Saturday, March 31, 2012


I looked back on a few of my blogs and noticed that they are quite random. @ . @ I seem to write about the most meaningless things sometimes. XD But not the songs I posted. Those are absolute pure genius. Oh that reminds me I still have to post the song Grace showed me. It was also quite beautiful. XD Oh onto randomeness, I have also noticed that my blogs changes subjects right in the middle. Like what was just about to happen before I carefully stopped myself. I think all this is just because my brain is not organized enough. XD I should work on that... :)

Catching Up!

I am quite behind on a several things at the moment. Numero uno, my Chinese class lesson homework. I cannot be fully at blame since I missed the last two classes and just got the homework today. :) But it seems there really is a LOT to do... :/ Numero dos, my blogs! I missed a numerous amount during the break and now I will slowly make up for them! I'm thinking of writing two blogs everyday for half of this week and that should get me back to the respectful number. :D Oh wait maybe the whole week since I also missed a few at the very beginning of this term. I got a teensy bit confused. Numero Tres? Is that right? I'm not taking Spanish so I really have no idea. XD And no I am not using google translate although I usually do. =w = My french presention script! I was supposed to finish it Friday in class but sadly I got a bit distracted.. =~= I need to work on my attention skills.

Busy Weekend...

This weekend seems to be filled with a lot of chores. I think it may have to do with not really being at home the last weekend so absolutely no chores were done. Usually there's around 2 rounds of laundry but there like 6 this week. QQ I can't put it off anymore otherwise there would be no clothes for me to wear and I will be forced to go to school in my winter pajamas. Which are penguins by the way, my winter pajamas are decorated with many little penguins. =w = I noticed something just now, when I write my blog using my phone, I actually sound a bit different. o.o I don't know, it seems to me that I'm a bit more straightforward. XD There will also be more spelling mistakes since I turned off auto correct and occasionally a label for the blog. :D It's also noticebly shorter. =w =

Thursday, March 29, 2012


My brain has not yet recovered... My mom made me my breakfast( first in a very long time :D) and GUESS WHAT. I forgot. I forgot about wondrous food and went with my crackers that do not taste good that early in the morning. >:| Funny thing is she asked me if I wanted her to make it for me in the morning and I said yes. See? This is why I cannot go to school "by myself". No someone drove me BUT there was no one to remind me and my mind was absent, on vacation. So as a result, when I got home after school and my ortho appointment, I ate the egg. =w = And yes, it was an egg I just realized that it has not been mentioned yet .:D YAY for my brain that has not realized school has started and that it needs to start working again~

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


That is the definition of my mind while writing this blog. I am fresh out of things to write about at the moment. The brain is dead for now. I expect it to be back a few weeks later if we are lucky. :) Anyways, I will now tell you the wondrous thing that has just happened to me. I remember clearly in my mind having my hand slapped away from my friends iPod because I want to play the game and she is saying NO. NOOOOO. WELL HAHAHAHA it came out for android phones. =w = AHAHAHA I just spent the last half hour earning stars so I can unlock a new mini game. XD I think there was a penguin character too so MUST GET!!!! D: But I cannot let it start ruining my willpower to work. It's starting but I believe it can stop if I lock my phone up in a safe. >:D Well, game, fun, MWAHAHAHA, domination of the world in my head, pasta. That is what I am thinking about in brief. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Richmond Center

I do not approve of the new changes of Richmond Center. They managed to take away most of my loves. First out goes my beloved movie theater. The only one I like that isn't half an hour away from my home. I don't think they built anything new in that space yet either...I can tolerate that, but NOW. NOWWWW they take away half the food court, the half that I liked. QQ New York Fries (I love their poutine =w =) and KFC (chicken is good, and I'm sure it'll kill me one day XD) they're gone.... Now A&W is the only place that I like in the food court. I saw on the construction thing that they're building some kind of Dining Terrace. No idea how that's gonna turn out. :/ There's now a lot less eating space there too. It's too bad really... Oh and I heard that they started this a long time ago!! I have simply been away from there for far too long... But there really isn't a good reason to go without the movies. XD Oh I really want for some more Dr.Seuss movies to come out. =w = I've seen every one of them so far. <3

