Saturday, May 19, 2012


I fell that if something is not directly in my mind or directly in my line of sight, I tend to forget. Very very often. Take today for instance, I was at my Chinese class where as usual I am blind so I need my "trusty" glasses (sidenote: the prescription isn't high enough anymore... QQ). Then I forgot the case. In the desk. >:| Usually we don't use desks, more like just tables. So no magical inside storage of wonder and forgetfulness. At school, those are the desks where I leave my phone by accident when I forget to put it in my backpack... I counted, left around 4 times in Math, 3 in Socials and once in French. Sad thing is today me and my mom went to Burnaby right after my class ended then when we were in the heart of Burnaby I found that my beloved glasses and case were missing. MISSING. So after all of the picking up stuff in Burnaby from friends, we drove all the way back to Richmond to retrieve my glasses. Surprisingly the place was still open. o.o Anyways, planned trip time: 20 min, actual: 999999999 min ( more like 40 ish but 999999999 is much more dramatic). =w =

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