Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Slacked Off

I was planning this whole day for studying but my short attention span got the better of me. Eyelids dropped and I had easily slept the whole day away. I feel so ashamed QQ. I guess the good news is that I got most of the main points down and I can do the review sheets pretty easily so that's a good sign right? Sad news is that this is Science and I believe that our beloved science teacher gives the hardest tests I have ever took. Excluding socials but that is just because I suck at writing essays. :P So now half of me is panicking about how hard the test is going to be the other half is telling me to suck it up, it's multiple choice, you got the main points down and you know what and how everything works so it is FINE, get on with life and start studying for math for goodness sakes. I listened to the second half. The one good thing I accomplished today is I practiced 2 hours for violin ( a record for me)! So umm yea that was my day. God my neck hurts from looking down to much....

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