ Today just seemed to ordinary... Sigh. Well I am hoping that my PE teacher decides to test for vaults instead of cancelling it. You see, that may the one and only thing that I can say "I am prepared to be tested" For all of the other ones I just kinda try and hope it looked "presentable". I got pretty lucky so far XD. WOOT. Well I'll be heading off to bed now. :) Tomorrow I will start my Science Fair for sure. :D If I don't send me a paragraph saying guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt. :)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Completely Forgot...
I have proven something today! My memory died. Remember this day as the day the great Penguini's memory died. Buried at who knows where because, it died. What killed it? The shame of forgetting so many important things... First off, I forgot about preparing all of the things for the business project... On Friday I was like I AM TOTALLY GOING TO GET THIS DONE >:) Now I'm thinking, what in the world did I spend my weekend doing??? Well good news is I still have most of the stuff I need to include. :) I'm still a little confused on what the CEO report is. QQ Little sample: Everything's awesome so no worries and we'll be donating at the end of the year after we finish selling everything K BYE. Yeah I don't think that'll work :/ Anyways, the second murderer is Science Fair. I was pretty prepared to start this weekend but again. NOPE FORGOTTTEN. I guess I can work on it at school as well when I get some free time. :) Like the draft for the stuff I need to put on the display. Yeah good plan. Well, I gotta go finish up more of my mapping in case there's more homework given tomorrow. Alrights bye~ Oh PS. (can I do that in a blog???) I will never forget to blog again and all my vacation recovery blogs will be posted on Friday or I shall go jump off an imaginary cliff. :D
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Revenge of the Tree
Yes the cursed tree stikes yet again. For the last 2 days it kept tapping and scratching my window AGAIN. QQ For some reason this time the screeching got worse. Ever heard a nail on a blackboard? Yeah imagine that while you are desperately trying to sleep because you don't want to fail the test the next day. Do you need a license or permit to cut down part of a tree? Not the whole thing maybe just of a branch. A really annoying and evil branch. Anyways, I felt very tempted to just go to the living room and sleep there for a while. XD Heheheheh yea... Well, maybe the tree will calm down or something. I had quite a few good times with it afterall. Like the time 2 raccoons were fighting in it and all of a sudden both of them fell out. Hehehe that was pretty funny actually. XD Started watching as soon as I figured out what was going on. :) Yes those were good times. It's too bad my little tree grew up to become an evil tree with no good heart, no limb, trunk? Tree sap? No that's more like the blood of a tree right? I'm getting a bit confused now. I'll finish off this little analogy another time. I must go fight with the tree now. I think I shall name it Evilius Treelius. Yeah. That's good.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
When I Am Bored
When I am bored, many things happen. The common sense factor of my brain shuts off and I am left to the magical world of Penguinia. Where I have created 2 charms. One for good luck and one for bad. Now these were made out of boredom and the desire not to do work. Yeah, I'm not well. Anyways, out of sheer magic THEY WORK. Feel free to ooooh and awww. OMG's are also acceptable. So the proof, I had my friends use the good luck during gymnastics. FUSOSOSOSO. I managed to get a 2 on something I had no idea how to do but managed to create a somewhat acceptable replicate. I am not complaining okay? I am extremely happy. As for the bad luck I used it on my "dear" friend April after she kept making fun of me. QQ So KESESESE~ And she lost the game she was playing on her iPod. Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. Anyways, that's all the proof I need. ;D I actually got a small number of people to believe in it now including one of my friends from Burnaby who constantly bullies me.... Other than that, keep in mind that these 2 simple things are the first 2 words of Penguinia~
Monday, January 23, 2012
For some strange and peculiar reason, I have started to take a great interest in languages.Lot's of different ones, preferably from countries that I want to visit later on in the distant future. I took the initiative to start looking up random words now so I'll have less to do when I grow up. XD You know if I don't forget all the words I learned so far. :/ Anyways~ It's actually a lot of fun to do so. XD It's even more fun when you go up to someone, say a sentence in some different language (Spanish or Italian now for me = w = I might start with German too, we'll see) and they just stare at you like o.o AHAHAHAHA my sense of humor is very different from others~ I should start building the penguin nation's language too... I have 2 phrases so far, the good luck charm fusosososo and the bad luck charm kesesese. Funny thing is they work. XD I shall get to that tomorrow as right now je suis est tre fatigué. Chinese New Year party yesterday lasted longer than I expected. =w = YAWN okie au revoir~
