Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Procrastinating Yet Again

Yeah... you know how one of my goals for this year is to stop procrastinating? Yeaup, it's not going very well. Let me list the ways of how I am failing my own course of goals. Exhibit A, the science presentation that is very much due tomorrow. Procrastinated and I am now with my group online furiously trying to complete it. We're almost? Somewhat? Getting done. Bla, it's killing me. I'm sleep deprived already. :P Now onto Exhibit B. The socials project that is due quite soon. As in NEXT THURS. Now, what has my group done? Found a few sites for notes and did 5 points worth of notes. Yeaup, to sum it up NOTHING. RAWR. Yes my forever laziness is catching up and I am going to ultimately die soon. Hahahahha. Okay... Oh I started to learn a new language too. :) It's called Panic! Of course I'm learning Simplified since Traditional would be a little too hard for me at the moment. Here's a little bit of what I learned today. SAGHSIGSKGKNGSGDKA PENGUINS! DSGGJSD. Pretty fluent right? Yeah... if I don't stop procrastinating, I'm gonna speak Panic just like a native. :)

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