Thursday, September 29, 2011

Running Out of Time

You might be wondering why I didn't blog in the last 2 days. Well, I have two words for you SOCIALS PROJECT. It took up quite a bit of time especially since my group still has not finished it and it is due the Monday only 4 days away. I'm pretty sure only the Powerpoint is left but it also might be possible that more info needs to be added. Naw, 35 slides should be quite enough. Yeah so by the looks of it, my new school year goal of no more procrastinating is not going too well. :/ It's like procrastinating is a religion to high schooler's or something. Or it's like one of those diseases that just won't go away. Or like a really annoying cold along with a high fever. Ughhhh, I must improve. It's mostly just for projects. As for normal homework I'm finishing at least most of it the day it's assigned if I didn't finish it in class already. :) At least I'm improving at something.

Monday, September 26, 2011

An Almost Break

So today I had what you might call an almost break. At least I call it that so ummmm yeah. Alright so basically I had time to sit on the couch, watch TV and not have to worry too much about that dreadful stuff ,that I will one day become allergic to, homework. IT WILL HAPPEN. Maybe. I still can't believe that it's happening. Ok, double check time. As for the hats, I made five already and requested an one week break from the magnificent designer and it was GRANTED. YES!!!! I'm kinda shocked that she just let me take a break tho. =.= Next up, since I just presented my science "project" today there was no homework from science! Same for English, but I didn't present. :) Now socials I'm a bit worried about since we only have what, 2 days left? But I guess that we'll finish. We as in my group and I. Lalalala, ok I'll live somehow. Just stay up to midnight once and done right? I know, bad habit. :/

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time Travel?

Apparently, time travel might be possible. Remember all those stories about time travel and you're like "If I could do that, I'll probably rich by now. I can just go ahead and find out the winning numbers for the lottery, enter it in and BAM. Richosity achieved." Now it just might be possible. :OOOOOO Jaw-dropping~ So my mom was just browsing online, looking at the news as usual and then one of the headlines were about a particle that was FASTER than LIGHT. Yeah... the thought to be impossible is possible. Ok, bad phrase but you understand what I'm saying right? Ok, so if scientists can find out more about this strange particle, time travel will eventually be possible! Possibly. :) Yeaup, so that was basically the highlight of my day. Other than that, I did finally learn how to end a hat myself. XD Before that I usually just have a friend do that for me. :P But now I know. Mwahahahahahahaahahaha... >:) I don't know what that was for, feel free to ignore it. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Game That Annoys Me

Do you know some games where you just can't win and yet, you keep playing since it annoys you so much and you just got to prove to the computer " I CAN DO IT, SHUT UP AND LET ME TRY AGAIN." >:| I know what it feels like. I found this game on a random game website today while ( I was bored XD) and found this cursor game where you basically have to follow this line with your mouse and you can't go off the line. Ok so before I start my story of how much I fail, let me tell you a little back story. Flashback music~~~ When I was just a small penguin, I used to play with one of my neighbours a lot and we'd just go on this random website and play games pretty much all day long. One of those was this one follow the line game that was, to be honest, ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I mean really, the art was awesome. Anyways, so I played this one and then I remembered my hatred of it all over again. You see, my friend was a lot better than me. When I would immediately go off the line and the character would fall to their death and the other character that it was trying to save would also die, she would just be awesome and pass the levels like it was just as easy as breathing. So today there I sat playing that game over and over just trying to get past the first level. I (FINALLY) made it and now I'm telling you this story. Ok then. The End. C:

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Dying Mouse

Let me just be clear and say that the mouse that is dying right now is not one that goes squeak squeak and eats cheese. No it's the one attached to my computer and pretty much either double clicking everything when I press it once or not doing anything when it's supposed to. Yeah, I'm pretty mad at it. Then I think about all the times I dropped it and all the times i almost spilled water all over it. I did spill water just beside not directly on the mouse. :) Anyways, with the half dead mouse I can't even click and drag stuff or hold down the button for copy pasting. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT COPY PASTE. So I'm gonna go buy a new one soon. :) For now I'm gonna go fine the Hello Kitty wireless mouse that's under a bunch of stuff in a big box I use for storage since my mom thinks my room is too "messy". It's a long story. :/ So i'm going to go yell at my mouse one more time before bed. How healthy right? XD