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Half Asleep
For some strange reason, I feel that I have been half asleep all day... It's just that my head feels kind of "foggy" and I just can't seem to remember what I did today. D: You know, I blame my small lunch. I need lots and lots of food and sugar~~~ Arghhh, I feel so old during the winter time... I'm always stiff and tired, it's quite depressing actually. I am very much a summer person. I love the sun. No joke. I seriously LOVE IT. Maybe my longing for the warm summer or even spring sun is emphasized by this cold weather. QQ Oh and my legs started hurting now... Again I blame the COLD. I don't really want to go to bed that early these days. Not sure why since I am tired.Hmmmm, I have defied winter hibernation. >:D OMG I want to know what it's like to be a bear. :O And to hibernate for a winter. =w= Imagine sleeping a whole season away... I really want to try. XD
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
NOOOOOO It has gotten much too cold for me now. QQ When was the last time it was this cold??? I can't seem to remember.. I don't think last year got too bad though... Still -7 QQ Right when I took my first step outside there was just this instant BLAST of cold air. I swear, my teeth were chattering so much.... Well for tomorrow I know what I must bring. My little mouse hat along with my wool mittens, scarf, heater, firewood, match, a lighter in case the match doesn't work, and hot chocolate. :D Too much? Hmmmm NON. I have become extremely sensitive to the cold now. I'm starting to turn into my mom. D: But really, I can't feel my feet. My poor poor feet... I love the snow (somewhat at least, it's not nice to my car >.< ) but the cold is just depressing... I really am a summer person. :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
IB Test Tomorrow
OMG I just remembered that the Pre-IB test is TOMORROW. D: Oh nuuuuu's. QQ Well, I shall just wing it like last time and hope for the very best. Let's hope I actually get to finish this time. = w = What I'm most worried about is staying awake for 3 hours just taking the test. I mean really? THREE HOURS? I can barely keep my eyes open after lunch. =_= And what about washroom breaks??? There is always that one time where you just gotta go... I shall pray to the penguin gods for luck. :D I should get some for the science test I didn't quite know about too. :/ I looked it over a few times just now and maybe I'll go over it again in the morning so I do very well think I shall be okay. :) If I do not make it home after these 2 tests due to brain malfunction or over-use, please call my parents and tell them where my will is. :D Oh wait, I don't have one... I will make one now. :D NAWWWW It's bedtime.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Chamomile Tea :)
I am quite surprised. Chamomile tea is a terrific "relaxer" = w = Seriously, I could've sworn getting a bit sleepy when I was doing my math homework and drinking it. Wait maybe the math was putting me to sleep... Anyways, it does help "calm you nerves". OMG which brings me to the subject of SHATTERED rubix cubes. You see one of my teachers got a teensy (do realize I am exaggerating) bit "aggravated", things happened and BAM le rubix cube est mort. It dieeeeeed. Shattered against the wall.. Anyways~~~ I took a piece as a momento :D HAHAHAHAHAHA Yeahhh it's orange = w = I do think some chamomile is needed for the person. And I am trying my best to keep this as confidential as possible thank you very much~ Other than that I'm hoping that the snow from the weekend and even today will last until spring. :) I don't want tooo much, because that would mean no driving. No driving means a hassle for everyone, not just myself so let us all hope that snow will come but that it keeps off the roads. :)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
OMG IT ACTUALLY SNOWED :O I was almost positive that there would be no snow this year. I guess I was wrong. Too bad that it had to melt away so quickly... I didnt even get to throw a snowball down the alleyway and see what it hits this year. Last year I almost hit a car. Oops. = w = Anyway, I was hoping to make the throwing of the snowball a tradition but looks like it might not make it past this year D: I'm going to keep a close eye out for any signs of snow now, gotta keep a new tradition alive! The annual throwing of the snowball~~ I can already see posters of it all over the city. :3 Other than that, I have great news about my own life. If all started yesterday, I'm just going to skip to that part since the rest is kind of boring. Well long story short, someone actually thought I was older than I actually am!!!!! This is a great joy to me. All my life when people guess my age, they are off by 2-3 years too young. I mean really, when I was in Gr 7, one person thought I was in Gr 4.... T^T I have always been a midget. I am only reminded by this. LOL anyways, I'm over that now because of that one person that thought I was older. Thank you person that I don't really know who happened to be the person that sells my mom lottery tickets every week! The penguin emperor is happy at last! I think the snow might have brought good fortune for this year. ;D
