Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mon Dieu...

My laziness is corrupting me... QQ I was supposed to do stuff today but but but. I didn't. D: Ok not entirely true but I didn't do as much as I would've liked. >.< After I got home and ate my snack. Healthy this time, my usual toast but instead of coffee... I ate... an orange. OMG. No really. OMG I don't eat fruits (not including the times where I was prodded to) often. So willingly eating one is a HUGE step up. Well I like watermelon and a whole ton of other melons and berries but it's not really the season... I can do a whole other blog on this. XD So anyways, after my snack I fell asleep. No joke. I napped. SIESTA~ Oh it was a very good siesta. =w = I want to take another one but it's time for bed. :D Still good. XD So in conclusion, I didn't completely finish my socials project and I didn't study for math. Poop. Well, tomorrow I just have to finish off writing what Lord Shaftesbury (the 7th o.o) did to address the poverty in 19th century England and it's effect. Can't take too long since it's all gonna be in note form right? XD Oh merci mon dieu for not making it a project that had to be formally presented. XD

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