Thursday, June 14, 2012
Productive Little Afternoon
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
A Life Without Emoticons?
I Never Knew
How I "Study"
2 More Days~
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
*Argggggh why is this so very difficult for me? It doesn't even sound like me until around the middle where I was considering going back to the regular ladeeda way of writing that I usually do. XD Maybe I'll even try it again. >:D When I'm bored and have nothing to do. =w = HEY this might be the new hobby that I'm searching for! :D But the well's gonna run dry pretty soon so I better keep searching for now.
EPTFOT 4: Behind the Scenes
EPTFOT 4: The War
Monday, June 11, 2012
Mother's New Obsession
Study study~
Planning A Few Things
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Relaxing Times To Come?
I Slacked Off
Le Haircut
Thursday, June 7, 2012
A New Plan
Forgetting Things Yet Again
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Shining
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
A Little Game
Monday, June 4, 2012
Kind of Drowsy Right Now...
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Annoying Elastics
My Pride For the Week
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Congrats Penguin Ruler, Your Brain Is Now Mush
Typos made: I lost count after 20...
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Lots More Work Now...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Boats and Popsicles
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Le Boating Tomorrow :D
Monday, May 21, 2012
Head in the Clouds?
This Funny Little Sign
As you know yesterday my mom and I did a lot of driving around in Burnaby since we had to go pick up some from friends. So there we were driving and driving, then I think it was around Victoria and 49th there was this little sign right above the Canadian post sign that said in very big letters, DRUGS. At first I though that it was part of London Drugs since it was blue and white but then when we got a bit closer, it didnt say anything else. I guess the London part fell off or something but there isnt a lot of space for it to fit.... =_= I kind of want to go back to investigate now. XD
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Snoopy Comics!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I Have No Willpower
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Zerg Rush????
***found it lololol XD
Zerg Rush is an online gaming term used to describe an overwhelming scale of attack carried out by one player against another in real time strategy (RTS) games.
Mother's Day!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
It was so very crowded.....
Monday, May 7, 2012
Looking Back~
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Mom, Queen of Haggling
Friday, May 4, 2012
Charlie Brown~~~~
Frappucino Hour!
My Moms New Found Hobby
EPTFOT: Vampire Flower
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Computer Troubles... Can the Work Be Done?
Monday, April 30, 2012
EPTFOT 3: Backpacks
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sneezes Hurt
Hmmm I'm just thinking if there's a way to automatically send notifications to you after I write a blog each time... Since I'm using mainly my phone and writing them during commercial breaks of various shows, I usually forget to send a notification until days after.... Then sometimes I forget to send one. The old ticker's not working so well these past few days. It's kind of annoying that on my phone I can't find the url to copy and send to you.... It irks me greatly. I heard a while back that there's a thing called subscribing and that'll send notifications. I ought to try that out. I also realized that I am talking funny today. Seriously, irks, ought???? What is happening to me????? D: Maybe it's because of the morning. I don't usually get up this "early" in the morning. =w = That reminds me. WHY AM I UP????? Well I'm probably gonna go back to bed after publishing this. You shall hopefully get the notification later tonight. :D
EPTFOS Truth Behind the Fiction: 2
Ok I decided to make a short segment for the time being since what happened in EPTFOS 2 was incredibly true and GUESS WHAT I was penguin numero dos. =w = So let me shed some light on what really happened. It was afterschool on what I believe was Thrusday. Im not quite sure but thats what I remembered so bleh. Anyways it was me, Angel, and April on the second floor close to the side door that leads to the stairs. So I said something and that led to April poking me repeatedly with her umbrella ( oh and April if you're reading this, be sure to tell of any flaws in the story. The emperor's memory was never that good =w =). So when she turned her back to talk to Angel WHAM right in the backpack with the old violin. Of course I don't want to face the wrath so I bolted towards the stairs. She caught up right at the door and then slipped/ tripped on what I believe to be the red pen found at the scene later on. Then she fell with her arms reaching outwards, managed to poke me as I turned out to see whats going on, realized then covered my head since it was too late to help and April might fall on me too. Then thud. Don't worry she's fine, the umbrella and box she was holding broke the fall. Anyways then I got a whole to of pokes with rage. But it was so hilarious that the laughter couldn't be stopped It was even more funny since everything literally happened in slow motion. o.o Anyways, goooooood times. =w =
EPTFOT 2: Umbrellas
Once upon a Thursday, there were two penguins. One held an umbrella while the other a violin case. It's a really simple story actually because only a few things happened. First the penguin with the umbrella began the poke the penguin with the case. After turning to face another direction, Penguin numero dos swung the case and managed to hit the umbrella penguin. Realising the severity of the action, numero dos ran. BUT numero uno followed close behind. At the d oor, just before the stairs, the penguin with the umbrella tripped and begun to fall. Epically. Arms reached out in a diving kind of position, everything occured in slooooowwww moooootttttiiiiiooooonnnn. Then a resounding crash filled the not so empty room. And in the misdt of all this, Penguin number 1 still managed to poke Penguin number 2.
