Monday, February 28, 2011
The End
the end of term 2 is pretty much now. It went by sooooo very quickly. :( Oh yeah before I forget, I think I made a mistake with my blog count but I'm not sure where... I messed up the numbers somehow and I'm working on fixing that. Another quick question, does the review still count if I just did it today? Since you said during class that I can still get one chance to finish it at home today. I still can't believe that I actually finished it. All 25-ish! :) Now I have more things to worry about. First thing on my list, the Sale forum. I still have quite a bit of things left to do on there. 2 more threads and around 19 more responses. Yes, I put things off to the very last minute and end up rushing through all of it. Hopefully next term, I will have "cured" the habit and become a prioritizer instead of lagging behind as a procrastinator. :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A sneak peek into my head right now: UH Oh, UH OH, mayday mayday, ratuna ratuna!!! The last one is oh no what am I going to do in penguin. :) I only have tomorrow to finish most of the things that are due on MONDAY!!! I have been procrastinating yet again... I'm no where near quadrant 2 yet. :( But I'll work on getting there! By planning!!!!! Yay! Maybe it can save me yet again! Let's see, if I wake up at 9AM I'll first do all the morning stuff leaving me at 9:30. Then I'll finish posting all of the go things in the morning and squeeze in some god speech practicing! After lunch I'll work on the socials forum. I'm very far behind in that so it'll leave me at around maybe 3PM. It won't be finished by then, I just will need a break or I'll explode. Or implode, it depends on the weather. :) After that I'll have to finish reading the 2 books that I have a book test for on Monday. After I finish reading it I'll have to finish what's left of my French homework. If I have anytime after that, I might start on my Science homework. I don't think that I'll want to after a WHOLE DAY of work though. I'll be exhausted and just go to bed by then. :) Ok, as long as I follow this plan I'll be done the work. No time for relaxation but at least I'll be done.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Toga Troubles
At first, I thought " Oh toga... Easy I can fold it into one anytime! Just watch me >:)" Now that I actually tried doing that MYSELF, much harder. When I had the Rome project last year, my friend tied it for me and it looked SOOOOOO easy!!!! Now I have found out the truth... Sniffles. :( I looked on so many websites and tried their instructions but none of them really "worked". AHHHHHHHH!!!!! If only i could've known that it was this difficult... I also have to make a paper bag some how. I can't find one in stores that I can fit my head into... I'm not going to do anything "bad" with it, it's for the GOD project. I'm presenting on MONDAY! Oh no's! :'( Bow I'm working very hard to try to keep up with all of the deadlines. They're coming from all directions!!! Applied Skills, English, Socials! Surprisingly, they are all Synergy classes. Hmmmm, I'm starting to see a little pattern here. Oh well, I have to go back to try to put on this sheet that is going to become a TOGA!!! If you have ANY hints, please tell me. All of the websites are so very confusing... :'(
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Picking Locks: The Conculsion
Now for the finale of the picking lock story, we head to me for the story. As you know from my previous blog, my neighbour got locked out of her apartment suite. It took all night to get her back inside! Now the exciting story... When I got back out there to watch, the part i missed was the drill breaking. Yes, the doorknob BROKE the DRILL!!!! What a battle? By the time i got there, it was already decided that the lock wasn't "pickable" and had to be just broken off. After the drill breaking, it's time for the old fashioned way of doing things. The screwdriver, this other thing, and what sort of looks like a hammer. Mostly the screwdriver was used though. The one big thing i learned from this, lock picking isn't as easy as people in movies make it look . :) After maybe 2 hours of work, the doorknob was FINALLY torn off of the door and the suite was once again accessible. The lucky thing is that the stove, that was ON when they got locked out, didn't start a fire. Surprisingly, the pot survived too! What a strong pot...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Picking Locks
This is actually kind of amusing. in a way. So my neighbour accidentally locked herself out of her apartment suite and all evening, my family (me + mom) have been trying to help. Now the locksmith showed up and is currently picking the lock. And now he's drilling it. I can hear the noises coming out of the hallway. I'm missing all of the action because my mom sent me home to write this blog. AHHHHH! I must know and WATCH!!! It seems sooooo exciting!!! >.< Ihope i never lock myslef out of my home... i actually have locked myself out once but it's a really LONG story... It just kinda drags on and on. Well, I'm going back to watch what happens so I'll see you tomorrow. :)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Getting Things DONE
