Thursday, December 15, 2011

Almost Break Time~

I am now silently waiting for my Winter Break to come~ I did all the work I can for the project, I studied hard for the science test I am bound to fail since I already did fail the multiple choice part (I checked the answers for the questions I remembered), and now I will silently sit in the corner and reflect on my poor grades. :) I have epically asian failed the first term of Gr 9. QQ AHHHHH SNIFFLES.... I tried my best, I guess that's what counts right? Bla. I don't even want to think about the work I have to fit in during the break either. It's mainly just the Science Fair. Bla. I'm very very VERY tired now. Mainly from skating. ;) OH and I finally somewhat taught April how to skate. At least in the end she let go of the cone. :D YAY~~~ A lot of people didn't come though... Some people I saw on the way over to the skating rink but I guess they went somewhere else when they got off the bus. :/ Oh wells. I'm going to go worry about the science test again. :D BOO. Oh and turns out April was my secret santa~~~ She got me these 2 pairs of earrings, one of which is a pair of PENGUINS. HAHAHAHAHAHA PENGUINS. >:D Yeaup, that means I can't chicken out of my ear piercing this weekend. Wish me luck. QQ

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Concert~

So very sorry about not writing yesterday's blog. >.< I got home pretty late because of the concert so bla. >:| Yeah, I didn't have enough time to study for science and I'm quite sure that I failed today's test since I had no idea what most of those words were. All throughout the test I was going WHAT IS THIS???? Anyways DEPRESSION T^T On the other hand let me tell you this awesome thing that happened yesterday. You know that Ding Fries Are Done song right? You know, the awesomely awesome song that I posted a while ago? Yea well the choir sang the actual version of that song (since it was a parody :D). So as soon as they began the nanananana part I started to giggle. Then as the song progressed I had to work very berry hard just to make my laughing unnoticeable. You see, the Ding Fries Are Done Song is very special to me. I always dreamed of someone playing the real version and then we can just sing along with the fries lyrics. OMG IT CAME TRUE~~~~ LALALAA I did quietly sing along with Grace although it was hard cause of the laughing XD

Monday, December 12, 2011

Work Complete?

I'm going to have to write a very short blog today since my head is pounding, my eyes are red and my entire body is frozen. I don't feel the best and I think I may have caught a cold due to the fact that there is NO HEATING in my apartment building. I m freezing cold right now and the fact that I have to stay up to do homework because I have to be at a concert tomorrow does not improve my mood. In fact I kinda want to tear something in two right now. I don't usually act this way unless in great anger. Well I wont say anger but irritated. RAWR RAWR RAWR RAR I'm jut hoping that everthings finally done. If you saw the non spelling corrected version of this you would find that everything is spelt wrong lol I'm sorry. I will go work and sleep. RAWR I WANT TO SLEEEEEEEEEEP.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Working But Not Much Was Done QQ

Today I sat down in front of the computer ready to do work. Wait just a sec before I go on, you see how I said computer instead of desk? Technology these days.... Anyways so I sat down and I worked and worked and worked. But I look back on it now and it seems like nothing was done! That is some scary stuff..... It's like there's this magical force that made it so minimal.... YES I BELIEVE IN MYSTERIOUS FORCES. It's how penguins got to Antarctica after all. ;D Well other than that, I now know what I will be doing during the Winter break. When I am not slaving over the stove, I will be complaining about how much my ears hurt. :) Confused? Let me explain the wonders of my mind~ First my ears would be hurting because I'm getting them pierced. Yeaup. I'm getting second thoughts already to be honest... NON COMMITMENT DEAR PENGUINI. Lol and I would be slaving over the stove since I have many cooking adventures ahead of me. First the many desserts and beverages for the festive parties and then pizza. Yes pizza. I made it once before and it turned out quite nicely. :) But now I have a better technique for making the dough extra nice and soft~ :D Well I should go finish more work. I bid you adieu C:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Slacked Off...

I get it now.... The irony, yeah since usually I'm the one that's so busy. OHHHH. Sorry I'm kind of slow at this. >.< So is my working speed on just everyday things. I feel really guilty though. First about complaining that my mom is so busy now, when it's usually me and second I had a whole quarter of Saturday to do work and I did MUCH less than I expected... So I'm going to have to work EXTRA EXTRA hard tomorrow to finish everything,. Yeaups. I'm really looking forward to the terrific Winter Break that is almost upon us. <3 I'm gonna learn how to cook much more than just desserts, pasta and pizza. That's pretty much all I can make at the moment. QQ I'm not sure why but I have taken up a great interest in the culinary arts~ I will practice my kitchen skills during the break when I'm not at parties. XD Hey, I can bring some of my goods to them. Heheheheh let's hope no one gets food poisoning. XD As for right now I'm mentally making a plan of how my day is going to go tomorrow. Then I will LIVE by that schedule and FINISH everything!!!!!! I'm tired now... My eyes are getting swollen too. QQ I will go to sleep so tomorrow my brain will be energized enough to do lots and lots of work so I won't have to stay up late during those school nights. XD

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Working Away

Sigh, I can't ever seem to find a time for my mom to sit down and do the empathy blogs with me.... The times I remember to ask she is very berry busy and when she is not ( which is quite rare actually) I FORGET. Ever since she took up the online marketing thing as more than just a place for some personal shopping but as an extra income, her life has become busy busy busy. She had to cancel one of her "convention" study trips since I have a concert next Tuesday. XD Anyways, I respect her hard work. Oui. So I must schedule a time. Bla. Anyways, today I have been very berry busy as well. QQ I didn't even get to take my little break I usually do when I first get home. The tradition for Winter is the minute I get home I make myself a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, plop myself on the couch, and watch the educational show Spongebob. Today I had to SKIP my ritual... It is a sad day when my ritual is skipped. At least I finished more things on my to do list. I do have to do a little shopping for supplies since I now have 3 projects to work on. I'm not even including Science Fair . I should but it seems more like part of my school life.... I do not enjoy it though. I really don't. If it wasn't for marks I probably would but you know, THE PRESSURE. I tend to crack under pressure. QQ I must return to my hive to work now, au revoir ~~ :D

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More Work To Do

Big sigh, my little time of break has ended. Once again I must go work instead of sit on my couch. I really want to finish all my project work all in this week so I can SLEEP during the weekend. :) Here's my plan so far. Tomorrow I will first type out a few things that I need to finish my French project since we have to do the work at class but we can type the stuff at home. It is somewhat complicated. :) It shouldn't take too long since it's just typing right? Lol okies XD After that I will work hard on umm ENGLISH PROJECT. I almost forgot about that... Yeaup so my group would have figured out what to do by then so I can start le work~ If there's time I'll squeeze in some time to work on my notes for the new Socials project that was assigned. :) I gotta start my science fair experiments too... Meh, I'll do that during the break. :D Lol I procrastinate. :/

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Little Day For Relaxing

I am quite comfortable at the moment sitting on my couch writing to you using the magnificent penguin technology of telpathy. Oui us penguins are just that much more "advanced" than the humans. >:) Mwahahahaha!!!! Rawrs. Yes so as I was saying, I am very berry comfortable and to be honest, not that worried about too much. Just quietly waiting for Winter Break to come along~ Me and my friends are thinking of going to downtown to this nice little Italian restaurant to eat what other than PASTAAAAA~~~ Yeah.... I REALLY LOVE PASTA. Please don't run away. QQ I am a lonely penguin at heart... Oh which reminds me, I MUST watch Happy Feet 2 one way or the other since it is my lawful duty as a penguin to do so. *Insert nod to add importance here* I'm trying my best not to think of school tooooo much since I am trying to get into the holiday spirit and start baking green cookies that will probably kill who ever that eats them. :) It's sad that most of the hats will have to finished this week though... That's gonna be hard and tiring to do... Oh and as for the parent empathy blogs, I will have to find a time when both of me and my mom is free. I was plannin to start today but she said she was busy. It's too bad.... QQ

Monday, December 5, 2011


I don't know why, but for the past few days I have been extremely sleepy. Not just a little doze kind of sleepy either. It's more of a sits down somewhere and fall asleep sleepy. :) RAWR. I think I'm getting enough.... I make up for it on the weekends so it should work right? Or is there a rule against that? I don't know but I DO know I need sleep. Yes I said this a lot but it's really starting to show now (apparently). My eyes are red, I have huge bags under my eyes and I get headaches a lot now. QQ I might have a cold too but I don't have any other symptoms. XD Well, I should be able to get TONS of sleep after tomorrow. :D At least that's what I hope to do....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Regular Sunday Time

Today was just a regular Sunday. :) Not much happened other than relaxation and some time to catch up my sleepy time hours which are WAY behind by the way. I'm thinking of making like a sleep chart so I make sure I get enough sleep... Am I too concerned over the amount of sleep I get? Yeah, I probably am but that's fine~~~ Think of it as a hobby? Yeah alrighty makes me sound more normal owo' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just laugh off the awkwardness. o.o Oh my friend and "daughter" (in the penguin royal family of course, it's messed so please don't ask about it since it may take forever just to explain the generation that is happening right now and no one is actually related in anyway, the penguin may be father and a mother to another penguin it's messed I'm sorry and I will stop this run-on sentence now) made this sign to relieve awkwardness in daily life. It's just the quotation marks but when you use your hands to do it. I'm not the best at explaining... I'm sorry. QQ On a completely different topic, I'm thinking of taking up cooking during the Winter Break. You know since I do need something to do between my daily naps and what better than FOOD. Of course my mom won't make THAT much for me so I guess I'll just do it myself. >.< I'm just hoping I don't poison anyone. LOL JUST KIDDING. Actually no I am quite serious... I don't cook often. I'll tell you about my experience with kitchen fires after I cook once. :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Creative Juices Gone, Can't Think Of A Title