The End
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Blog Stats
Monday, April 23, 2012
A Different Way of Blogging???
Poor Little Squishy Mango
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Back to China
I will be going back to visit for the second time since I came to Canada!!!! I think the last time I visited was like 3 or 4 years ago... Well when I meet everyone again I shall show how tall I have gotten. >:) Unless they have all managed to grow too, then the Emperor of Penguins will be sad because she was midgitified. And yes, I have made that a word since last year. I will begin adding it to dictionaries tomorrow. >:D As for China my mom and I already started buying lots of gifts to bring back for everyone. Turns out I have a lot more relatives than I thought. :O
My mom has suddenly decided to get an iPad~~~ She's really focused on the online marketing thing she started a while ago and I guess the iPad will really help with giving presentations to others to see if they want to join. I don't know exactly too much about it. XD Although I am looking forward to the games I will be playing on it. >:) We're also bringing it on our trip back to China this summer. :) That way I won't have to bring my little netbook. ;) Which would also mean that I will have to download many TV shows and movies onto the iPad for entertainment. :D After all, what'll I do if I don't like tthe movies being shown on the plane? =w = I guess readings an option.... ow o
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Mango Eating
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I am not looking forward to tomorrows test... But I tried a new way of studying that I really hope will work somehow. I tried learning like concepts and how everythings kind of linked in genetics I usually just try to memorize all of the different terms and end up forgetting the majority of it. XD Memory not optimal. That's what I have to say. Anyways studying took a lot less time today than usual for other tests. I'm hoping it's just because there is less stuff to learn. XD Shorter blog today~ Actually it might be regular length... I can't tell when I'm using my phone. XD Oh and I have to send he blog notifications the day after so thats not so fun... I sometimes forget. :P I really want to find a way to improve my memory skills now. =w =
Monday, April 16, 2012
Stomach Ache...
Sun Run!
You are awesome
Awesome, awesome, awesome
If you were more awesome,
You'd be TRIPLE AWESOME!!!!!
Beautiful, no? =w =
Monday, April 2, 2012
Stupid Toothbrush
This incident is not necessarily my toothbrush's fault but since I know that my brain is dead I am just going to blame the toothbrush now okies? Ok now with that sorted out let me go on with the sad story where my toothbrush attacked me. Lately I always feel as if I don't have energy and have been feeling quite sleep deprived, more than usual... My mom is starting to blame it on vitamin deficiancy now. XD But really its gotten pretty bad. I can literally just fall asleep on the couch when watching TV. :/ Anyways due to that I'm not quite fully awake especially at the beginning and end of the day. The time where the viscious toothbrush comes out. Basically I kind of "lost conscienceness" when I was brushing my teeth and the toothbrush quite harshly hit the gums of my teeth. QQ It bled for quite a bit too.. Now it hurts when ever move my mouth and stings A LOT when I eat. Sad thing is this happened 2 times this week. QQ Stupid toothbrush. >. <
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I looked back on a few of my blogs and noticed that they are quite random. @ . @ I seem to write about the most meaningless things sometimes. XD But not the songs I posted. Those are absolute pure genius. Oh that reminds me I still have to post the song Grace showed me. It was also quite beautiful. XD Oh onto randomeness, I have also noticed that my blogs changes subjects right in the middle. Like what was just about to happen before I carefully stopped myself. I think all this is just because my brain is not organized enough. XD I should work on that... :)
Catching Up!
I am quite behind on a several things at the moment. Numero uno, my Chinese class lesson homework. I cannot be fully at blame since I missed the last two classes and just got the homework today. :) But it seems there really is a LOT to do... :/ Numero dos, my blogs! I missed a numerous amount during the break and now I will slowly make up for them! I'm thinking of writing two blogs everyday for half of this week and that should get me back to the respectful number. :D Oh wait maybe the whole week since I also missed a few at the very beginning of this term. I got a teensy bit confused. Numero Tres? Is that right? I'm not taking Spanish so I really have no idea. XD And no I am not using google translate although I usually do. =w = My french presention script! I was supposed to finish it Friday in class but sadly I got a bit distracted.. =~= I need to work on my attention skills.
Busy Weekend...
This weekend seems to be filled with a lot of chores. I think it may have to do with not really being at home the last weekend so absolutely no chores were done. Usually there's around 2 rounds of laundry but there like 6 this week. QQ I can't put it off anymore otherwise there would be no clothes for me to wear and I will be forced to go to school in my winter pajamas. Which are penguins by the way, my winter pajamas are decorated with many little penguins. =w = I noticed something just now, when I write my blog using my phone, I actually sound a bit different. o.o I don't know, it seems to me that I'm a bit more straightforward. XD There will also be more spelling mistakes since I turned off auto correct and occasionally a label for the blog. :D It's also noticebly shorter. =w =
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Richmond Center
Ice Cream Cake
Hunger Games!
