Friday, February 18, 2011


This was quite shocking to me. On my way to art class, like I do every Friday, I saw a..... COYOTE!!!!!! As in little bunny killer COYOTE!! A LIVE one. Not some display but one that was walking in the opposite directin as my car!!! It actually looked UP!! Oh no's!! Don't worry, I am and was safe. Although who knows, it could have turned for a bad turn!! My mom thought that it was a wolf. But for me, one look at it and all over it's scary, puny, scrawny face it said COYOTE!! I spent too long reading nature books. I thouhgt that my art teacher would be kinda shocked but she said that it was very COMMON!!! Just a few weeks ago, 2 dogs have been killed because of COYOTES!!! Yes, every time the word COYOTE shows up it will be in capital letters. :) She said that there's also lots of skunks and raccoons on the area. How come I have never even saw them before until tonight? Weird... I should've took a picture of it. I know which street i saw it on though. I think it was Heather and near 63rd. Somewhere between there. There were a few red flags near there. All of the animals probably came from the Langara park or golf course. It's kinda freaky knowing that there are wild animals just running around everywhere. My art teahcer told me that everytime she has to go out to walk her giant beast known as Archie the collie, she brings an umbrella. Just in case. Very good to know, huh?

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