My brain is quite dead right now. I had a perfect idea of what i was going to write this morning. I rememer that something quite awesome happened but now POOF. All gone... Everything, my "perfectly" planned out blog GONE. i guess that it happens. XD Well , I will talk about random stuff that I remember then. First off I'm getting more used to using my phone for blogging. :D My mom's using my main computer so yea... Oh and we're supposed to do the next empathy blogs with our parents, oui? I also managed to get wifi in school somehow on my phone~~~~~ Sadly it doesn't work in the new wing... Too bad QQ My shoulder's hurting a lot right now. I think it's cuz I was sitting in this weird pose for a long time on the couch lol. Good news that I almost forgot~ I have a very relaxed weekend today~~~~ I don't even have homework other than some math as well as some math tutoring from my mom. XD Yeah, I'm not doing too well in the class. I have officially asian failed... Actually Im not sure yet... Hahahaha theres still hope! I love how this blog has no topic. XD Just a long rambling on my day from the brain of a penguin ~ I'm going to stop now and find a way to fix my hurting shoulder. :) Whoa that makes me sound like a robot... o.o

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Record Time~

Today was not that bad a day other than the fact that I have a fever from my shots. QQ To start, I FOUND MY DEADLY EXPENSIVE SOCIALS BOOK~~~~ Lalalalalala WOOOOO. Well, my good friend April found it for me then recognized my chicken scratches (my writing is really bad especially when i use a thin pen lol) and was like I FOUND YOUR BOOK! YOU OWE ME A COOKIE! Tough life. But a now wonderful~ Lol i just realized how much my mood changed. Heh. It's very like me actually. Not too good for other people considering they're the ones who has to deal with it. XD Well, another good thing that happened. Was that I managed to finish my English project all in ONE day, that's right ONE! Hahahahaha, no idea how my group managed to pull it off. But it happened! I am extremely happy about that since this is the fastest I have ever worked. EVER. Phew. My head's starting to hurt now. QQ Well, I'm gonna go head off to bed as soon as I finish the Science homework I forgot about. Hopefully by tomorrow my fever's gone. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lost Book QQ

This is most definately NOT one of good days :/ The only good news I really have is that I found my French textbook. As for my Socials textbook, someone else still has it. I lent it to someone last week and they haven't returned it yet... I forgot who I gave it to cause of my horrible memory and I was in a huge rush that day. I tried asking everyone who might've borrowed it but every single person said NO. QQ Now I have absolutely no possible idea where my book may be... Maybe the person thought it was their own or returned it. All I know is that the person isnt't in Synergy since I remember being quite shocked that another class is using the same textbook. But now I asked everyone I could think of but NOTHING! Doesn't help that my mom is now extremely mad at me and is no way willing to pay for it if I don't find it... I don't have the money to pay for it either. Since the book isn't published anymore is cost is easily over $100... QQ Any ideas on what I should do? QQ

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Shocking news I have heard today. A friend of my mom's assistant is now in the hospital because of a hit and run.... QQ Apparently her legs now broken into 3 pieces and the skin of her left arm is GONE. OMG that must've been torture.... She's getting surgery now.. And to think that I was worried about my 2 shots for tomorrow. Omg..... And to think I never thought too much about road safety. I'm really freaked now. Which doesn't help with the fact that IMMUNIZATION IS TOMORROW. RAWRS RAWRS RAWR IM GONNA DIE. Yeah, I really hate shots. :/ Having no friends with the same first letter of their last name doesn't help much either. I'm going to have to go through this terrible journey all alone. QQ With no one to help me get over the "seering" pain of a needle penetrating the skin and letting little medicine, weakened version of diseases put in you and I am really just making it worse for myself. QQ No.... relax. Deep breath, wiggly toes. Whew..... Not working. >.< I need Simon's Cat more than ever now. Yes, I'm watching them again. The same videos that made me stay up to 12 to watch them repeatedly. They're back. WHOOO~ There's more now tho. :D This is one of the older ones not to mention the first one I ever watched. <3

Monday, November 28, 2011

A New Start?

IT IS A SO CALLED BRAND NEW TERM~~~ *Insert little party whoop here* So yea, a brand new start some would say. :) Or to people like me who are not doing so well right now and need to quickly bump up their mark, you can also say that it's the end of the world!!!! NUUUUU- Yeah I really need more time. :/ So I am not going to worry about it right now. Lalalalalalala BAM out of sight out of mind. >:) Well, technically its not out of sight since the binders like right there beside me so it cant be out of mind. DARN YOU LOGIC. So anyways let me tell you another amazing discovery I made about my new phone~ Mimi told you about it oui? I do believe so lol kk. turns out I can access and work with Google Docs with my phone from ANYWHERE. OMG YESH ITS TRUE. So while my mom was using the main computer for her marketing and money making techniques to make us rich (oui its true XD), I somewhat cleverly found a Google Docs app on my phone while I was looking for games. I know, I found something rather different. :D So after the AMAZING discovery, I went OMG and started working with that. Hehehehe and yes I do go OMG when I find something amazing. I gasp in amazement after. :) If there's chocolate, skip all other steps and go straight to eating. So yes, Term 2 is a new beginning I guess. :) Hopefully it will be much better than the last. XD

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mimi's Mushrooms ^-^

Normal Day 2 morning, English then Science. :) We finished watching the movie Galataca (did I spell that right?) in Science but it kept pausing at times. XD Probably something wrong with the disc. I had a photography field trip in the afternoon at the YVR airport. We had a little scavenger hunt where we got a list of items we had to take pictures of . :) I almost got all the pictures but we didn't make it since the elevator door closed. It was pouring on the way back. I didn't have to go back to my classes since it was field trip time so I went to the library and borrowed DEATH NOTE. It was goooood. :) I'm writing an email right now and I have to hold the phone between my shoulder and my ear. It keeps dropping. >.> Sooooo now I am tres tres tired and will therefore go to sleep. >:)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mimi's Mushrooms C:

I slept very late around 1:30 because I had to finish the socials project with le petite Vivian. Turns out we didnt even have to hand it in. >:| Now I am extremely sleep deprived and extremely tired. QQ It was a pretty normal day. Breakfast, Math, French. There wasn't a quiz this class in French so we just did WORK. Oh and I made ANOTHER GREEN MUSHROOM~ Because mushrooms rule the world. When i  got home I ate lots of yummies like yogurt and CANDIDE HAW~~~~ Now I have to do finish reading the English book and do the character development "assignment". Boo. Too many characters. :/ I also want to finish reading the Last Hero which is basically a continuation of Percy Jackson. It's a new book but there's connections. :O Yesh, pretty awesome. Now I will wash grapes and eat them. 8D You know cuz i like them. 8| Rawrs, well English time. Hopefully I'll finish. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mimi's Mushrooms $.$

So a very busy day today and therefore I am VERY tired. I cannot say what since some things are TOP SECRET. As for right now I am desperately trying to finish homework. Not to mention find Vivian who is NOT picking up her cell phone so I am forced to do the unthinkable and phone that's right her dad. >:O You know, cause we need to finish a top secret socials project. I also have to finish my math homework. :/  Im eating Candied Haw right now. >:) It's also really sticky cause it's candy? Yeah, that makes sense.Here's a picture of just regular haw. :D  I also showed Jessie another video about NOPE. That's the title. :) Pay attention to the guy's neck kk?  
I'm now showing Jessie all sorts of different tropical fruit. To sum it up, I am very busy now, I hate Math, I hate everything but I will forever love fruit. <3 Oh and yesterday my dad made bread using a bread maker. It was better than mine. >:( His actually tasted soft while mine was.... a rock. That was my day and now I must go spam Carina! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mimi's Mushrooms >:D

I had a great lunch today, raisin bread and grape juice!!! >:D Now in the morning I had math! The graphing calculator was really fun but sadly we had to draw the graphs. For French we had a test but thankfully it wasn't really hard. :) The sentence I made in French the other day got me PERFECT~ After lunch in Socials, we had to find the 25 worst off countries in the world. I worked with Vivi, we finished most of it such as the criteria. I headed to Applied Skills where I made yes, a PURPLE MUSHROOM!!!!! >:D I tried to make a hamburger but it failed. QQ Hmmm let's see what else? Oh and on the way home I shared the tiny umbrella with Carina. We talked about bunny, turns out she has five fish. Before she had 10 but the big fish ate the small ones. XD So now she's left with 5 big ones. Carina then gave me divine punishment. That was horrible because of the rain. QQ That's basically it. Oui oui. >:)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mimi's Mushrooms :D

First off in the day was English! We started off with the story circle! Shared all the things we did the day before. After the stories was Science! We had to draw the male reproductive system. I coloured mine stripey. >:) I also looked at some of the others, one had a unicorn on the bladder. o.o During lunch, I went over to the old dogpound to get some pizza. Turns out they had AMERICAN QUARTERS. The pepperoni was really good and so was the grape juice. >:D We had PE after lunch and did a 10 minute run in the gym which gave me a big cramp. >.< But basketball made up for it since it was really fun. I was the TALLEST! I rammed into people. >:) Vivian got scared cuz of that~ Photography was really relaxed, we didn't really do much. :) I walked home with Vivian and others. It started pouring after a bit though. >.<

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EB: Mimi's Mushrooms :D

The life of Mimi Mushroom!!!! First off I encountered a plum. A tasty plum, being me I ATE IT!  I also encountered the penguin hat Jennica ordered. The beak looked a LOT like nose. I mean a LOT like it nose. But is wasn't. :) We also had to make some sentences in French using future proche. Here's a sample of the ones I made translated into English "The cat ate the little boy between Vivian and the paper" Nice oui? >:) Jessie showed me the Musical Doodle video today. Let me just say that Gary looked dead to me ok? Yeah, ok he was converted from snail to record player. Look for your self and see the dead Gary Looks like it right? I also walked over Carina today. :D Not to mention becoming statues!!!! People were a bit freaked out but bla. Carina and I also broke a whole bunch of STICKS! They turned into twigs. >:)