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Yes so today I am very berry happy that the science presentation that was supposed to be presented today was, that's right, POSTPONED! One of my favourite words on many occasions. :) So yes, my group got very lucky considering we weren't prepared very well. Hahahahaha, that's some crazy good luck. If only something like that can happen for my socials project due soon... Let's just hope the luck well still has some magic left. XD Alrighty, so the project mentioned just a sec ago is getting done. So far notes should be completed like by Saturday night? At least that is the goal. :P Then we'll have to finish by Thurs when it has to handed in and omg i hope we make it. QQ On the other hand, the hat factory is going quite well. C: There's even a company joke/ analogy now. XD So you know how all the cute Asian pens and pencils are almost always designed in Korea, made in China? It's true for our company... My friend who is Korean designed the hats and I, who am a proud Chinese, make like 1 a day. XD Isn't it such a weird coincidence? The things you notice in Science class. Okays, I'll write again tomorrow and it will be something other than ranting and complaining. I know! I'll write about bubbles~~~ Lol okies, bye. C:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Procrastinating Yet Again

Yeah... you know how one of my goals for this year is to stop procrastinating? Yeaup, it's not going very well. Let me list the ways of how I am failing my own course of goals. Exhibit A, the science presentation that is very much due tomorrow. Procrastinated and I am now with my group online furiously trying to complete it. We're almost? Somewhat? Getting done. Bla, it's killing me. I'm sleep deprived already. :P Now onto Exhibit B. The socials project that is due quite soon. As in NEXT THURS. Now, what has my group done? Found a few sites for notes and did 5 points worth of notes. Yeaup, to sum it up NOTHING. RAWR. Yes my forever laziness is catching up and I am going to ultimately die soon. Hahahahha. Okay... Oh I started to learn a new language too. :) It's called Panic! Of course I'm learning Simplified since Traditional would be a little too hard for me at the moment. Here's a little bit of what I learned today. SAGHSIGSKGKNGSGDKA PENGUINS! DSGGJSD. Pretty fluent right? Yeah... if I don't stop procrastinating, I'm gonna speak Panic just like a native. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mass Manufacturing

Yep, that's me. I'm now known to my "company" as the mass manufacturer. Why I was given this heroic (lol?) name? I think it's because I have gotten very, extremely fast at making hats. Either that or I got addicted and I can't stop. I dunno, either one. What I DO know is that I finished an adult's size hat in one day. In I think 2 - 3 hours. Hahahahahaha yeah, I'm an idiot that doesn't know how to manage time since I am now very behind on my map and completely forgot to practice my violin. Ahahahaha that's fine. C: I'll just finish everything very quickly tomorrow and forget about knitting the hats. I must forget.... But it's just waiting for me to make more.... Yep, I have a problem. Anyways, I'm going to go quickly study for tomorrows safety test. Let's hope my memory stayed in tact and that I can remember all the info I learned from the beginning of last year. Memory, don't fail me now. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am very annoyed with a little thing known as mapping. Yes, what I usually would think is a somewhat easy task is annoying me very much today. Usually I would be okay with it but having to add lines of longitude and lattitude is very... annoying. I'm not quite sure what other word I can use to describe it. All I can think of is ANNOYING. I remember in Grade 5 where the only maps we had to do were ones of Canada which were very plain to be honest. Then you compare Canada to Europe and you'll immediately get a headache just from looking at Europe. At least I do. You can see more than 10 countries in a week! I have got to try that... anyways, the headache I have from finelining everything is settling in. I'm just glad that we didn't have to label the different countries as well. What a HUGE mess everything would've been then. HA! Ok I'm going to bed now. Bye~

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chunky Ice Cream

One thing that really bugs me is chunky ice cream. Other known as ice cream with chinks of ICE in them. They annoy me so. Ice cream is supposed to be creamy and smooth hence the cream in ice cream. So why I'm bringing this up? Of course it's because I was just eating some and was very displeased. It just ruins the feeling of ice cream and why I love it. Not too mention if makes the ice cream taste like ice and water. Blech, how disgusting. So to get over it and eat my ice cream, i mushed it all up into a soup like substance and drank it down. I hope that this is the only one that ended up chunky. Hopefully the others are still the smooth, creamy ice cream that I love. Okay then I'm tired. Good night and happy eating!

