Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Moon's Shrinking?!

I read this news article that said the moon was actually shrinking! I didn't find the article. My mom was reading the news but then she went outside to go exercise and left the CBC news page on. I just looked in the technology and science section. But too make it sound like I did more work, I sort of did find it. I know the scientist said that the moon shrinking won't effect us but it's still sad that in a few billion years the moon might disappear! Okay, the percentage of it's possible chance to disappear, to me, is 98%. It sounds so much more dramatic if you say that it might disappear. Although, the scientists did say that it would not disappear. So...it's not going to disappear. Yay! It's just going to be a bit smaller. Now the next problem is when is the Sun going to die. It is a star, just a big one. I hope it's not going to die anytime soon.

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