Spring Break in a Few Words
Friday, March 2, 2012
Other Random Songs That I Love
Ok yes technically speaking it is a cartoon but it has one epic song that I'm learning so bleh. I got the first verse and the chorus down so far. :D
Ok this one scared many of my friends away... Especially the Penguinia Empress Grace... I swear it's not scary. Really.
AHKFSDHBKG OMG LOVE!!!!! This currently is the song that I am putting all my focus into~~ IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL. And apparently scary but don't listen to those people. XD I actually managed to learn the lyrics in just one day. >:) If I can find this song on violin, I would seriously learn it. Then play it every Strings class to Grace so she can finally start to see the beauty. :D She's scared of all the ones I posted just now.... =w =
I hate how I can't make that chattering (chittering? ) noise. >.< It irks me how I can't do it.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG DUCKY MOMO!!!!!! I seriously worshiped this duck for 3 months so BIG ICON. Yeah, Ducky Momo used to be the god of Penguinia. The holy icon of Penguinism. Got booted out. XD I'll introduce the new god later. XD Gotta move on to the next segment now <3
I JUST LOVE HOW THIS SONG IS SO OPTIMISTIC!!! I made this an anthem to me. :D I feel so ashamed that I forgot part of the lyrics. I'm sorry, I had to go learn the Pink Elephant song....
AHAHAHAHHAHAAHA I feel bad for those other people. XD Or fish... o.o Anyways, I still remember how to sing this one. thank god I didn't forget otherwise I wouldn't be worthy of my Cartoon Song Master title. XD
And that's it for Spongebob for now. :) I shall end this segment with a quote from Spongebob : But you know, I've been through a lot in the last six days, five minutes and twenty-seven seconds, and in that time, I've learned that no amount of mermaid magic, or managerial promotion, or some other third thing can make me any more than what I really am inside: a kid.
Holiday Blogs: Numero Uno y Dos
First Christmas party of the 2 weeks happened just yesterday~~~ Yeaupers and for this one I even got to cook. >:D Nothing much though. XD Just some sugar cookies and the fruit punch. :) What was really frustrating was that all the adults kept shouting " LESS ICING PUT LESS ICING HEALTHY EATING RANT RANT RANT" Then into my other ear are the screams of my friends and other kids going ICING FSDKGHSKDNGFKFD WE NEED ICING~!#~!#@!#! The parents won. XD I liked them both ways so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. XD Anyways, I spent pretty much the entire party playing Smash Bros with my friends on my Wii. =w = Let me just say that beating Zelda with Link is one of the hardest things I have encountered in my entire life. D: LOL anyways I'm a bit tired so I'll go sleep. Good bye and MERRY
OMG RANT RANT RANT no snowwwwwwww. D: I was so incredibly sure that there would be snow this year.... You know since it didn't snow last year. BUT NONE. I even got out my sled. >: RAWR Je ne suis pas content. I wanted to finally build a decent snowman!!! The ones I made before were all extremely disfigured with lots of dirt rolled in. XD I am no artiste. I am more of the critic that will go around giving out IOU's to everyone because I needed more time to write the actual critique. AHAHAHA procrastination at it's greatest. XD Oh how awesome would it be if you could just hand in an IOU when you don't finish your homework?? XD Oh FUUNNNYY. But it sort of makes sense right? Oh and if you're not sure what an IOU is, read out just the letters. I. O. U. AHHHHH see what I mean? XD I feel clever. No actually I got it form Spongebob. o.o
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Look out! Look out!
Pink elephants on parade
Here they come!
Hippety hoppety
They're here and there
Pink elephants ev'rywhere
Look out! Look out!
They're walking around the bed
On their head
Clippety cloppety
Arrayed in braid
Pink elephants on parade
What'll I do? What'll I do?
What an unusual view!
I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
Is really much for me
I am not the type to faint
When things are odd or things
are quaint
But seeing things you know that ain't
Can certainly give you an awful fright!
What a sight!
Chase 'em away!
Chase 'em away!
I'm afraid need your aid
Pink elephants on parade!
Pink elephants!
Pink elephants!
AHAHAHAHA I really do enjoy that song. =w = I'm thinking of learning the entire thing~ It's too bad I don't know how to play trumpet or something otherwise I would learn it. XD I don't think it'll sound too good on violin. :P LOL I can try hm? XD
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I am literally dying right now. My little cold that couldn't kill a fly is slowly killing me from the inside out. As I right this I am violently sniffing, my eyes feel like they're going to fall out AND my nose burning from wiping it so much. No really, ITS BURNING D: I blame not having my beloved Puffs lotion tissue at school since my hated "little" cold was still little when I left home... As a result I had to use that sandpaper known as hand towels as my tissues since none of my teachers seemed to have a tissue box. >.< WHYYYY? QQ I thought it was regulation or something... If I was making those rules, that would be one of them. It'll be nice if they were lotioned tissues but at the moment I really don't care... Tomorrow I'm probably just gonna bring a bag of tissues to use since I don't have any little packs at home... Hehehe making my own packs of tissue now. XD