You know, schedules are even more effective if you follow them and not keep adjusting it because you didn't finish something. Now I'm done pretty much most of my God project, my socials brochure studying, my go program stuff (that I keep forgetting to post), and all my other studying for other subjects! Today I went a bit off schedule. I forgot to fit in blogging so that's why I'm doing it now. 10 minutes after my beddytime that I chose for myself. Now I'm getting a bit tired. Luckily, I ate a bit of sugar so I'm ok. Now I'm working on getting my socials forum mark up, up , UP! I'm pretty far behind at the moment... A whole term's worth of slacking caught up... My plan. Is pretty much done. If I can do 5 responses everyday and 1 thread every two days, I can catch up!!! Yay. So much work to do tho... Sigh. Now to fit in time for it.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Staying On Schedule
For once in my planning life, I actually stayed on the schedule that i made during Math class and finished the stuff that I needed to get done! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me. If your a bit confused at the moment, let me fill you up on the details. So usually on day 2s, I make a schedule of what i have to get done when I get home during Math class. I finish the work fairly quickly so I have some spare time left. On day 1s, the planning period is usually French. :) Today though, I finished what I had to get done on time and not 2 hours later. Now if only this can happen everyday, then I won't be so busy all the time and get more sleep. The habit of procrastination is very hard to lose. I just want to go lie down somewhere and not move for a while... So very hard to resist...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Penguin Diner and Wasted Time
So I was taking a break from constantly reveiwing the religion brochures and then I found this cute little game online. Penguin Diner. Yes, it was a PENGUIN game. :) So I started playing for a bit and then playing for a longer bit to not stopping. I was short term addicted to it. :( So all the time I could have been working, I wasted it on playing this little game. It was so fun... All the penguins, all the food. My two favourite things together in a game! Very hard to resist indeed. I probably have to stay up longer to finish studying. Curse you penguin game. But at the same time, thanks you for bringning soooo much fun. :) I wonder what I will do next time I find a awesome penguin game.... I must come up with a little time saving strategy. That way I can get more things done and lose less SLEEP! Oh precious sleep. If your wondering why I'm treasuring sleep so much these past few days, it's because i haven't been getting enough. Oh well, back to the brochures again.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Did a little bit of early spring cleaning today. :) My apartment suite was looking a little, no A LOT messy. So pretty much all morning I was just cleaning up the tables. You know, putting all the stuff that I dragged out away and the wiping the tables with disinfectant spray. :) It didn't take as long as you would think. Only maybe an hour or so. :) Now everything looks so CLEAN! For once in my life i can see the dining room table. I wonder how long that can keep up. Probably not long. :( Being able to see ALL of the tabletops is my goal for March. Yay! :) Now let's see what I have to do tomorrow. Oh no, floor sweeping... Actually, I don;t think it takes as long as cleaning the tabletops. At least it shouldn't... So, not too much cleaning work for tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some time to just relax. :) Sit back and watch some movies or SLEEP! Oh sweet, sweet sleep. I think I'm going to go get some now. :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
This was quite shocking to me. On my way to art class, like I do every Friday, I saw a..... COYOTE!!!!!! As in little bunny killer COYOTE!! A LIVE one. Not some display but one that was walking in the opposite directin as my car!!! It actually looked UP!! Oh no's!! Don't worry, I am and was safe. Although who knows, it could have turned for a bad turn!! My mom thought that it was a wolf. But for me, one look at it and all over it's scary, puny, scrawny face it said COYOTE!! I spent too long reading nature books. I thouhgt that my art teacher would be kinda shocked but she said that it was very COMMON!!! Just a few weeks ago, 2 dogs have been killed because of COYOTES!!! Yes, every time the word COYOTE shows up it will be in capital letters. :) She said that there's also lots of skunks and raccoons on the area. How come I have never even saw them before until tonight? Weird... I should've took a picture of it. I know which street i saw it on though. I think it was Heather and near 63rd. Somewhere between there. There were a few red flags near there. All of the animals probably came from the Langara park or golf course. It's kinda freaky knowing that there are wild animals just running around everywhere. My art teahcer told me that everytime she has to go out to walk her giant beast known as Archie the collie, she brings an umbrella. Just in case. Very good to know, huh?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Something I Did A Few Minutes Ago
Just before I started writing this blog, I did a tiny "experiment'. I wanted to find out how many letters can fit into that little title bar right at the top of the page when you start writing a blog. I know, it's kind of pointless. Just in case I have a LONG title in a while. Just in case. Who knows, could be tomorrow. O.O So if you want to know my results, please look at what I typed into the title.