Ice Cream Cake

A very stupid thing I did on Sunday. Even looking back on it today I am shocked that my brain was that deep in sleep. As you should know, ice cream cake. A simple combination of ice cream and cake. For some strange reason, my brain seemed to forget the ice cream part when I was putting the slice in the refrigerator. Instead of putting it in the freezer, it went into the other department (I'm really not sure what it's called QQ) where it wasn't quite as cold. Thank god that I was too lazy to wash a plate to put the cake on. When I opened the fridge later at night to get a drink I found a bowl. I looked into that bowl and found that the cake wasn't touching the plastic film anymore. No it only took up half the bowl. As a result I took it out, leaned in to take a closer look and then I hung my head in shame. It was undoubtedly the remains of my melted cake. But I would never let such a thing stop me from eating cake. NO. I put it into the freezer. =w = After it froze again, it still tasted pretty good. c: It just wasn't as creamy and had a few ice chunks. XD

Hunger Games!

YES I went to go watch the Hunger Games~ I wasn't actually planning to watch it until after I read the series but there were special circumstances that day. Now FLASHBACK to Saturday~ So since my mom was suddenly invited to go to one of her online marketing things, I was put into one of my other friends house. I didn't mind staying at home but I didn't see her since last year so you know, might as well visit. What I didn't know is that she had plans to go to see a movie. Nope, the information was not given to me. It got lost somewhere. -.- So there I was without money and in a way I had to go see the movie otherwise I shall be left alone in her house without a way home. The movie wasn't too bad actually. :) Not as great as I was expecting but pretty good. A few bad things were that there were tooooooooooooooo many people there in the theater so we had to sit in the very front which did not help my poor head. The movie changed scenes way to quickly making some scenes a complete blur and giving me a headache. QQ Oh I also got a heart attack when that thing jumped out. QQ I won't go into details in case you're going to watch it. :D As for the books, I might just skip to the second book considering I know what happens in the first. =w =

Spring Break in a Few Words

First off, Blogger changed. The layout. Everything. It's different now. I am a bit confused on what is going on since I took the break part in Spring Break very seriously and did not blog for a while. I feel a bit guilty now so I will try my best and fill you in on what happened. In a few words, sleeping, eating, napping, and the occasional comic reading and cartoon watching. The End. Not much actually. XD Of course there's always a few more exciting events that has occurred and I will tell you. Later. At the moment I am still a bit shocked at the new layout of Blogger. I wonder if it changed for my phone too... o.o Everything looks a bit foreign... =w = Anyways, in terms of Spring Break not as exciting as I hoped but the many MANY (like 14 hours daily many) hours of sleep I managed to get was extremely nice. :) So nice that I'm not used the the amount of sleep I'm getting now... I need to take a nap as soon as I get home otherwise I shall fail to operate. XD Oh and apparently I have triple bags under my eyes. o.o Oh and my mom is starting to think I'm sick because I'm always tired. XD But I think I'm fine, right? Ok not so sure now. XD

Friday, March 2, 2012

Other Random Songs That I Love

I couldn't really make a specific category for these next videos... Mainly because I would have no idea what to call it. XD Oh Hallucinations? LOL yeah they're all kinda weird. XD Of course you have already watched Narwhals since it was a Buskerfest song suggestion but let me show you the rest of my favourites. I may have posted some of them before so they might look a bit familiar. :)

Ok yes technically speaking it is a cartoon but it has one epic song that I'm learning so bleh. I got the first verse and the chorus down so far. :D

Ok this one scared many of my friends away... Especially the Penguinia Empress Grace... I swear it's not scary. Really.

AHKFSDHBKG OMG LOVE!!!!! This currently is the song that I am putting all my focus into~~ IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL. And apparently scary but don't listen to those people. XD I actually managed to learn the lyrics in just one day. >:) If I can find this song on violin, I would seriously learn it. Then play it every Strings class to Grace so she can finally start to see the beauty. :D She's scared of all the ones I posted just now.... =w =


OKIES next segment~~~ Of course I had to make one for Phineas and Ferb. They have like 2 songs in every episode so I MUST. Ok first video's for you Perry the Platypus~~~

I hate how I can't make that chattering (chittering? ) noise. >.< It irks me how I can't do it.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG DUCKY MOMO!!!!!! I seriously worshiped this duck for 3 months so BIG ICON. Yeah, Ducky Momo used to be the god of Penguinia. The holy icon of Penguinism. Got booted out. XD I'll introduce the new god later. XD Gotta move on to the next segment now <3


Today I have decided to cram all of my favourite cartoon songs into a beautiful collection. A beautiful somewhat ORGANIZED collection. First let me start off with Spongebob, probably the largest portion of the amount of songs. XD

Ok I used to sing this song incredibly loud when I walk home from school. XD This is probably what started my cartoon song learning.  :) Trust me, it's beautiful.