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Experiments Done and Over
Today I have finally finished my Science Fair experiments after some intense work. I mean, my legs were cramped and my head was dizzy from the Windex but it's DONE. Hallelujah ~~~~~~ Now I can go play games and not worry intensely about much. :D Of course I'll still be busy due to other classes but it's a bit better now. As for the display and stuff, I'll do that next week. ;D Right now I am just enjoying a little bit of "break" Oh and the Poltergeist I am not watching. It will only increase my fear of that tree. o.o I read the synopsis of the movie and I am not a person that can handle horror very well so NO. I am not going to watch that until the tree is cut down thank you very much. And after that I'll probably sleep with all the lights on for a month or so. XD Seriously don't make me watch horror movies. Coraline was pretty scary for me so no. o.o
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Tree Outside My Bedroom Window
I am seriously hating that tree that is outside of my bedroom. It usually isn't that big of a deal AND it blocks some of the sun out but during a storm or a time with high wind, it is the thing that prevents me from having my beautiful sleep that I oh so need to get. Take last night for instance, I went to bed pretty early and I was thinking " ALL RIGHT finally going to get enough sleep". Then at like what, 1 AM in the "morning" I wake up to the sound of something scraping against the window. I was pretty freaked when this happened a few months ago, I pretty much had a breakdown thinking some animal (or person o.o) is outside my window trying to get it... This time I knew who the culprit is, THAT STUPID TREE. Thanks to that I couldn't fall back asleep. Even if I tried the sound of the scraping and tapping will just wake me right back up again. I sometimes wish I can cut down part of that tree and look at it and say HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW SUCKEEEERRRR~ >:) Anyways, me no likey tree. Oh did I mention I saw 2 raccoons fighting in that tree before? It was pretty funny considering they fell down after a while. XD
Monday, January 9, 2012
Faster Without the TV
I think that today, I have finally found my average working speed WITHOUT the TV. Turns out, I can be a lot faster. XD What I usually do when I first get home is turn on the TV and the computer. This is daily routine, I am not even kidding. Today since my panic mode has been launched (not sure why, I wasn't in THAT big a rush) I didn't turn on the TV. :O Le shock! Did I live? Yes, how else would I be writing to you right now. Doi. Anyways, without the mighty lord Spongebob distracting me, I think I might've worked 2 times as fast. Yeah, WHOA. I don't know if that's accurate in any way but it sure did feel that way since I planned a lot of time to finish my English and Science homework and when I finished I had like almost an hour left before I had to go on to my next task! Did I go to play? Yes I did actually. Maybe that was not the best idea... I was going to write my blog during that time and take a break BUT the hot water was done so I went to get some snacks. After the food it was just all break, blog FORGOTTEN. But I did remember so LADEEDA. Let's see how fast I can work tomorrow~
Sunday, January 8, 2012
New discovery, chamomile tea is pretty calming... It's also putting me to sleep at the moment. Snore~~~ I have had a busy day today as well so that might contribute to my sleepiness. First off I finally started on my SCIENCE FAIR!!! WOOT. We're getting a full class to work on it on Tuesday so I'll just finish it off then. Wow, when I put it like that it makes it sound like I'm going to kill my Science Fair... o.o Bleh, anyways, I got started on my Pre-IB application today too. :) I'm still kind of confused on what to do for the marks since well, we didn't get any. o.o I'll go ask them about that tomorrow and hand it in on Wed? Maybe Tues if I don't need to go hunt down my teachers. XD There's so much things to get done still, it's so sad. QQ Which reminds me, as soon as the Socials essay test is done and over with, I will post all of my holiday blogs as well as the Life in a Day blog. I hope it's not too late. >.< Ok so my goal is to post all of that by hmmm FRIDAY. Yes ok, I just finished my tea so I'm going to go to bed before I start to lose all that calmness. Good night and hello to another new school week :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Deadlines and a Filled Schedule