Friday, September 16, 2011

What I Just Heard

According to the news, yes a real source, Vancouver is the #3 worst dressed city in the world. Huh, that's kinda funny. I'm just sitting here peacefully procrastinating and going on Facebook then I hear the TV going on about the worst dressed cites in the world. There sitting at number 3 was Vancouver. Apparently it's because that people just go outside in yoga pants and the TV's screaming put on some real pants. Anyways I just kinda find that interesting they would put that kind of stuff on the news. Yes, the evening news. Guess things are kinda slow in the world. Oh wait, guess who's number 1? Orlando, Florida. According to them, the most stylish thing there is Minnie Mouse's dress. XD But you must admit that is one stylish mouse. :) Okays, that all I'll be going to bed now. Haha that was my daily laugh all this. XD Okie good night. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hopefuly The Start Of More Sleep

So today I am going to start part one of a healthier life so I don't get sick as often. :) After those few days with that fever, I am hoping no one around the world has to go through that ever. You get all sweaty but you still feel so cold IT IS HORRIBLE.. Anyways, here's part one on my journey to a healthier life. I'm gonna start off with sleep since you know, I really, REALLY like no love sleep. C: Haha, who doesn't? SO, usually I get to sleep at around 11 ish. I know it's pretty early compared to some of the bedtimes that I've been hearing but I need a ton of sleep just to function somewhat normal. :| Yeah... So everyday starting form now I'm going to start preparing for bed at 10 sharp. Preparing as in brushing teeth and that. Yes it takes me a long time. So by the time I actually go to bed it'll be 10:30 and I'll get a hour more sleep. It adds up you know? Then on the weekends I'll sleep even more. >:) If I have time that is.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I hope very much hope that this is the very last time that I will see this pesky fever. I don't want to see it tomorrow, a month from now, not even YEARS from now. I never had a fever that went to temperatures this high before. :/ Luckily, as the title indicates, my fever is (pretty much) GONE! My cold is still here and is killing my throat but I got some mouthwash-like stuff to gargle up to 5 times a day to make my throat feel a bit better. :) I dunno what the doctor prescribed to me but it tastes absolutely HORRIBLE. Apparently it was supposed to taste a bit like mint. Let me tell all of you from experience that it does NOT taste anything like mint. Unless mint is supposed to leave a really bad kind of chemical like taste in your mouth. Well, I'm trying to avoid using the rinse as much as I can now.  One more goal for when I grow up, MAKE SOMEWHAT GOOD TASTING MEDICINE. I capitalized it to make it more important and to show how much I care. :) But really, the rinse tasted that bad. >.<

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The First Attempt

Today I started what looks like my first hat or toque. :) I actually had to start over 3 times now but that's fine. At least I'm trying really really hard right? It's the effort that counts. :) I tell that to myself so I don't feel completely disappointed. Turns out that little hook like thing is very important... I'm currently borrowing a friend's knitting circle and borrowed the hook in class. I can't really "do" anything at home now. :/ Is there some extremely easy way to make one? I think paper clips might have been an option but I think they're going to bend WAY too easily. I don't know if it's because I made a mistake but on the first knob of each set (is that the right term? lol) it's really hard to pull the bottom yarn over the top. It's looser after that though. :) I think I'll just go buy one during the weekend. It seems much simpler. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dead Plant?

For quite a long time I had this "flower" plant resting right beside the kitchen/ dining room window. To be honest, I rarely water it since I always, ALWAYS forget. Usually it gets like a big amount of water this one day in a month. It never bloomed but it's still green. You know, with some dead brown leaves hanging off the side and to this day I wonder, "Did it die?" I don't actually know the answer. :/ It's still mostly green so it must mean that Planty survived right? Yep, that's the plant's name, Planty. :) I'm not good with names... I really hope that I'll start remembering to water the poor plant otherwise it'll end up like all my other dead plants that died of dehydration. C: Yep that's right, MANY died. First there was the strawberry plant. I think that was also since it didn't get enough sunlight... I put one of those bulbs that water the plant for you. C: It's too big for any other plant though. Oh well. :| Then there was the tomato plant which grew to fast and I didn't know how to transfer it into a bigger pot. So the pot or "home" was too small for the growing tomato and it DIED. Then there were the 18 bean plants that died since I forgot to water them. C: Yeah... I killed a whole TON of plants. I should really just remember to water them huh?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

