Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I hope very much hope that this is the very last time that I will see this pesky fever. I don't want to see it tomorrow, a month from now, not even YEARS from now. I never had a fever that went to temperatures this high before. :/ Luckily, as the title indicates, my fever is (pretty much) GONE! My cold is still here and is killing my throat but I got some mouthwash-like stuff to gargle up to 5 times a day to make my throat feel a bit better. :) I dunno what the doctor prescribed to me but it tastes absolutely HORRIBLE. Apparently it was supposed to taste a bit like mint. Let me tell all of you from experience that it does NOT taste anything like mint. Unless mint is supposed to leave a really bad kind of chemical like taste in your mouth. Well, I'm trying to avoid using the rinse as much as I can now.  One more goal for when I grow up, MAKE SOMEWHAT GOOD TASTING MEDICINE. I capitalized it to make it more important and to show how much I care. :) But really, the rinse tasted that bad. >.<

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