Monday, November 14, 2011


So my brilliant adventure that I have so "cleverly" planned is COMPLETE! And I did it with a minimal number of times that I got lost. XD Yeah so I actually missed bowling since I took the bus in the wrong direction.... In my defense I just got off the skytrain and I did not know which way was West. @.@ Hahhahahaha yeahhh. Good times. XD I took a picture of where I got off and turned around :D There was like a group of shops there lols XD I considered eating there but no... Yeaup so after I realized I took the bus in the other direction and ended back where I started so ITS ALL GOOD. :D After that there was no more getting lost since I knew pretty much the rest of the way. Downtown, Metrotown, yeaup. I almost forgot to get off the Skytrain when going to Metro tho. Thankfully my good friend who is also my metaphorical mom at school, Yunyi was there to drag me off with another lecture about why I always get lost. C: Yes and I wasted all my money on food and other stuff that I probably don't need but IT WAS FUN. XD Watching Puss In Boots was also an incredibly good choice. Let me just say that I will NEVER look at Humpty Alexander Dumpty in the same way ever again. o.o

Saturday, November 12, 2011


YESHHHHHH, I HAVE PREVAILED! I have found the elusive MUSHROOM! Turns out she was just away for a while huh. Huh. LAWLS well, at least I know now. :DDDDDD This time I am at fault since I did not get to chat with her while she was online. Bla. Anyways that it for my Missing: Mushroom reports. :D Now I will release one of the songs that I have been memorizing for the past few days. Ladies and gentlemen the one, the ONLY, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS feat. THE SONARS!!!!!! *le sound of clapping*

Friday, November 11, 2011


Looking for friend Mimi, codename Mushroom, Day 2. No sign can be seen according to both Gmail and Facebook messages. Since I have no other way of contacting Mushroom even in these modern times, that would conclude my search report. DOOP. Needless to say, I have seen absolute no sign of Mushroom... I sent her messages but ALAS, no reply. ZIP, ZINCHO. ABSOLUTELY NONE. I feel lonely now... Sniffles. But I will never stop spamming her until she FINALLY replies. Maybe it's just because she's busy and didn't check but still.... Being Mushroom, never a blog missed right? I dunno, I'm guessing. SIGH. RAWR. Ok, I should go back to spamming with the hope of a reply. :/ Oh the other hand, I had a VERY big accomplishment today. I memorized 2 more Spongebob songs. :D First is the BEST DAY EVER~~ and the MUSICAL DOODLE~~ They're pretty awesome. I'll put a link up someday. Or Mushroom can after she goes on. :) LOLS I'm going to go spam her since I apparently think that'll help. :D Kk bye. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Question Marks?

Hai hai. :) So I know I'm very inconsistent with blogging, I'm sorry. I forget more than occasionally these days. Today I am mainly confused, I'm not sure what to do exactly for the Empathy blogs. I was hoping to figure it out with my partner the loved mushroom, BUT ALAS. I can't find her. :| I waited on Gmail for HOURS, checking once every few minutes. NO SIGN OF HER. I don't have her phone number, or should I say I had it but then I lost it. Since it was on a piece of paper. Yay. Low tech. :) I have a story on that actually and I'll will tell you it after this important message. So I'm going to start the Empathy blogs tomorrow then, after I try my best to track mushroom down. >:) Okies so low tech vs high tech. Let me just say that it started in French pretty much the first week of school. And yes, I'm telling you this now. :D Okies, so my friend had our presentation script on her iPod while I had mine on good old PAPER. That's right, fancy non? ;) Anyways, my friend accidentally DELETED her script and we had to "share" the script that I thankfully wrote down. I ended up having to try to recite my lines from memory. :/ LOL turned out ok though. XD But after that I have proven that PAPER is one of the best things in the world since of you have it anywhere else, you will eventually delete it by accident. Please ignore what I said in the beginning about losing my friend mushroom's phone number which I wrote on paper. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random Singing

I've noticed that recently I have been singing quite a lot. It might be normal if the songs were real legit songs but sadly, at least in most people's eyes, they are unfortunately not. QQ I believe that the songs are just under appreciated. >.< Let's see there's the ever so awesome Ducky Momo and Spongebob. :) And yes I do happen to like the colour yellow. :D I just so happened to grab the newest song to add to the big song marathon that I will hopefully do if not cancelled due to various reasons such as a mysterious disappearance. ANYWAYS, enjoy the song and I will give a complete list of all the songs that I sing. >:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Plans For Monday

I am FINALLY getting a chance to go bowling. I've been wanting to during the summer but nuuuuu. It didn't happen since I got lazy and everyone was also busy bla bla bla, many more complicated reasons. BUT NOW, the moment I have been waiting for has come and I AM GOING BOWLING. On Monday. :) For the adventure using public transit. :D I never went to the bowling place like that, I usually just have someone drive me there. :D That also means that whoever's driving me will have money and will be able to buy me food! I get hungry. :) It doesn't happen too often so it's fine. Really. :D After bowling and PIZZA or something else at downtown. I know this terrific Italian restaurant on Robson. There was another one somewhere else but sadly I forgot since I fell asleep in the car. Sorry. XD After bowling and LUNCH~~~ We're going to head on over to Metrotown, the closest place with a decent movie theatre. :) What movie you say? I was hoping for Happy Feet 2 since you know PENGUINS. But I'll see what happens. XD

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Late Nights

You know, I just noticed that I missed a lot of blogs. It's getting less and less consistant every day... Is that a bad sign? Sure hope not, I'm asian failing enough subjects already. :P That also explains why I'm staying up so late now. Well that and the fact I don't want to go early to meet the floor as my bed. Ughhh, not exactly helping me sleep either. My back ends up hurting in the morning. Blah. I'm not sure I want to do that last step. I might sleep by the open window but plz oh please not outside. Who knows, I have high sleep standards so I might turn into a zombie and eat other people's brains during the night! It's possible!!!! :O So other than that I am desperately to bump up all my B's that I am currently getting this term. So far it is not going too well. Sighh... I try. I study a lot and not just on one day now. It's more like 2. But I try!! That's the main idea right? RAWR. I'm going to go back to taking notes now. I bid you farewell until tomorrow since I will, and I WILL, remember to blog and spaz about my life once again. Au revoir :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Preparing For the Night

For once I'm not exactly looking forward to going to bed. I'm used to my hotel quality mattress with my comfy pillows and warm blankets. QQ Not to mention the warm stream of air coming from the heater beside my bed too. I am NOT ready to give it up. Noonononononono. Sadly, I must. It is a somewhat noble deed that I must accomplish to feel the empathy. RAWRS. When I get older, I am seriously getting each and every homeless person I meet a heater and a nice warm sleeping bag with comfy pillows. That is if I have the money. :) And I WILL. I WILL. RAWRS ok, people are counting on me to get them heaters and pillows, gotta start working harder now. Ughhh, nuuuu I don't even want to start thinking about day 6. No bed, no heater, outside ( well, I dun have a balcony so Imma just sleep by the window :D) and COLD. COLD!!! I hope my cold doesn't get worse. My head hurts... RAWRS. I just noticed I'm saying that a lot today. Rawr. Teehee, ok, my bed with no blanket is waiting. QQ

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Working Day

As you know, today was Take Your Kids To Work Day. This famous day is also known as an opportunity to see what it is like in a working environment or to the students a day to miss school and it won't even count. :D As for me, I got to go with my mom to the hotel she works at, Holiday Inn Vancouver Airport. I think that's the full name, anyways so I got to go sit around in the office with her as well as her assistant in the morning. Now my mom is an accountant so you can expect working with spreadsheets, doing  ton of math ( bleh), and or course COUNTING MONEY!!! WOOOT. That is like one of my hobbies, since I went there more than once. XD No really, the bills that the hotel has are so crisp. And new~~ So nice.... Anyways, so the inside story? Well, I carefully observed some other things my mom did today. First she opened Firefox and checked her stocks, then her e-mail, then the news. After being satisfied with that, work can begin. Make sure to repeat this process every 10 - 20 minutes. :) You know I might not mind that being my job. Actually no, I can't stand doing math all day. :/

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Frozen Fingers

Sigh... My fingers have completely froze. You see it all started around last Monday when the boiler downstairs broke. Now my apartment suite is thrown into the cold "winter" frozeness for who knows when. And let me tell you that typing with frozen fingers is not easy. Especially when you're trying to chat with 3 people at once QQ Other than that, let me tell you how my home kinda looks like right now. There is a heater in my bedroom and a extremely large and warm radiator heater is the living room casting a orangy glow upon the living room walls. Its fun standing in front of it though. The heater rotates so your feet are warm for a bit then cold, then warm again. XD It's fun to me. LOL Anyways, I should go stand or rather sit in front of it for a while. Oh and HALLOWEEN TOMORROW~~~~ YAY! Okies bye :D

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloweem Part One: The Costume

Yay~~ Halloween is coming closer and closer with everyday and I for one am very excited. I still have to go find the absolute perfect costume of course. At the moment it's pretty much anything. XD My first choice would of course to dress up as the Supreme Ruler of Penguins and fulfill my role. But as you know, my old ruler's outfit that I never actually had isn't wearable. So I must go find another one. It's basically just a penguin suit, a red bow tie, and a crown. A nice shiny, golden crown. Quite simple right? WRONG. Everything's pretty easy to find except for the penguin outfit itself. Sad isn't it? So I guess I'll just go with anything at the moment. As long as it's somewhat suitible for the magnificent ruler of penguins, that's me by the way. :D

