Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Falling, a delicate activity full of possibilities. Let me count the different ways that you can fall. No why do that when you can simply go watch any show in the Telly made to make you laugh. Falling, part of our culture! Seeing someone fall and pop back up without any injury, we laugh. Or maybe it is just Me laughing. I do not mean to offend, I do not want the gesture to seem ill mannered in any kind but it is rather funny to me. Seeing people fall. It reminds me that I am not the only person that is inexplicably clumsy in this world. Falling, a part of me. Literally. I do it so much that it can be used to define me.

*Argggggh why is this so very difficult for me? It doesn't even sound like me until around the middle where I was considering going back to the regular ladeeda way of writing that I usually do. XD Maybe I'll even try it again. >:D When I'm bored and have nothing to do. =w = HEY this might be the new hobby that I'm searching for! :D But the well's gonna run dry pretty soon so I better keep searching for now.

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