hi im trying to fnd out how many letters fit in this title thingy. hahahaha looool whoa. it just keeps going huh. i thought it would end at some point but i guess not. this is sooo very fun. i wonder how many letters i have typed so far maybe like 50!!! thats a whole lot to me dont u think. :D im just kidding this isnt my blog. im just goofing off well, i guess it can be. THIS IS A VERY LONG TITLE!!
Yep. That was a lot of letters. It just kept going and going. It never stopped. O.O The weird thing is that it didn't go on and on when I did the same thing but with spaces. Or is it that I just can't see it going on and on. Ohhhhh, interesting.
hi im trying to fnd out how many letters fit in this title thingy. hahahaha looool whoa. it just keeps going huh. i thought it would end at some point but i guess not. this is sooo very fun. i wonder how many letters i have typed so far maybe like 50!!! thats a whole lot to me dont u think. :D im just kidding this isnt my blog. im just goofing off well, i guess it can be. THIS IS A VERY LONG TITLE!!
Yep. That was a lot of letters. It just kept going and going. It never stopped. O.O The weird thing is that it didn't go on and on when I did the same thing but with spaces. Or is it that I just can't see it going on and on. Ohhhhh, interesting.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I'm not talking about the issue of using too much paper. I know it is VERY IMPORTANT but I have a few ways learnt from SPONGEBOB on how to really appreciate paper. After using that sheet, it will be filled with words and pictures. Then just to throw it away into the recycling??? Not good enough. You could be having FUN! Using that used up paper. You can be doing impressions such as a person with a paper mustache or a person with paper covering your nose! Fun!! :) There's much more you can do with that piece of paper. You can be paying helicopter and flying off to different parts of the world. :) After that, MUSIC!! Little tweets and squeeks can be coming out of that piece of paper and be turned into papier musique! Paper music!! :) Be the next MOZART! Paper style. :) See how much more fun can come out of just ONE piece of paper after it's used? Thank you Spongebob for teaching me that paper can be much more fun after it's been all used up. :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A Sad Life :(
I'm not talking about my life. Mine's great at the moment. :) I'm talking about the Greek god HEPHAESTUS!! Now let's dive into the not happy life of the sad, ugly god. Yes, he was VERY ugly. Let's start with a little bit of math. He was born + his own mother saw him = his mother flung him off Mount Olympus. Wow. His own mother threw him off the mountain. Luckily, the water of the sea broke his fall. :) But he can't walk very well anymore. His leg went ptfff. So it doesn't work anymore. So sad. :( After his mom found out he can make pretty things, she let him be a god on Mount Olympus. Ummm, superficial much? Then after his wife was "forced" to marry him, she cheated on him. With his BROTHER!! That's prettier than him! Everyone's soooooo superficial! >.< Poor guy... I'm looking for some myths on him. I'm thinking that they should be pretty funny. :) Hopefully.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A B-Day Party! :D
My friend had her b-day party today even though her actual birthday is on like the 22nd. I guess it's easier for people to come today since it's a PRO-D!!! WEEEE! :) I planned out pretty much what we were going to do though. :) It's pretty fun, party planning. Maybe it could be a job! Wooo. First we went to a Korean BBQ restaurant for lunchy. When we got there it didn't open yet so we just walked around Lansdowne mall looking for fun stuff. Not much in that mall except restaurants and some other stores. Not really any clothing stores though. :( After we actually went down to the restaurant to eat, it was already 11:30 AM. :) I ordered a little something for myself while everyone else shared the dishes. :) It was GOOD! When the luchies were finished, we headed over to Richmond Center. I'm not very sure what exactly we did there. We just went around into different stores. :) I went on the same merry-go-round again too. This time, I was sure to ride on Nemo. :) The sad thing is my hand got jammed because of Nemo's fin and the metal pole that was in front of it. :( I'm accident prone I guess. :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I have just read a article saying that my favourite food might be slowly killing me right now. Ok, maybe not exactly killing but pretty close. Scientists have found that 67% of chicken is BACTERIA!! And it's not the good kind. :( My favourite meat.... drifting away from me due to greedy people feeding the chickens too many antibiotics. Yes, the bacteria is immune to most antibiotics because of this!! I'm quite afraid of eating any kind of meat now. :( Even the "natural and organic" chicken is also affected!! Nothing is safe anymore!! Everything has chemicals in it!! Fish, meat, and VEGGIES!! I feel like just starting a HUGE PROTEST against adding chemicals to foods. I don't to grow up in this world being afraid to eat anything because of chemicals!!