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stayed Up Too Late

I know what you're all thinking, 11:00 PM? That's not late at all. XD Well you know what? It is for me. Not to mention I'm not in the best of moods so it's rather bleh. Yeah bleh, new word I made up just now to describe my mood. Definition of bleh: a combination of ugh and blah. :) Yeah... so I'm feeling quite tired and after finishing up my little hopefully close to daily blog I'm gonna pack up my stuff and happily drift into a deep sleep in less than 30 seconds. So like instant sleep as soon as my head hits the bed. Just WHAM, semi-unconscious. I dunno if it's just me but I really want a way to have real sleeping contests. So it would be who can enter deep sleep first. Either that I'm a really passionate sleeper or the laziness and sleep deprivation got to me and I'm going a little nuts. I personally think it's a bit of both. :D Anyways, I'm going to promise to you that I will start to write more interesting stuff since its usually the same thing now... Complaint, complaint, i'm going to bed. Ok, tomorrow I will include the Ducky Momo theme song. That is my mood booster after all. :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Ughhhh my head feels so very heavy right now... Why? There's only ever one reason why I'll be tired. An avid sleeper such as myself. The reason is of course homework. Yeah I was on Skype with my friend and dear dictator studying for a science quiz that we have tomorrow. I dunno if it's like an actual writing kind or if it's a lab. It's all a blur to me at the moment. All I know is I now have a good way to study and that's good enough for me. Maybe I'll do the same thing for my socials quiz on Friday. Yeah... that'll be good. So other than that and many other complaints I have running through my mind, it's pretty much it for today. Just a regular school day you might say. :) Okays, I'm going to go to sleep since I have read that I should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep everyday and lately I have not. QQ SO good night and remember that sleep is ever so important in life.

Monday, October 24, 2011


A pretty weird thing happened today. You know how there's horoscopes at the back of most newspapers? Most of the time I don't really believe them but there was this one time a few years back where it siad that I would run into some money. Then GUESS WHAT. I found this crumpled up, kinda soggy $20 bill on the side of the road. I know you might be thinking "That's DISGUSTING UGNDGKAGSD" To me that was free, quality money. There wasn't anyone else around so.... yea, my property now. :) Ahem..... so. Since then I started believing in the horoscopes a bit more. Not a lot but just a bit. So there I was reading my horoscope and the first sentence was STOP PROCRASTINATING. I stopped right there since that was a bit freaky. HOW DID IT KNOW?!?!?! o.o I don't know what came after that since I was too freaked. I understand that horoscopes are pretty vague and fits for ALMOST anyone but what are the chances? Hehehehe. I really should stop.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ducky Momo

OMG DUCKY MOMO~~ This duck might be the only other bird that I love more than my very own penguins. Yes, that's right. The unbelievable has happened and the world may end due to this impossibility. But how can you not love this duck. >.< So there I was just causally watching Phineas and Ferb online like any other kid and then BAM. I'm in love with this magnificent duck. By the way, the "I Hate People" thing on the commemorative plate was a typo they made during manufacturing which made this exclusive plate even more exclusive? Yeah, okay that works. So now I'm going to look for wear I can buy Ducky Momo stuff. Maybe the Phineas and Ferb website. Hahahahahah I'm obsessed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Am Confused

Why do I keep getting phone calls from Churchill saying I'm absent? Ok, yes I was because of a legit field trip. I HANDED IN A FORM. >:| So I'm going to go spaz aka politely complain to the office. :) Other than that, I will just say that I ran out of money to get a 2 scoop gelato. T^T After pizza and coffee i ran out. I didn't bring a lot in the first place so that could be it. Gelato dream not fulfilled. Sniffles. I did have a TON of fun just busing around (and singing Spongebob, Charlie the Unicorn songs, and of course the DUCK SONG!) but I must admit, I learned that walking is not my forte. Nor is anything that requires me to think extremely hard. My brain will hurt a lot. then I will be upset. It's bad that we didn't get as much time to stay at Lonsdale Quay as last year. It's also too bad I didn't get a video of someone screaming while going on the balance game at the park there. Sigh too bad. If you're getting annoyed of my many punctuation mistakes and typos, it is because i have forgotten how to type properly and my fingers are kinda numb. So good night~

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Lalalala, tomorrow is another fateful day. The one penguins waited for since the beginning of time. The day is... GELATO DAY. You know how one of my many goals was to eat so much gelato that I would get sick? It might be tomorrow. That's right. You see, there's this little gelato shop at Lonsdale ( I went there last year too, the cappuccino flavour was absolutely AMAZING~~~) I still thank whatever force that led me there. If it was just my penguin instinct, then I would give it a special shout out since that might've been the only time it did me any good. Anyways, I always wanted to know if it's even possible to get sick of the delicious and scrumptious and too good to live without gelato. If I get sick of it, I won't even know who I am anymore. QQ So I'm REALLY looking forward to that. :DDDD Well, and the airport orca and moose. The big ones? Yeah, they're fun to hug. >.<

Monday, October 17, 2011

Math Grief

Ughhhh math is not nice to me this year. I didn't really get a teacher that explains the ideas of whatever topic we're on. I'm not exactly blaming the teacher, it's just that I need things to be explained a little more thoroughly. Anyways, I found this website online, Khan Academy, I'm basically counting on that as my Math teacher. Well that and my mom. :D SO now every weekend I'm gonna do a little review of everything that we covered in class just to make sure that my little penguin brain didn't mess something up (a daily occurrence now) and I will remember everything as the wrong thing. :D Isn't that hilarious? I'm gonna cut today's blog a little short mainly because procrastination got the better of me and I am panicking. Tomorrow I will make it up to all of you with the lyrics of Spongebob's F.U.N. song! YAY~~~~ Well, it's exciting to me. >.<

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Forgetfulness Makes a Comeback

I was pretty shocked when I JUST realized I didn't for get anything (of importance) since the beginning of Gr. 9. That is until now... You see, it all began on the day of October 14th. It was a rather depressing day, mainly because of the English test that I have failed to study for. The day started normally, I went to PE, died, was revived, then went to Strings. But you see, on that very day I had an important task for an important day. The day where I can skip school to go to work (hahaha weird huh? but it's a pretty good deal to me <.<). Now you see, a form must be signed to get permission to leave and I did so. At least for the first two classes. ALAS I have forgotten to take the form out of my Strings binder and into the "safe" haven of my agenda. I have gotten news from a good old friend of mine that the form was due the following Monday. Now begins my exhilarating race to get the form in on time. If only my memory did not fail me. >:|

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Homework-less Weekend

This I think, was the day I have been waiting for... The fateful day that a legacy would be fulfilled and the dreams a stressed penguin became reality. Yes, this is a HOMEWORK FREE WEEKEND. LE SHOCK! Now dramatic music! Dun dun DUN~~~ Yes, it is quite true though. Keep in mind that I don't count studying for a Math test homework since I don't actually study. Shhhhh. :) Now I won't bore you with what led up to this, instead I will tell you the dreams and wishes that I wish to fulfill in this one weekend. First I will go down to Antarctica to hug (or even steal >.>) a penguin, then I will head on over to Italy and eat gelato until I'm sick. Now, instead of flying back on a plane my stolen penguin will gain  MAGICAL flying powers and we will fly and leaving a rainbow behind. :DDDDDD Then I will go to the US and talk like the Canadians on their stereotypical shows. Where can I park my moose eh? :D Hehehehehe perfect plan..... Now to find the money and a time machine to make it happen. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finally, A Science Fair Idea

AT LAST!!! FINALLY!!!! My brain finally decided to get up and start thinking, the result? A Science Fair idea!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha I felt so proud of my brain, then I hit my toe on the edge of the coffe table and suddenly didn't feel as smart. :/ BUT WHO CARES SINCE I GOT AN IDEA!!!! Tralala, hahaha, trallala~~~  In case you're wondering that's the happy dance song. :) Let's look at the history of my brain's ideas for this year hm? First I had the idea that I would do the effect of caffeine on people but then my science teacher said "no experiment on people >:|. SO then I got the idea to do something with stains. But that just seemed so common... But then, while I was eating delicious chocolate, I came up with the idea that saved me, how much pollutant different types of soil absorbs! I know, it's not exactly exciting but as long as it's not put me to sleep boring and not too common, it's good enough for me. >:)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thank You Convenient Breaks

You know what? I am really enjoying these weeks with 4 or less complete school days in a week. :) I think there are 3 in a row just in October right? Very nice indeed. XD To be honest, I'm just glad that I have time to sleep in now. Compared to my summer sleep hours, my school sleep times have just been SAD. Summer = at least 11 hours, School = only around a disappointing 8 hours. QQ I try to sleep earlier but it never seems to work. :/ Ehhh, anyways now I am very, berry grateful for any break that is given to me and I can, and I WILL, sleep through how many hours that are available for my nappy times. Since that time started an hour ago, I will now go fulfill my orders from myself and sleep. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Turkeyday :D

HAPPY TURKEYDAY TO EVERYONE EVERYWHERE!!!! Except you people in the US. It's not time for you guys yet. :D So sorry about not posting for the past several days, my dad came over to visit so I was out with him pretty much all day and after I got home, my fingers were too tired to continue typing so I passed out on my bed and slept. :D Ok, a little exaggerated but yes I was extremely tired because of the walking and the FUN. That reminds me, I should post the complete lyrics for all the Spongebob songs I know. I have some memorized too. XD Yeah, I sing it on the way home from school when I'm walking with my friends and they just want me to stop. Hahahahahah NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!! XDDDD F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for u and me~~~~ So more about my Turkeyday, I didn't have any turkey, I had potato! And other asian food. :) Yeah... not the traditional kind of Thanksgiving. :D I think I'll eat turkey on the American Thanksgiving. To make up for the one I didn't eat today. :D