I am panicking for the first time ever in this year. The work has been put infront of me with the same deadline. Next week. D: I find it quite strange actually. Why did all the teachers pick the same week as the deadline for very big and very important things??? Like for me there's of course the IB application things, socials quiz, socials ESSAY TEST (PANIC), French chapter test, and the Science Fair check-up. The only thing that's causing all the panic is the Socials essay test. I have no clear idea of what was going on to be honest. I didn't get the best seat either... I can't see that well now. I think it got even worse after the break. @~@ I should go ask to get a different spot since at the moment I copy (or at least check if I wrote the right thing) off of April's notes. :) Anyways... I am certainly doing my very best to plan what I'm going to do first for the weekend. I might bring some homework along with me to Chinese class since there's like a 15 minute break in the middle. :/ Yes, this is called true panic.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Science Fair Deadline QQ
OH NOOOOOS D: The dreaded science fair that I have put off so well is due very berry soon!! D: The actual deadline for everything is next month (which is still pretty soon actually QQ) BUT there's going to be a "check up" on the 12th aka next Thursday. For someone that did not start their experiments yet, this is horrible news... RAWR more work and less sleep for me on the weekend I guess. Good thing that I got all the soil I need for the experiments. :) Now all that's left is to record the data, type everything out, make an abstract (I forgot how to do this QQ I'm hoping that my science teacher will give us an outline of what's expected of the entire science fair XD), make and decorate the posterboard display. Huh. Isn't that nice. Actually no. Not even the least bit nice. It's quite horrid actually. Well, I was able to get a bit of rest today so that's pretty good. :) I should be able to finish 2 rounds of the experiment on Sunday. I would do all 3 but I'm afraid that I'll do something wrong then I will be in big big trouble. Well, not that big but I'll have to start over if that happens :P I really need to go ask for a rubric or at least a list of whats needed on the display and in the abstract. I don't remember anything from last year... @~@
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Le New School Year
Today started off pretty well actually. First off I found my science textbook. :) Turns out it was just in my locker... I was so sure that I took it home though. :/ Bleh, as long as I have it in my hands now who cares what happened to my poor little confused brain, I FOUND IT~ Triumphant music! Other than that I didn't get too much homework today either so that's good. :) My New Year's resolution is to actually do stuff on time. See how I'm writing my blog now instead of at 11 PM where I am cranky and don't want to write too much since I'm tired? Ahhhhhh smarticles have started to move. XD Ok this might be kind of random but I noticed that when I cut my nails really short, it hurts when i type... QQ I don't know if it's just because I'm not used to having extremely short nails or that it really just does hurt. o.o Yeah sorry, little blurb of randomness right there. XD I finally got my Bulldog Classic ticket today~ YAY~ No laps during PE~~~ :D It took me all of lunch just to get it though. >.< I went to look first thing after the bell rang but no one was there, so I wandered around there a bit trying to find them, gave up, ate, then went with Emma downstairs to try and find them again. This time they were there. o.o I'm just glad I got my ticket~~~ NO RUNNING~ Yeaup, I got lazier over the break. c:
Monday, January 2, 2012
School Time
Yeaup after the holidays, school is starting yet again. Sorry to say this but I am not exactly friendly to the idea of waking up before noon again. BOOOOO. I didn't start the year off that well either... Yep. Woke up to lost stuff. Forgotten homework and unfinished things that shouldn've been finished last year but blah. Yeaup... So I have officially lost every textbook that I had this year. WOooooo. No, not woo. BOO. As in the GET OFF THE STAGE YOU SUCK boo. I remembered that I brought the book home due to the homework but now I can't find the book or finish my homework... Don't worry, I should be able to get it done since I asked friends for the questions. :) Oh and as for the holiday blogs, I am very sorry. QQ It was quite busy this year and I will post everything that was special in my MAKE UP FOR THEM BLOGS: HOLIDAY EDITION collection of blogs. And I assure you, many things happened. Although I feel kind of bad for the New Years holiday. It doesn't get many parties since the people are probably all pooped from Christmas... I cheer for you New Years although you didnt start me off that well :/
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