At Home

So here's a little update on how my cold is since I really don't know what else I can talk about at the moment. :) Let's see, when I woke up I had this HUGE headache. I think that it might be because I sat up too quickly when I saw that the clock read 11:30 AM. So after finally getting up, my head was still pretty blurry. Is that the right expression? I'm not sure actually. :P To be honest my head is still a bit dizzy... Ughhh, I hate colds... :( My eyes hurts, is that normal? It's because it's really puffy right? Sigh, you would think that after getting over dozens of colds that I would know more about them. My fever's gotten a lower so that's good right? Yeah, last night it was over 38 C, now think it's gone down to around 37.7 C. So yep, I'm getting a bit better. Maybe the tons of vitamins that my mom made me take are helping. :) I just hope that by tomorrow it's gone and I can get my normal head back.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


That's pretty much what I'm thinking right now. Mostly because I think I got sick. Yep that's right, after the first week of school I'm at home with the cold. At least I think it's the cold. The symptoms are just sore throat, fever, coughing, and that kind of stuff right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the cold. Since my eyes are kinda puffy, my head hurts, and I think I got a fever... It's not comfortable. QQ It's almost tradition for me to get sick with the cold every single year. Usually I get it around October or November but I guess this year I just got very unlucky... Anyways, I hope that it doesn't last long and that I don't end up getting another one later on. >.< It would really suck if I have to stay like this until spring comes. I guess I'll just stuff multivitamins and vitamin C down my throat until I get better. :) I guess my mom was right when she said that I should eat my Flintstones gummy vitamins everyday. Well, I'll start now. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Napping vs. Sleeping

Now this is a little segment called napping vs. sleeping. Many people consider it the same thing, I am NOT one of those people. I believe that there are significant differences between the two and that using the differences, it can give some advantages (if they can be called that :P). First I think everyone considers that napping is just a shorter version of sleeping. So napping is, I suppose, less lazy since you're taking a short break while sleeping is a long break. Now have you considered that you can take a LONG, very LONG nap? Like the length of the average sleep. It can give the impression that you aren't as lazy. When people ask you, the answer can be "I just took a very long nap." You're not telling them how incredibly LONG that nap was, I believe that they will just assume that the longest it can be is 4 or 5 hours. It's a little trick I use during summer so that my mom doesn't think I'm that lazy sleeping all day. I slept, then I took another long nap. C: I'm not sure how well it worked but I'll keep working on my definition of napping and sleeping. This has been The Different Kinds of Sleep with Dr. Penguini. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Second Day...

I got to admit, I think that there's a chance that I'll like Day 2s more this year. I can pretty much just leave my brain dead for the entire morning since I have P.E. first then Strings. For P.E. I don't really have to think that hard, just motivate myself not to give up and for Strings I guess I have to use my head a bit more but it's better than doing math first thing went you get to school. After lunch I have to start "using my brain" and work since I have English then Science. I'm just glad they're on the same floor so I don't have to run everywhere. :P Anyways, enough about my schedule. I talked more than enough about that. XD I'm just gonna use this little bit of space to complain just a tiny bit about P.E. :) First let me just say that I am exhausted and completely out of shape. Like, I ran a bit during summer (to be exact maybe 3 or 4 times) but I did a LOT more sleeping and eating. And a tiny bit of napping. It is not the same thing as sleeping. :) There's a tiny difference between the two. XD I'll talk more about that some other day I guess. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah, ok then. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back To School

Ughhhh so tired.... I must get up everyday before noon starting from now on until summer... I'm quite sure you know the reason but i'll say it anyways. SCHOOL. Sure I'm happy that I can see my friends again and that I do things other than sleep all day but I would very much like it if school started a bit later. Like noon. :) I know it's not going to happen but I can picture it now, getting 10 hours (or MORE) of sleep every single day. That would be nice. :) Ok, enough of my dreams. Today was pretty much the first official day of school to me, you know since yesterday was just 10 hours long. It went pretty well I guess. Socials first thing in the morning followed by applied skills, french and math. The only thing I'm not happy about is that I have to run from the third floor to the first, then to the third again, and back to the first. QQ Why can't there be an in between class? Well, there is lunch where I eat on the second and catch my breath from the running. XD I'm just glad that the teachers are pretty nice and that the rooms are pretty much on the same side of the building. :)