Friday, October 7, 2011

Must Get New Remote

Yes the TV remote that I have been using and dropping for 3 years is pretty much un-usable now. All of the keys that I usually use are NOT working. Well, sometimes they do if you wait patiently for a minute... One is completely dead and that is the power button. Luckily the remote is for the cable box not the actual tv but it's the one you have to use the change channels. So tomorrow I'm heading to downtown to get it exchanged for a new one. :) I know, why downtown? Apparently you can't just go to some regular store like Future Shop to get it exchanged. NOOOO, you have to go down to one of their "office buildings". The only other one is all the way in Burnaby, much farther east than Metrotown though. Ughhh, probably have to wake up pretty early tomorrow then. At least I'll get a working remote. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blank Mind

I'm not sure why but in these several days, I have been having major mind blocks. I just can't ever think of what to write about, everything just seems so.... ordinary. Bleh, I have no material to work with and no creative pops in my mind. It's just a blank page that's waiting for a mark but the author (lol that me XD) is too blunt and uncreative to put anything down. Either that or there's been major traffic in my head and the ideas are very late. XD Since I'm not sure what else to talk about, I will start listing what I still have to do for my little Polar Bear Co. So we finished one of out pre-orders at the moment and still have 9 to fulfill... I'm still wondering when they started to stack up. Huh.Anyways, I finally got to send the patent certificate and as soon as the traffic clears up I'll get to the philosophy statement. Blahhhh, I'm tired. I'll give you more info on the traffic block tomorrow at 8 central. Lol that sort of sounded like it's a new report or something. LOL Ok then good night. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Phineas and Ferb :DDDD

You know, I really want to live in Danville. The place where Phineas and Ferb lives where summer pretty much last FOREVER. That's right. In every episode they do something new on a different day in SUMMER. And let me tell you there are a whole ton of episodes that all happened in one summer vacation..... I got to go find the Tri-State area on a map now. Then go move there, maybe into the Doofenshmirtz building. Yeah, you might be wondering what in the world I'm talking about. To some it up, FOREVER SUMMER = Danville. That's pretty much all you need to know. XD If only I knew how to get there.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Not Much To Say

Today was a pretty normal day overall. Got my socials presentation over with and thankfully the report is due the day after the actual presentation. I thought I got it mixed up. :/ Now the little "metaphorical" rain fro today, yet another map. Boooooooo. It's probably going to be easier than that last one since this one's a political map. Much easier to find accurate and precise political maps on Google. Not so easy for physical maps. :) Other than that I'm actually pretty relaxed. I dunno, I guess it's just because that the project that was giving me the most stress (other than Science Fair, NOTHING can beat the stress cause by that) and now it's DONE and OVER with. Well yeah there's still the written but I can finish that pretty quick. Maybe an hour to finish? I hope so. XD Then I can have a nice 4 day weekend to enjoy... Huh, I'm very much looking forward to the end of this week now.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Yes~~~ So as for the projects that I was stressing over these many weeks is very much or almost OVER! Socials presentation is tomorrow and then DONE. No more worries for that other than the written report that I really hope is not due tomorrow. :P Then English will be done and over with on Thursday then after a nice 4 day weekend to enjoy my freedom. XDDDD Yes, this worked out quite nicely. :D Of course there is the ever stressful Science Fair that is messing up my soon to be relaxes brain. I had this awesome idea for it but turns out we shouldn't do experiments that depend on fellow classmates. Now I have to come up with a BRAND NEW one... Maybe stains? Since Im a clumsy person... hehehe so sad that it's true. Anyways, I'm going to go catch up on all the sleep that I missed so I will give you another "report" tomorrow. :D Okie then good night!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chocolate With Gummy-Like Stuff Inside

Usually I don't like chocolate with fruit flavoured things inside gummy or not. But this. THIS THING THAT I GOT AT COSCO. It's, it's DELICIOUS~~~~~~ I can't even describe it. Actually, I can.At first, when you first pop it into your mouth the outer layer of dark chocolate starts to slowly melt away. Underneath is the sweet and sour taste or blueberry and acai berry gummy. Hahahahhahaha soooo good. Then instead of melting the gummy away ( which I think is a complete waste of gummy candy :P) CHEW IT. Chew it until there's nothing left!!!! >:] Yeah, total character change just then. But really, I never thought that fruit flavoured candy wrapped insaide chocolate could taste good. This just proves me wrong. XD

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Running Out of Time

You might be wondering why I didn't blog in the last 2 days. Well, I have two words for you SOCIALS PROJECT. It took up quite a bit of time especially since my group still has not finished it and it is due the Monday only 4 days away. I'm pretty sure only the Powerpoint is left but it also might be possible that more info needs to be added. Naw, 35 slides should be quite enough. Yeah so by the looks of it, my new school year goal of no more procrastinating is not going too well. :/ It's like procrastinating is a religion to high schooler's or something. Or it's like one of those diseases that just won't go away. Or like a really annoying cold along with a high fever. Ughhhh, I must improve. It's mostly just for projects. As for normal homework I'm finishing at least most of it the day it's assigned if I didn't finish it in class already. :) At least I'm improving at something.

Monday, September 26, 2011

An Almost Break

So today I had what you might call an almost break. At least I call it that so ummmm yeah. Alright so basically I had time to sit on the couch, watch TV and not have to worry too much about that dreadful stuff ,that I will one day become allergic to, homework. IT WILL HAPPEN. Maybe. I still can't believe that it's happening. Ok, double check time. As for the hats, I made five already and requested an one week break from the magnificent designer and it was GRANTED. YES!!!! I'm kinda shocked that she just let me take a break tho. =.= Next up, since I just presented my science "project" today there was no homework from science! Same for English, but I didn't present. :) Now socials I'm a bit worried about since we only have what, 2 days left? But I guess that we'll finish. We as in my group and I. Lalalala, ok I'll live somehow. Just stay up to midnight once and done right? I know, bad habit. :/

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time Travel?

Apparently, time travel might be possible. Remember all those stories about time travel and you're like "If I could do that, I'll probably rich by now. I can just go ahead and find out the winning numbers for the lottery, enter it in and BAM. Richosity achieved." Now it just might be possible. :OOOOOO Jaw-dropping~ So my mom was just browsing online, looking at the news as usual and then one of the headlines were about a particle that was FASTER than LIGHT. Yeah... the thought to be impossible is possible. Ok, bad phrase but you understand what I'm saying right? Ok, so if scientists can find out more about this strange particle, time travel will eventually be possible! Possibly. :) Yeaup, so that was basically the highlight of my day. Other than that, I did finally learn how to end a hat myself. XD Before that I usually just have a friend do that for me. :P But now I know. Mwahahahahahahaahahaha... >:) I don't know what that was for, feel free to ignore it. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Game That Annoys Me

Do you know some games where you just can't win and yet, you keep playing since it annoys you so much and you just got to prove to the computer " I CAN DO IT, SHUT UP AND LET ME TRY AGAIN." >:| I know what it feels like. I found this game on a random game website today while ( I was bored XD) and found this cursor game where you basically have to follow this line with your mouse and you can't go off the line. Ok so before I start my story of how much I fail, let me tell you a little back story. Flashback music~~~ When I was just a small penguin, I used to play with one of my neighbours a lot and we'd just go on this random website and play games pretty much all day long. One of those was this one follow the line game that was, to be honest, ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I mean really, the art was awesome. Anyways, so I played this one and then I remembered my hatred of it all over again. You see, my friend was a lot better than me. When I would immediately go off the line and the character would fall to their death and the other character that it was trying to save would also die, she would just be awesome and pass the levels like it was just as easy as breathing. So today there I sat playing that game over and over just trying to get past the first level. I (FINALLY) made it and now I'm telling you this story. Ok then. The End. C:

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Dying Mouse

Let me just be clear and say that the mouse that is dying right now is not one that goes squeak squeak and eats cheese. No it's the one attached to my computer and pretty much either double clicking everything when I press it once or not doing anything when it's supposed to. Yeah, I'm pretty mad at it. Then I think about all the times I dropped it and all the times i almost spilled water all over it. I did spill water just beside not directly on the mouse. :) Anyways, with the half dead mouse I can't even click and drag stuff or hold down the button for copy pasting. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT COPY PASTE. So I'm gonna go buy a new one soon. :) For now I'm gonna go fine the Hello Kitty wireless mouse that's under a bunch of stuff in a big box I use for storage since my mom thinks my room is too "messy". It's a long story. :/ So i'm going to go yell at my mouse one more time before bed. How healthy right? XD

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Yes so today I am very berry happy that the science presentation that was supposed to be presented today was, that's right, POSTPONED! One of my favourite words on many occasions. :) So yes, my group got very lucky considering we weren't prepared very well. Hahahahaha, that's some crazy good luck. If only something like that can happen for my socials project due soon... Let's just hope the luck well still has some magic left. XD Alrighty, so the project mentioned just a sec ago is getting done. So far notes should be completed like by Saturday night? At least that is the goal. :P Then we'll have to finish by Thurs when it has to handed in and omg i hope we make it. QQ On the other hand, the hat factory is going quite well. C: There's even a company joke/ analogy now. XD So you know how all the cute Asian pens and pencils are almost always designed in Korea, made in China? It's true for our company... My friend who is Korean designed the hats and I, who am a proud Chinese, make like 1 a day. XD Isn't it such a weird coincidence? The things you notice in Science class. Okays, I'll write again tomorrow and it will be something other than ranting and complaining. I know! I'll write about bubbles~~~ Lol okies, bye. C:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Procrastinating Yet Again