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Many Stuff Happened Today
There's quite a bit that happened today. Right now, I'm using my friends BEAUTIFUL MACBOOK PRO!! TO write my blog. Yes, I make a big deal out of EVERYTHING!!!! YAY EXAGGERATION!! Today, let's see... This morning I had to get up... Very sad I know. Then I went to buy my friend a B-DAY gift!! I got her a cute little monkey. :) Then I got some HAIR-DYE!! It didn't really show up very well but i can always re-dye it again and again and again!! MWAHAHAHA! Then I went to the usual and not so fun Chinese class. Boo. :( It got more fun after that cause I went to a PARTY-ish thing. It was so fun and too much fun to explain the awesomeness to you. :) Let's just say that it was like you were partying with a WHOLE BUNCH OF PENGUINS!!! WEEEE!! And there was foosball and ping pong. Then there was AIR HOCKEY!! You can put together all of the little pieces. :) It's like a jigsaw puzzle!! Have fun. ;)
Friday, February 11, 2011
A Very Sad Story...
I'm pretty shaken up right now. Like, scarred for life. It's not like it's anything "disturbing". It's just REALLY sad. It's the story about the rescue of the Kim family in 2006. So very sad... They were out there in the car for NINE STRAIGHT DAYS!!! The ending wasn't the absolute happiest. Kati Kim, the wife of James Kim, and their daughters survived. They were rescued eventually but poor James Kim was NOT!! He actually left the car on what I think is day 6 in search for help. most people think he died 2 days after he left because of the deadly enemy HYPOTHERMIA! It's a really sad and emotional story. I cried in some of the parts. It was just too... I don't even know how to explain this now. When I was watching it, I was just frozen with maybe FEAR! I don't know, it just seems so scary because of how it can happen to anyone. For them they were on a road trip and took one wrong turn and everything was went BAM! Downhill. Actually it was on the mountainous terrain so it would be uphill... You know what I mean. I think the show I watched on tv was called 20/20. It was a piece they did. You should search it on google and watch it. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one crying.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Busy Bees
Bzzzz. I'm a penguin bee. I'm very busy. Stand in my way and your face won't be recognizable anymore. Bzzzt. The busy part is extremely true but I'll ALWAYS be a penguin. I won't be a bee. Not a stingy bee that scares the life out of me. Two of the FOUR days of weekend is going to be very berry fun. Yay! The two other days are... meh. It's not as fun because I have to do work but I guess it's ok. I can't have to much fun or I might explode! It almost happened once. :) Yay exploding! Imploding's good too. Saves a bit more room. :) For now I'm just waiting for those two AWESOME days of AWESOMENESS to come. And of course endure the other meh days blocking the fun... If only I can peck the not so fun out of them. Hmmm, sounds fun! :) Right now, I'm going to bed. I can't risk not getting enough sleep. I'm very cranky when I'm sleepy... So beware. If I look tired, offer me some sugar. I'll be happy afterwards. :) YAY SUGAR!!! Weeee. :) Ok, good night.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I am thinking about the Langara run. I have found out that it might be TOMORROW! And I have gym first thing in the morning! Oh no! I'm probably going to be half asleep while I'm running. AHHHH. Dilemma. :( This time, I have a plan though. I'm going to carry a bottle of water around just in case we are running. I'm going to get VERY thirsty and I think it's better just to have some at hand. You know, just in case. Now that I'm more familiar with the "route", I have a mini schedule planned out. For most of the time I'm just going to follow one of my other friends. She's a bit faster than me from what I remember so it should be not entirely torture to run with her. If I do fall behind, I'll follow my mini schedule. I still have to work out the exact details of it though. Maybe I can just sing in my head a little song to keep me from not getting bored. It also keeps time of when to rest. Ohhhh. Good plan, good plan. Now which song should I pick. Maybe Spongebob or my little penguins love me song. Also a very good choice. :) I'll think of something.