Friday, September 9, 2011

Napping vs. Sleeping

Now this is a little segment called napping vs. sleeping. Many people consider it the same thing, I am NOT one of those people. I believe that there are significant differences between the two and that using the differences, it can give some advantages (if they can be called that :P). First I think everyone considers that napping is just a shorter version of sleeping. So napping is, I suppose, less lazy since you're taking a short break while sleeping is a long break. Now have you considered that you can take a LONG, very LONG nap? Like the length of the average sleep. It can give the impression that you aren't as lazy. When people ask you, the answer can be "I just took a very long nap." You're not telling them how incredibly LONG that nap was, I believe that they will just assume that the longest it can be is 4 or 5 hours. It's a little trick I use during summer so that my mom doesn't think I'm that lazy sleeping all day. I slept, then I took another long nap. C: I'm not sure how well it worked but I'll keep working on my definition of napping and sleeping. This has been The Different Kinds of Sleep with Dr. Penguini. :)

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