Yeah... you know how one of my goals for this year is to stop procrastinating? Yeaup, it's not going very well. Let me list the ways of how I am failing my own course of goals. Exhibit A, the science presentation that is very much due tomorrow. Procrastinated and I am now with my group online furiously trying to complete it. We're almost? Somewhat? Getting done. Bla, it's killing me. I'm sleep deprived already. :P Now onto Exhibit B. The socials project that is due quite soon. As in NEXT THURS. Now, what has my group done? Found a few sites for notes and did 5 points worth of notes. Yeaup, to sum it up NOTHING. RAWR. Yes my forever laziness is catching up and I am going to ultimately die soon. Hahahahha. Okay... Oh I started to learn a new language too. :) It's called Panic! Of course I'm learning Simplified since Traditional would be a little too hard for me at the moment. Here's a little bit of what I learned today. SAGHSIGSKGKNGSGDKA PENGUINS! DSGGJSD. Pretty fluent right? Yeah... if I don't stop procrastinating, I'm gonna speak Panic just like a native. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mass Manufacturing

Yep, that's me. I'm now known to my "company" as the mass manufacturer. Why I was given this heroic (lol?) name? I think it's because I have gotten very, extremely fast at making hats. Either that or I got addicted and I can't stop. I dunno, either one. What I DO know is that I finished an adult's size hat in one day. In I think 2 - 3 hours. Hahahahahaha yeah, I'm an idiot that doesn't know how to manage time since I am now very behind on my map and completely forgot to practice my violin. Ahahahaha that's fine. C: I'll just finish everything very quickly tomorrow and forget about knitting the hats. I must forget.... But it's just waiting for me to make more.... Yep, I have a problem. Anyways, I'm going to go quickly study for tomorrows safety test. Let's hope my memory stayed in tact and that I can remember all the info I learned from the beginning of last year. Memory, don't fail me now. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am very annoyed with a little thing known as mapping. Yes, what I usually would think is a somewhat easy task is annoying me very much today. Usually I would be okay with it but having to add lines of longitude and lattitude is very... annoying. I'm not quite sure what other word I can use to describe it. All I can think of is ANNOYING. I remember in Grade 5 where the only maps we had to do were ones of Canada which were very plain to be honest. Then you compare Canada to Europe and you'll immediately get a headache just from looking at Europe. At least I do. You can see more than 10 countries in a week! I have got to try that... anyways, the headache I have from finelining everything is settling in. I'm just glad that we didn't have to label the different countries as well. What a HUGE mess everything would've been then. HA! Ok I'm going to bed now. Bye~

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chunky Ice Cream

One thing that really bugs me is chunky ice cream. Other known as ice cream with chinks of ICE in them. They annoy me so. Ice cream is supposed to be creamy and smooth hence the cream in ice cream. So why I'm bringing this up? Of course it's because I was just eating some and was very displeased. It just ruins the feeling of ice cream and why I love it. Not too mention if makes the ice cream taste like ice and water. Blech, how disgusting. So to get over it and eat my ice cream, i mushed it all up into a soup like substance and drank it down. I hope that this is the only one that ended up chunky. Hopefully the others are still the smooth, creamy ice cream that I love. Okay then I'm tired. Good night and happy eating!

Friday, September 16, 2011

What I Just Heard

According to the news, yes a real source, Vancouver is the #3 worst dressed city in the world. Huh, that's kinda funny. I'm just sitting here peacefully procrastinating and going on Facebook then I hear the TV going on about the worst dressed cites in the world. There sitting at number 3 was Vancouver. Apparently it's because that people just go outside in yoga pants and the TV's screaming put on some real pants. Anyways I just kinda find that interesting they would put that kind of stuff on the news. Yes, the evening news. Guess things are kinda slow in the world. Oh wait, guess who's number 1? Orlando, Florida. According to them, the most stylish thing there is Minnie Mouse's dress. XD But you must admit that is one stylish mouse. :) Okays, that all I'll be going to bed now. Haha that was my daily laugh all this. XD Okie good night. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hopefuly The Start Of More Sleep

So today I am going to start part one of a healthier life so I don't get sick as often. :) After those few days with that fever, I am hoping no one around the world has to go through that ever. You get all sweaty but you still feel so cold IT IS HORRIBLE.. Anyways, here's part one on my journey to a healthier life. I'm gonna start off with sleep since you know, I really, REALLY like no love sleep. C: Haha, who doesn't? SO, usually I get to sleep at around 11 ish. I know it's pretty early compared to some of the bedtimes that I've been hearing but I need a ton of sleep just to function somewhat normal. :| Yeah... So everyday starting form now I'm going to start preparing for bed at 10 sharp. Preparing as in brushing teeth and that. Yes it takes me a long time. So by the time I actually go to bed it'll be 10:30 and I'll get a hour more sleep. It adds up you know? Then on the weekends I'll sleep even more. >:) If I have time that is.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I hope very much hope that this is the very last time that I will see this pesky fever. I don't want to see it tomorrow, a month from now, not even YEARS from now. I never had a fever that went to temperatures this high before. :/ Luckily, as the title indicates, my fever is (pretty much) GONE! My cold is still here and is killing my throat but I got some mouthwash-like stuff to gargle up to 5 times a day to make my throat feel a bit better. :) I dunno what the doctor prescribed to me but it tastes absolutely HORRIBLE. Apparently it was supposed to taste a bit like mint. Let me tell all of you from experience that it does NOT taste anything like mint. Unless mint is supposed to leave a really bad kind of chemical like taste in your mouth. Well, I'm trying to avoid using the rinse as much as I can now.  One more goal for when I grow up, MAKE SOMEWHAT GOOD TASTING MEDICINE. I capitalized it to make it more important and to show how much I care. :) But really, the rinse tasted that bad. >.<

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The First Attempt

Today I started what looks like my first hat or toque. :) I actually had to start over 3 times now but that's fine. At least I'm trying really really hard right? It's the effort that counts. :) I tell that to myself so I don't feel completely disappointed. Turns out that little hook like thing is very important... I'm currently borrowing a friend's knitting circle and borrowed the hook in class. I can't really "do" anything at home now. :/ Is there some extremely easy way to make one? I think paper clips might have been an option but I think they're going to bend WAY too easily. I don't know if it's because I made a mistake but on the first knob of each set (is that the right term? lol) it's really hard to pull the bottom yarn over the top. It's looser after that though. :) I think I'll just go buy one during the weekend. It seems much simpler. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dead Plant?

For quite a long time I had this "flower" plant resting right beside the kitchen/ dining room window. To be honest, I rarely water it since I always, ALWAYS forget. Usually it gets like a big amount of water this one day in a month. It never bloomed but it's still green. You know, with some dead brown leaves hanging off the side and to this day I wonder, "Did it die?" I don't actually know the answer. :/ It's still mostly green so it must mean that Planty survived right? Yep, that's the plant's name, Planty. :) I'm not good with names... I really hope that I'll start remembering to water the poor plant otherwise it'll end up like all my other dead plants that died of dehydration. C: Yep that's right, MANY died. First there was the strawberry plant. I think that was also since it didn't get enough sunlight... I put one of those bulbs that water the plant for you. C: It's too big for any other plant though. Oh well. :| Then there was the tomato plant which grew to fast and I didn't know how to transfer it into a bigger pot. So the pot or "home" was too small for the growing tomato and it DIED. Then there were the 18 bean plants that died since I forgot to water them. C: Yeah... I killed a whole TON of plants. I should really just remember to water them huh?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

At Home

So here's a little update on how my cold is since I really don't know what else I can talk about at the moment. :) Let's see, when I woke up I had this HUGE headache. I think that it might be because I sat up too quickly when I saw that the clock read 11:30 AM. So after finally getting up, my head was still pretty blurry. Is that the right expression? I'm not sure actually. :P To be honest my head is still a bit dizzy... Ughhh, I hate colds... :( My eyes hurts, is that normal? It's because it's really puffy right? Sigh, you would think that after getting over dozens of colds that I would know more about them. My fever's gotten a lower so that's good right? Yeah, last night it was over 38 C, now think it's gone down to around 37.7 C. So yep, I'm getting a bit better. Maybe the tons of vitamins that my mom made me take are helping. :) I just hope that by tomorrow it's gone and I can get my normal head back.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


That's pretty much what I'm thinking right now. Mostly because I think I got sick. Yep that's right, after the first week of school I'm at home with the cold. At least I think it's the cold. The symptoms are just sore throat, fever, coughing, and that kind of stuff right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the cold. Since my eyes are kinda puffy, my head hurts, and I think I got a fever... It's not comfortable. QQ It's almost tradition for me to get sick with the cold every single year. Usually I get it around October or November but I guess this year I just got very unlucky... Anyways, I hope that it doesn't last long and that I don't end up getting another one later on. >.< It would really suck if I have to stay like this until spring comes. I guess I'll just stuff multivitamins and vitamin C down my throat until I get better. :) I guess my mom was right when she said that I should eat my Flintstones gummy vitamins everyday. Well, I'll start now. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Napping vs. Sleeping

Now this is a little segment called napping vs. sleeping. Many people consider it the same thing, I am NOT one of those people. I believe that there are significant differences between the two and that using the differences, it can give some advantages (if they can be called that :P). First I think everyone considers that napping is just a shorter version of sleeping. So napping is, I suppose, less lazy since you're taking a short break while sleeping is a long break. Now have you considered that you can take a LONG, very LONG nap? Like the length of the average sleep. It can give the impression that you aren't as lazy. When people ask you, the answer can be "I just took a very long nap." You're not telling them how incredibly LONG that nap was, I believe that they will just assume that the longest it can be is 4 or 5 hours. It's a little trick I use during summer so that my mom doesn't think I'm that lazy sleeping all day. I slept, then I took another long nap. C: I'm not sure how well it worked but I'll keep working on my definition of napping and sleeping. This has been The Different Kinds of Sleep with Dr. Penguini. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Second Day...