It's fun and its upbeat. Discussion over. ;)

I JUST LOVE HOW THIS SONG IS SO OPTIMISTIC!!! I made this an anthem to me. :D I feel so ashamed that I forgot part of the lyrics. I'm sorry, I had to go learn the Pink Elephant song....

AHAHAHAHHAHAAHA I feel bad for those other people. XD Or fish... o.o Anyways, I still remember how to sing this one. thank god I didn't forget otherwise I wouldn't be worthy of my Cartoon Song Master title. XD

And that's it for Spongebob for now. :) I shall end this segment with a quote from Spongebob : But you know, I've been through a lot in the last six days, five minutes and twenty-seven seconds, and in that time, I've learned that no amount of mermaid magic, or managerial promotion, or some other third thing can make me any more than what I really am inside: a kid.

Holiday Blogs: Numero Uno y Dos

Ok so here are the holiday blogs that I was supposed to post so very long ago. >.< Keeping blogs on Microsoft Word during holidays to "save time" not good. Anyways here they are!! Only 2 that I could find so I'll just keep it at that. :)

First Christmas party of the 2 weeks happened just yesterday~~~ Yeaupers and for this one I even got to cook. >:D Nothing much though. XD Just some sugar cookies and the fruit punch. :) What was really frustrating was that all the adults kept shouting " LESS ICING PUT LESS ICING HEALTHY EATING RANT RANT RANT" Then into my other ear are the screams of my friends and other kids going ICING FSDKGHSKDNGFKFD WE NEED ICING~!#~!#@!#! The parents won. XD I liked them both ways so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. XD Anyways, I spent pretty much the entire party playing Smash Bros with my friends on my Wii. =w = Let me just say that beating Zelda with Link is one of the hardest things I have encountered in my entire life. D: LOL anyways I'm a bit tired so I'll go sleep. Good bye and MERRY

OMG RANT RANT RANT no snowwwwwwww. D: I was so incredibly sure that there would be snow this year.... You know since it didn't snow last year. BUT NONE. I even got out my sled. >: RAWR Je ne suis pas content. I wanted to finally build a decent snowman!!! The ones I made before were all extremely disfigured with lots of dirt rolled in. XD I am no artiste. I am more of the critic that will go around giving out IOU's to everyone because I needed more time to write the actual critique. AHAHAHA procrastination at it's greatest. XD Oh how awesome would it be if you could just hand in an IOU when you don't finish your homework?? XD Oh FUUNNNYY. But it sort of makes sense right? Oh and if you're not sure what an IOU is, read out just the letters. I. O. U. AHHHHH see what I mean? XD I feel clever. No actually I got it form Spongebob. o.o

Thursday, March 1, 2012


As you probably know, today was the field trip to the Jewish Community Center! It was a pretty fun AND educational experience. :) Only part I didn't like was all the walking... I think it was maybe 13 blocks there and back... Not including the ones from the school back to my own home. XD I was looking at the survivors childhood pictures and I realized something, he was incredibly cute as a kid. No joke. In one picture with his mom he was like sticking his tongue out it was so CUTE. =w = That was all before the entire war effected them though... Sniffles. QQ Anyways overall FUN~ Among other things, I hear theres a Student Walkout to support the teachers strike tomorrow! I would go but I have no idea when that's gonna end and I have to be home for my art class. Bloop. Oh and there's the strike happening next week too! Then Spring Break starts... OMG That means there's only like 3 days left until Spring Break!!! Oh my this just happened WAY WAY WAY too fast.. o.o OH NUUU no more time to bump up marks... oh panic seeping in. Yeaup. Oh good news, I memorized half of the pink elephant song now. >:D