Friday, March 2, 2012

Holiday Blogs: Numero Uno y Dos

Ok so here are the holiday blogs that I was supposed to post so very long ago. >.< Keeping blogs on Microsoft Word during holidays to "save time" not good. Anyways here they are!! Only 2 that I could find so I'll just keep it at that. :)

First Christmas party of the 2 weeks happened just yesterday~~~ Yeaupers and for this one I even got to cook. >:D Nothing much though. XD Just some sugar cookies and the fruit punch. :) What was really frustrating was that all the adults kept shouting " LESS ICING PUT LESS ICING HEALTHY EATING RANT RANT RANT" Then into my other ear are the screams of my friends and other kids going ICING FSDKGHSKDNGFKFD WE NEED ICING~!#~!#@!#! The parents won. XD I liked them both ways so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. XD Anyways, I spent pretty much the entire party playing Smash Bros with my friends on my Wii. =w = Let me just say that beating Zelda with Link is one of the hardest things I have encountered in my entire life. D: LOL anyways I'm a bit tired so I'll go sleep. Good bye and MERRY

OMG RANT RANT RANT no snowwwwwwww. D: I was so incredibly sure that there would be snow this year.... You know since it didn't snow last year. BUT NONE. I even got out my sled. >: RAWR Je ne suis pas content. I wanted to finally build a decent snowman!!! The ones I made before were all extremely disfigured with lots of dirt rolled in. XD I am no artiste. I am more of the critic that will go around giving out IOU's to everyone because I needed more time to write the actual critique. AHAHAHA procrastination at it's greatest. XD Oh how awesome would it be if you could just hand in an IOU when you don't finish your homework?? XD Oh FUUNNNYY. But it sort of makes sense right? Oh and if you're not sure what an IOU is, read out just the letters. I. O. U. AHHHHH see what I mean? XD I feel clever. No actually I got it form Spongebob. o.o

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