I got to admit, I think that there's a chance that I'll like Day 2s more this year. I can pretty much just leave my brain dead for the entire morning since I have P.E. first then Strings. For P.E. I don't really have to think that hard, just motivate myself not to give up and for Strings I guess I have to use my head a bit more but it's better than doing math first thing went you get to school. After lunch I have to start "using my brain" and work since I have English then Science. I'm just glad they're on the same floor so I don't have to run everywhere. :P Anyways, enough about my schedule. I talked more than enough about that. XD I'm just gonna use this little bit of space to complain just a tiny bit about P.E. :) First let me just say that I am exhausted and completely out of shape. Like, I ran a bit during summer (to be exact maybe 3 or 4 times) but I did a LOT more sleeping and eating. And a tiny bit of napping. It is not the same thing as sleeping. :) There's a tiny difference between the two. XD I'll talk more about that some other day I guess. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah, ok then. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back To School

Ughhhh so tired.... I must get up everyday before noon starting from now on until summer... I'm quite sure you know the reason but i'll say it anyways. SCHOOL. Sure I'm happy that I can see my friends again and that I do things other than sleep all day but I would very much like it if school started a bit later. Like noon. :) I know it's not going to happen but I can picture it now, getting 10 hours (or MORE) of sleep every single day. That would be nice. :) Ok, enough of my dreams. Today was pretty much the first official day of school to me, you know since yesterday was just 10 hours long. It went pretty well I guess. Socials first thing in the morning followed by applied skills, french and math. The only thing I'm not happy about is that I have to run from the third floor to the first, then to the third again, and back to the first. QQ Why can't there be an in between class? Well, there is lunch where I eat on the second and catch my breath from the running. XD I'm just glad that the teachers are pretty nice and that the rooms are pretty much on the same side of the building. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End of It All

The ending is coming!!! The ending to the story of my Gr 8 life is coming to a close. No worries, a new Gr 9 version would be out in September. :DDDD As for now, I am starting to realize that finals are inching closer than ever. They're just creeping closer and closer then they'll eventually suck all the life out of you eating the remains after... Wow, that sounded so... "dark". NONONONONONO I must think POSITIVELY!! ALthought I'm finding it very,berry difficult to find the bright side of the final exams.... Sigh, sigh, sigh. Wait, no the good news is that the final exam questions are all multiple choice, right? YESH I'm saved! If I had to write an essay about something I would literally die. X.X Teehee.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things Are Getting done

So to finish all the work I have been complaining about all week long. Maybe even all month long, today was nothing but a homework day. Not as fun as I would've liked but at least I got quite a few things done. :) SO to begin with, I worked on the socials forum for waht seemed like 3 HOURS. I'm sure it was less than that though... =.=" Then I gave myself a little so -called "break" by reading my english assignment. The questions were actually quite confusing for fill in the blanks. OMG, my brain's dying!!!!!!!! NUUUUUUU the sadness of it all... I must plan a funeral for the death of my brain. Oh wait, that's not logical... WAIT LOGIC. It didnt die after all! :DDDDD Yea, I think the work have made me mad. O.O Mwahahahahahaha definately. To top it all off, a little quote from Alice In Wonderland. "It just get's curiouser and curiouser!" :DDDDD Well, good night. I'm off to sleep to celebrate my brain not dying. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So very many things to get done in this week.... First of I absolutely MUST start studying for EXAMS!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Freaking out about that. Secondly, I must finish all of the school things too. At least Book tests are over with tomorrow. I have basically spent all of tiday finishing reading that book... Yes, a lot of time that I could've prevented from being wasted, wasted. After book tests, all I have to finish is the socials forum (I still have a TON to do), stress about Buskerfest a bit (more details tomorrow if I feel like it), the French Oral Exam, knitting (well, that's pretty relaxing), and the "mini" Science project. T^T Ughhhhh, I really should stop procrastinating. Every term I say to myself, DON'T PROCRASTINATE then it happens again. Maybe I should start smaller like doing more work in one day than usual. That would work better perhaps... Well, I'll do another report on the progress tomorrow.. Bye~

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

French Oral Exams...

Today I am worrying about something I usually don't worry about. French. I usually do quite good in the class, not much studying is required. Then BAM. I find out that there are ORAL EXAMS. To tell you the truth, I'd much rather just hand-write it. I can't think of the correct phrase to answer with on the spot. I require time and I need to write it out then read. T^T I can't think properly when I'm put on the spot. I need TIME. And a lot of it. I'm also having a little bit of trouble understanding some of the harder questions... :'( Sigh, sigh, sigh. I think that they're next week on Wednesday. Maybe earlier... :O AHHHHHHH worry worry... I'm going to have to do a lot of studying this week...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Resting With a Twist

Yes, technically I was resting all day today. Here's the twist, that doesn't mean i didn't do any homework. ;D It's just that the homework I did isn't exactly "sit down and do work" work. It's more like the kind that is relaxing. Example, most of my day today was used up by reading. Not just reading, reading as in just doing it for fun. Yes, indeed it is fun but it's also my English homework. AHhhhhhh, see what I did there?? Actually that's my best example other than knitting. :D That's right, I didn't forget about that. I've been working on my scarves everytime I watch TV or read. :D Oh yeah another piece of news that I'm very, berry happy about. I FINALLY GOT SOME DONATIONS FOR BUSKERFEST. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! Hahahaha celebrate~~~ 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Group Test

Yes, apparentally a "group test" is possible. The traditional only work with yourself rule of tests have been thrown right out the window and now the brand new age of group tests are emerging. A time to share ideas, work together, and SYNERGIZE. :DDDDDDDDDDD Hahahaha, it's also a lot easier than taking a regular written test. Not to mention more fun as well. XD So I guess you can say that I've become quite fond of them. :P Seriously, I never would've thought that taking a test in a group is ALLOWED at school. 8D This only proves how less I know of Churchill laws. Ahhhh, I'm just glad that the "test" is over with and I have less things to do. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sorrys with a Chance of Test Grief

Soooooo very sorry for not writing my blogs for a little while... SOOOOO VERY SORRY for that. I sincerely apologize. In my defense, I had many things to do and I wanted to slack off. I mean, rest. :D Hahahahaha, you did NOT just hear that ok? >.> All righty then. :D you probably already heard of the complaints of the tests and quizzes and all of that other work that's just piled on us poor students, right? Well, I'm going to complain more! >:D JUST KIDDING! I'm just too evil for my own good. 8D But seriously, these tests and work has given me a TON of grief. I spent almost 5 hours studying and I feel like I didn't remember anything. And that's just for ONE of my MANY tests. T^T Ughhhhh... I just want to go to sleep. And forget all about the tests... Too bad that's just a far away dream huh? Ughhhhh... I'm going to go get a snack to eat now. Preferably something sugary. Like CANDY. OR CHOCOLATE... Mmmmmm, I love chocolate... So yummy. :D

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Days of Peaceful Resting

Lalalalalallllalaa. My absolute favourite thing to do in the whole wide world, nothing. Yay!!! :DDDD So peaceful, so easy to do. And more importantly, so RELAXING. So how I spent this long weekend? Why, none other thaan plopping down on my nice,coooomfy couch to watch TV and SLEEP!!! OHOOHOHOHHOHOHOHO~~~So yea... Story of my life huh? That and the obvious PROCRASTINATION. Oh, that reminds me... I still have to finish all of my school homework due Tuesday. All of that I'll have to do tomorrow... T^T I'm sad now. Oh weeellll, I might as well just enjoy the rest of today. Tehn put off the work till tomorrow. :DDDD NOOOO!!! Bad Pepe, I shouldn't be putting it off anymore!!! But I'm really tired.=.='' Then again, sleep always comes first. :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Poem Book.... FINI!

Yes. That is very well correct. My little poem book that has been giving soooooo very much grief is FINI. FINISHED!!! Yes what seemed like DAYS of hard (somewhat un-concentrated) work, it is finally completed and ready to be handed in the very next day. I have no idea why I'm using the word "very" so many times today. I guess I'm just that happy. :D At least there's one less thing on my to do list now. What's the other things on that list? Well, let's see... IT'S CONFIDETIAL!! MWAHAHAHAHAH >:D Yep, I'm that evil!! >:D I'm a evil little weevil. hahahhaha. Anyways, I'm going to go celebrate by sleeping now. So good bye!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Public Transit!

