Once upon a Thursday, there were two penguins. One held an umbrella while the other a violin case. It's a really simple story actually because only a few things happened. First the penguin with the umbrella began the poke the penguin with the case. After turning to face another direction, Penguin numero dos swung the case and managed to hit the umbrella penguin. Realising the severity of the action, numero dos ran. BUT numero uno followed close behind. At the d oor, just before the stairs, the penguin with the umbrella tripped and begun to fall. Epically. Arms reached out in a diving kind of position, everything occured in slooooowwww moooootttttiiiiiooooonnnn. Then a resounding crash filled the not so empty room. And in the misdt of all this, Penguin number 1 still managed to poke Penguin number 2.
The End
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