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Fencing was soooooo much fun!!! Two of my favourite things, poking people and not being the criminal because that's what we're supposed to do, POKE!! Yay! So very fun. :) The glove I got was EXTREMELY stinky though. I can still smell that disgusting smell lingering in my nose... It's not pleasant. Some people got non-smelly gloves so when they sniffed their hand, they didn't faint. When I smelt mine through the helmet when I was desperately trying to relieve the itch on my face that was caused by my bangs, I felt like throwing up. Very VERY stinky. :( Other than that, everything was as fun as sliding down a hill with a penguin! I was no good at fencing to be honest. I could never poke the person in the right place... I kept poking the legs and once almost poked their neck. Yes, I'm lethal. :) I learned another very important thing today. I'm not good at Simon Says. I kept moving when there was no Simon Says... The funny thing is that it happened at the exact same situations. We had to do push ups if we made a mistake... A lot of push ups for me that time. :) It was fun. A LOT of fun. :) Maybe i should take fencing on my own time. That is if I can find time in my BUSY schedule. :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Another Finishing Plan
See, I'm still planning. :) This time it's for the socials project though. My group's presenting next Wednesday. At least that's what I wrote down. I'm planning much ahead now. :) So here's what I have so far. Tomorrow I hand in the notes to a partner while the other partner is handing it in on Wednesday. The first partner I was talking about will have Tuesday to do the brochure part that needs the notes I given her and Wednesday vise versa. Wednesday at lunch, I will have my own notes back and I'll so a bit on the presentation and the bibliography. On Thursday, all the notes will be back to me and I'll keep working on the bibliography and presentation with the sencon partner I mentioned. All the links will be with me probably then too. On Friday, the brochure will be done and the presentation will be finished on that day. Hopefully we'll squeeze in some practice time to practice it. On Sunday it would be ALL PRACTICE! Then Tuesday at lunch we're meeting to do a quick review. That's the day before we present and we would've practiced at Wednesday lunch but there's the new schedule timetable switch. Honestly, I like this one a whole lot more than the last one. But the first timetable was the absolute BEST! :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
At Last, It's Done
Finally, my science fair project is done and over with. A long time of work has come to an end. FINALLY! I don't know if the quality is the best but I did work very hard on it. The display isn't flashy or anything and there's not a lot of writing. I kinda ran out of things to write about. Especially on the abstract. I was so afraid of the summary going over the one page limit that I shortened it a bit too much. It's barely a page long and with a HUGE font. Oops. There's no time to change it though and it covers what happened kinda well so I don't think I have to add anything right? I just want to forget about it at the moment. I should be thinking about how I'm going to carry it inside. Let's see, backpack, lunch, violin, and a HUGE display board. I'm going to be covered with bruises by the end of the day. After all the science fair stuff is over with, I have to quickly post all of the replies to the brain project, post on the forum because I didn't do much of that yet, and of course the religion project. I'm so busy now!! So very tired at the moment. I don't want to think about anything anymore, I just want to sleep... I'll make a plan for tomorrow after I find out what tomorrow's homework is. Planning is pretty helpful actually. Thank you Go Program for teaching me the fine art of planning. :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A Tiring Day of Work