So yes, I'm writing about Friday's events the day after only because... Nah, no reason. Just felt like it I guess. :D Well, what is there to say except, me taking public transit without a map or someone telling me when to get off equals getting glost. Yes, not just lost, GLOST. I actually have no idea what the letter G stands for. It was just a typo that sorta sounded like a real word. Hahahahahahaha. Anyways, ahem. The Seabus, didn't actually smell like SEA!!! I got very inaccurate information from a friend that "always" takes public transit. Info = WRONG, INCORRECT. Hahahah for once I'm right about something. Let us remember this fateful day. So me and public transit is ok now. WE aren't enemies anymore YaY!! But now my memory is failing me. I watched a series of EXTREMELY funny clips about this cat, and yes it's animated, and I FORGOT the NAME of the SERIES. Now I'm off to go find it. As soon as I find it I will start posting up the website and videos. So funny. I guarrantee it. Ok, maybe not. But if you're anything like me, even just a teeny bit, it will be pure gold. :3

Friday, May 13, 2011


This was written in YESTERDAY's point of view
So yes, Blogger's not working and I'm very mad. That does not mean I'll just wait. NOOOO. I will just send it without Blogger. Yeah, TAKE THAT BLOGGER!!!! >:) Uhhhh.... I don't want to wait. I want to play tic tac toe on my blog website... T^T I am finally able to beat the computer 2 times in a row. I can usually win only if I go first though. :DDDD Well, not much to say today. I'm going to leave all of the field trip info blogging for when Blogger gets back online. So yes, you have to wait too!!! >:D Am I not evil? :D Just one quick question. Is it ok if I just hand in the field trip form tomorrow right before the field trip??? I looked into the classroom on today and NO ONE. Except some other teacher. I'll attach a scanned version to this email. Just in case. :D By the way, I uploaded it using Paint. I dunno anything else. :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Slowpoke and The Waiting Person

Somewhat obviously, the slowpoke is my INCREDIBLY slow computer and I am the somewhat patient waiting person. BUT I CAN'T BE PATIENT FOR VERY LONG. The most is around like... a minute. :D Yes, yes I see how some people might just lump me in with the "impatient" people. I like to classify myself as the dignified somewhat patient people. :DDDDD Anyways, my computer is driving me CRAZY. At the moment I'm forced to use my classified and "emergency" netbook. So yes, waiting. and waiting. Occasionaly slapping the computer as "punishment". Right now it's getting a time-out. :D

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Extra Extra! Breaking news! Lost agenda since ummmm... Friday! Yes, what you have just heard id true. I... have... lost... my... one...and... only... AGENDA!!!! T^T All of my master genius plans, EXPOSED!!!! fsgssdgssdgfsndgofd THIS IS TRAGIC!!!!! And yes, I have looked for it. After I found out I went to check my Math class (I had it in that class, I remember writing a schedule for when I get home), then my Socials class and finally I went to ask the office. NOTHING. ZIP! The poor thing disappeared into thin air! Although, my best guess is that I dropped it during lunch when I went to get my things. My backpack was really well um PACKED and full so I guess I took it out, put it onto the floor and then forgot to put little agenda back in! Hmmm yes, that seems quite logic. Well, I guess I'll just ask a few of my friends of they seen it tomorrow on Monday. :) But until then, I got myself a replacement agenda. :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Faux Fire?

BLINGGGGRINGIRINGIRNGIRNGINRING. In case you haven't figured it out, that's my imitation of a fire alarm going on typed. This is the exact (well, maybe not my imitation is not that good) same sound i heard approximately for 20 minutes. Why? Well, what other reason than the fire alarm going off??? Exactly. this wasn't the first time that happened. This is honestly I think around the 3rd time it happened in this exact same building within the time that I lived here. Whoa, the sentence sounds so weird... Sorry off topic. Anyways, it's not fun standing around outside watching the firemen look everywhere. Here's a sneak peek in my mind. I REALLY do think that someone just accidentally pulled the alarm. one of the three times, that's what happened. The other was an actual real fire. Well, maybe not fire. Just a whole lot of smoke. Luckily, everything's fine and there's nothing for me to worry about in my dreams about the building burning down. :) Althought I might dream of my socials test coming to life and eating me. O.O We'll see what happens. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I fell pretty "lucky" today even though that today might've not been the absolute best day ever. I'm just glad that the TEST giving me all that grief and stress is indeed POSTPONED. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love how that sounds. BIG TEST POSTPONED!!!!!!! This is the time for a nice celebration SONG~~~~ Yes!!! I don't have a test tomorrow~~~ I don't have to die tomorrow~~~ I... DONT HAVE TO GIVE UP SLEEP~~!~!~ The end. Anyways, this is basically just me ranting on and on about how glad I am that the test is POSTPONED. Although there is always that bit of doubt... But this is my one and only hope so I'm hanging on to it. :) @}~  Yes, I have just figured out how to make a little rose. C: Ok, that's about it. All that's left to say is GOOD NIGHT.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This is the email I just got from Stress: "Heyy Pepe!!! I just realized that you're due for this week's stress. SO here I am. I think I was supposed to come by yesterday but I was on vacation so I'm here to give you 100 times more stress than I intended to. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! >:) From your friend, STRESS.
I'M NOT HAPPY THAT STRESS CAME. Now I am sSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO incredibly STRESSED. What to stress about you might as well ask. Let-eth me list-eth the ways. NUMBA ONE. This is the very central and main point of stress. MIDDLE AGES TEST ON WEDNESDAY. Let me just say that I'm not good at test preparation. Not good at it at all. But I usually get by. This time I don't count on that happening. I took a peek at the text bok today. TOO MUCH INFO, TOO MUCH INFO. That's what my brain started to shout after maybe 2 pages. RAWR. I am sad. I am mad. I am a tad sad and mad. Teehee. Rhyming relieves stress for me, ok? Now that I feel relaxed, I don't want to think about the things that make me stressed. So I'll give you a few hints and you can figure it our you're self. Presentation in a foreign language that has not been memorized (due TOMORROW) and MUCH MORE HOMEWORK.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Technically, the door isn't locked it broke. BROKE!!!!! Now I can't even open the closet!!! >.< All my clothes is there...And some other stuff too. I don't know how it broke, it was perfectly fine this very morning. T^T Now the door can't open. You can turn the doorknob but the door just won't OPEN. I'm starting to think that shouting OPEN SESAME will open the door... SEE??!?!?! THIS IS MAKING ME DELUSIONAL!!!!! Such a bad day today. Definately not one of those happy days. Everything just isn't going the right way... Hopefully tomorrow we'll get it open. T^T

Friday, April 29, 2011


AFV, standing for America's Funniest Home Videos (you can tell where this is heading right?). is basically a collection of videos of smart people doing stupid things. Then at the very end, $10 000 is awarded to the person that sent the funniest video of the show. At what i think is the end of a season, $100 000 IS AWARDED TO THE SEASON WINNER!!!! Wow, pretty much getting paid to do stupid things. Good job? Maybe. =.= This very show is now part of the everyday routine of my family. Everyday, we sit down on the old couch to just watch these people and laugh. Then laugh some more. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. Then when it's time the 3 finalists are presented, guess who will win. I'm usually right. :) Lalalalaallaa. So another glimpse inside my penguin-ish family. :) Really, it's just me that's a penguin. Everyone else is "normal". >.<

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Belated Goals

Ahem. I know that the title may be a little misleading. What I really mean by belated is that the goals were supposed to be for Term 3 but since it already started quite a while ago (a LONG time ago actually), I will be listing the goals today. And I might make a checklist at home. Oh and I still have to make the school days until Summer Break countdown too... Anyways, on with the goals list :D
  1. Finish homework the day it's given unless it's a HUGE amount
  2. Start studying for tests a few days before the actual date instead on always studying last minute
  4. Sleep on time (easy :D) then wake up on time (...MUCH more difficult)
So as you probably noticed, my goals are pretty much  the same throughout the year. It's a lot easier to just write it down a lot of times so I'll remember. You're quite familiar with my bad memory right? Anyways, I will start working on these very goals starting....NOW. :D

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Second Part

This is the second part of the Epicness. Like the first part, this message will also self destruct after being read...
Hey guys? So here's what happened soon after.... Doodododododooo~ Up there we went. Flying higher up every seconds using the magical moving stairs. Soon enough, silvercity movie theatres was revealed. Then shock. There was no 2D version of Rio that day!!!!! Only 3D available. Some of the team was not able to watch Rio with the rest of us. So they said these brave words: "GO ON WITHOUT US!!! T^T I looked back, and smiles were there. Brave smiles of true soldiers... LET US NEVER FORGET THEM!!!! C: A report of the movie must be sent separately for company reasons. Let me tell you what happened after. LUNCH~ FOOD DOOF FOOD DOOF. Although, finding a seat in the food court was excruciating. But we carried on and survived, ALL 7 OF US! Now we are in a mall. A HUGE mall. After the mission, what else to do other than shop till our feet hurt sooo much!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Anyways, that's my mission report and the movie review will be went soon. Salutes and good nights form your favourite private agent, Spy Fishious T. Penguino.
Self destructing in THREE... TWO....ONE..... KABOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Epicness

This message is made to self destruct after being read since the message it contains is too epic to fall into the wrong hands. And especially the military. They want the RECORDS!!!! Just kidding. :) But seriously. Remember, top secret....
hello? HQ? Yes, I am here to report the mission to you. The mission is COMPLETE. And I think it was successful but I can't really tell. Bad judgement. :) So, here's how everything went... Flashback-ish. Doodoodododo. Remember everything is in my eyes and mine only. After the excruciating ride towards Metropolis at Metrotown, the movie theatre was secured and ready to be entered. As soon as it opens. So until then, everyone just raided the stores. :D I have also found that my luck was AMAZING. I really wanted to win a 1/2 off thing for a scratch ticket. Guess what I got. Exactly that. :O I have no idea how that happened. Wait, someone's coming. I must deliver another one to you. it is not safe to do so now. The Epicness must be continued next time. Until then I wish you well.
Self destructing in 3... 2.... 1... BOOM!!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Lovely New Job

With a new Spring finally approaching, I have got myself a BEAUTIFUL new job. The best part about it is, I can't be fired. Since the job is... IMAGINARY. Yes. A beautiful job indeed. What is this magnificent and quite "noble" job. Why, it's none other than making IMAGINARY medival seige weapons. :DDDD So far, my team and I are working on a top secret operation that I will only partially reveal. Let me just tell you that this invention can very possibly CHANGE THE WORLD. More information will be posted as the weapon exits testing and is released into stores. Launch date is approx. May 28th. And remember my motto(my team has not accepted it yet): If there's a polar bear in sight that is stealing the fish of us penguins, let us blast them to Pluto!!! >:D