Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday, my mom bought a treadmill. Finally! Ever since the summer of 2006 when I went to California for vacation and stayed at my uncle's home for 2 days. They had a treadmill, a big fancy one. Since that day I have wanted one. I'm not quite sure why. In general, I'm quite lazy so I'm not sure why I want an exercise equipment. Maybe it was all of the buttons. I do love pressing colourful buttons, not sure why but I just love it! I have asked my mom many times to buy one but it was always the same answer. It's too expensive. On the rare occasion that there is one on sale, we always arrive too late and the product has been sold out. I was so happy that I finally have a treadmill of my very own now! The sad thing is that it does take up quite a bit of space so I had to pack up my electric keyboard and put it back under my bed. Assembling the treadmill was also quite a hassle. My mom worked so hard to put it together. I helped when I could but there's not much I could really do. I just did my homework while my mom kept reading the instructions over and over again. At 11:00PM of September 21st, the treadmill was finally put together and functioning. Now I can try it out after the silicon is applied.

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