I'm finally beginning to understand why my mom is always complaining about how tiring work is sometimes. It is very tiring. To be honest, I barely moved today. I pretty much just sat in one spot working on my science fair. I'm pretty on schedule but a little behind. I finished all the writing except for the abstract and the bibliography. I don't think we have to include photos in our bibliographies right? I hope not. The display is 1 third done. I finished decroating the things that I have to post and now all I have to do is stick it onto the board and colour the pictures and background. At the moment, I feel like I have just died, relived, then died again. If only I finished everything today. If only, if only. Time to make another schedule. In the morning, finish pasting all of the things onto the board and print out the bibliography. In the afternoon, I finish all the colouring and the abstract which shouldn't take that long. If my calculations are correct, I'll finish around 4pm. Wow, I sounded so scientific just then. Maybe I am getting smarter! :) Yay~
Friday, February 4, 2011
My Finishing Plan
Not the best operation title but it does sort of explain what I have to do. Finish the science fair project!!! I finished part of it today but not a lot. Not a lot at all. Today I only finished the problem, and the hypothesis. I started on the method and results but I'm not sure if we're allowed to use bullet points for that... Tomorrow I have to finish almost everything! In the morning I'll finish almost all of the writing stuff. That way, in the afternoon I can just focus on the display! Good plan, good plan. Then if I didn't finish all of it, I still have Sunday to work on it! Yay for planning things out! Thank you Go Program. Ever since we started soing the Go Program, I started planning my day more instead of just going around not having a clue on what to do next! My goal for the weekend is to finish the science fair project by Sunday morning and have the afternoon to work on my socials religion project that is also due in about one and a half weeks. That still leaves a little bit of time for relaxation. Ok, I got it ALL PLANNED out now. :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Penguin Empire
I think it's time to tell you about... my DOUBLE LIFE!! Gasp! Yes, it's true. In class I'm an ordinary student but when the bell rings, I become the EMPEROR of the PENGUINS!!! Yes, I am royalty! The history of the empire is actually pretty short. :) Let's see, there was the creation by me the might emperor. All was so peaceful until the penguin rebellion! It didn't last very long, don't worry. I settled it like any emperor should. Beg for mercy. :) We have come to the agreement that I am the EMPEROR and my friend, who by the way LED the rebellion, is now the EMPRESS. The roles are pretty simple. She's the smart one that handles "political" matters and I'm the one who gets the ice cream for after. We usually get sardine sorbet. Mmmm. Remember, we're penguins. :) Then the most horrible happened. The Polar Bear vs Penguin WAR!!!! This is still happening so beware of any polar bears is you're a fellow penguin. Me and the Empress thought we took care of everything by sending them to Pluto but no, they're BACK!! The result is yet to come... Cheer on you're fellow penguins soldiers!!! :)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Gymnastics ROUTINE!
This actually happened yesterday just to be clear. I just usually blog what happened a day later. :) Technically, I wasn't prepared to go yesterday. I only finished writing down the moves and drawing the floor plan. I was no where near memorizing it. My memorization skills match a little cricket's so I CANNOT remember things unless I write it on the back of my hand. That would've been a "good" plan. :) After seeing my PE teacher so mad at everyone for not being prepared, I ended up being one of the 10 people that were "ready" to go that day. I completely forgot about one the moves and forgot about the floor plan. Which basically means I left out one move and started making stuff up along the way. I think that's worth at least a low B or a high C+ right? It's ok, I'll just keep on living thinking that. :) I don't need the details. :) At least I don't have to worry about it anymore. Now I can just look forward to fencing on Friday! It's my dream! Getting marked for poking people with a sword! Is that fun or what? It's or what. It's going to be MORE than just FUN. It's going to be like partying with a bunch of penguins! Very fun!! :)
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